Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1718: Water monster

When he stepped on the ground, Daerui breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they landed at a high altitude, they had already done some training and were proficient in the use of jet backpacks, but there was still a certain risk in air landing.

Of course, as a soldier, you have to take this risk.

As the commander of this search team, Darre can't hesitate.

"The captains of each team confirmed the number of people and immediately moved closer to me."

The order was clear. Soon, hundreds of soldiers gathered in the forest around Darri.

Looking around at the soldiers in the forest, Darley said: "Our search area is ten miles away in the south. Before reaching the search area, no one can leave the team and set off."

The search team began to set off. In the forest, hundreds of figures headed south.

Although the terrain in the forest is gentle, it is more humid, the ground is relatively soft, and the rocks are almost invisible.

Perhaps it is closer to the volcano in the search area, and the ground is dark gray.

In the forest, the search team went all the way, and every soldier was very vigilant.

They held their rifles and looked around with vigilant eyes as they moved forward.

Although the Middle East has been plundered by demons, the number of polluting beasts in the forest has been greatly reduced. It can even be said that the biological chain in the forests of the Middle East has been completely broken. There are no polluting beasts, but the surviving polluting beasts still exist. , Who can survive under the devil's claws are often dangerous polluting beasts with powerful survivability.

Devil is the enemy of all living beings, especially in the eyes of polluting beasts.

Polluting beasts are different from humans, and they will not run away until the last moment.

They will fight and fight to the death with demons.

In Africa and the Middle East, demons are not only fighting humans, they are also fighting polluting beasts.

But one thing is clear, most of the devil's loss comes from the polluting beast.

How many demons are there?

So far, this is still a mystery. In these years of fighting with demons, the First Legion has roughly calculated that the number of demons killed in human hands is about 1.5 million. Even if it exceeds this value, it will not exceed too much. .

But the number of demons will never be the only ones, and a large part of them are lost in the battle with the polluting beasts.

Because on the battlefield in the Middle East, the First Army did not rarely see the battlefield of polluting beasts and demons.

The scene is tragic. The war between polluting beasts and demons is a head-to-head battle. A large polluting beast group often exceeds 200,000 or even more. The largest known polluting beast group has more than 300,000.

Of course, the loser will only pollute the orcs and be ruthlessly annihilated by demons.

For humans, the threat of polluting beasts is no less than that of demons.

In some cases, it may be possible to escape in the hands of the devil, but under the hunting of the polluting beast, the possibility of escape is almost zero.

"Captain Dalry, we have been searching this land for nearly half a month. We have encountered polluting beasts and demons, but the root cause of the plague is nothing. It is an intangible thing and no equipment. You can detect its flow trajectory, when is such a purposeless search for the head?"

The search time has been nearly a month, and they have visited many places and sacrificed some companions.

The result of nothing has made many soldiers a little anxious, even some officers.

He patrolled the depths of the forest and said to the sudden emergence of the channel, Darley said calmly: "Don't complain, I also want to complete our mission as soon as possible, and fight happily, but this time the mission is the most important thing. Seriously, don’t underestimate the above determination. The plague is spreading. If you leave it alone, the world will be destroyed sooner or later, let alone a month, even if it’s been a year, we have to look for it."

The ten-mile journey was not far, and as it approached the search area, unknowingly, the search team came to the edge of a swamp.

The line of sight became wide, and the trees in the swamp were scattered, and not far away, was a towering volcano.

Starr Volcano, this is the purpose of the search team.

Within ten kilometers of the Estahl Volcano, the search team was searching.

This is an active volcano, with billowing smoke rising from the top of the mountain, and under their feet, there is also a layer of volcanic ash on the ground in the forest.

The ground is a bit damp. Although there are roads, puddles of various sizes can be seen everywhere.

Some puddles are full of algae, some are black and not bottomless, and some are continuous, like a lake.

To reach under the volcano, you must either cross this swamp or take a detour.

There are roads in the swamp, and even if there is no road, for soldiers with jetpacks, there is no problem crossing the swamp.

The search team did not stop and entered the swamp.

In the swamp, along the hard ground, the search team moved forward.

Because of their arrival, the swamp no longer seemed calm, and the water surface rippled slightly.

Just as the search team reached a large puddle, the water suddenly rippled.


As a peculiar roar sounded, in the water, green figures appeared.

They left the deep water area and climbed up the shallows, their rickety bodies rushing towards the search team not far away.

They are about 1.7 meters tall and are about the same size as an adult. They have green skin, five-pointed human faces, five-pointed fish-facing heads, and their hands are covered with long sharp claws. It is sharp.

More than a dozen green figures crawled out of the water and rushed towards the search team not far away, faster, as if running wildly.

"It's a water monster, change the silver bullet..."

Faced with the sudden appearance of the monster, the search team seemed to have taken offense.

For their appearance, the soldiers calmly replaced them with magazines containing silver bullets.

"Kill them, free to attack..."

As the firing order was issued, the soldiers pulled the trigger of their rifles.

"Da da da……"

There was a burst of gunfire in the swamp.

The gunshots appeared suddenly and disappeared quickly.

Under the precise shooting of the soldiers, more than a dozen water monsters fell into the water less than 20 meters away from the soldiers.

These cursed creatures have powerful self-healing ability. If they use ordinary bullets, even if their heads are smashed, they can grow out distortedly. Only silver bullets can destroy their self-healing ability and make them completely die.

Why only silver bullets can destroy these cursed creatures? Soldiers don't know. They heard that there is a substance in "silver". This substance has the ability to exorcise demons and is highly repellent to the power of chaos.

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