Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1719: Hell Two-headed Dog

Looking at the water monster falling in the water, even if he had seen it many times, the soldiers still felt it was incredible.

"How long have these guys been there? In less than a year, their figures have spread all over the world, where there is water. It is incredible. The evolution from fish to water monster is considered evolution. Only the power of magic can do it."

"There are even demons that only exist in novels. I won't be surprised if any monsters appear in this world. Fortunately, they can all be killed. They are not as ruinous as in novels. This is probably the biggest human being. Lucky."

"Lucky? Humans can only be called lucky without the existence of these monsters."

"I don’t know if Al will also change in this way. Although Al does not have strange powers, there are superpowers. If the root cause of human beings to acquire singular abilities is the influence of the power of chaos, Al may one day. Changes like "earth" will happen."

In their respective team channels, watching the water monster floating on the water not far away, the soldiers started talking.

The soldiers are all from "Ayre". The world they live in is very different from the "Earth". The cognitive difference makes them very curious and unbelievable about many things they don't know or understand.

Cursed creatures have been around for a year, and the First Legion has long been studying this kind of creatures.

Although the water monster is not strong, and many cursed creatures are not very strong, they all have one thing in common, that is, it is difficult to kill.

When the cursed creature first appeared, even the weak water monster brought a lot of trouble to mankind.

These guys like to enter the sewers of human cities, and will appear in towns and attack humans if they are not careful.

And ordinary bullets can't cause much damage to them, unless they are chopped into meat sauce, or blown to pieces with cannonballs, or burned alive, only in this way can they be killed.

Without preparation, the emergence of cursed creatures around the world has brought a lot of trouble to mankind.

After two months, it was probably a human whim to use weapons made of "silver" to attack those strange monsters. This was originally a tentative experiment, but I didn't expect that silver weapons would be really useful and curse. Creatures are highly aggressive.

Until now, humans have adapted to the appearance of cursed creatures.

In less than a year, mankind has accepted the existence of cursed creatures, and mankind's adaptability can be imagined.

As far as the capable of human beings, their hunting targets have another peculiar creature.

And the earth has gradually become a paradise for the demons to move horizontally and vertically.

"keep going……"

At the urging of Darrei, the search team continued to advance.

For the search team, the battle with the water monster is just an episode.

The swamp is very large, this is the first contact with the water monster, but it won't be the last.

In the following time, the gunshots of the swamp would occasionally sounded, and each time it sounded, it represented a battle with the water monster.

Water monsters are not powerful cursing creatures. They can be easily killed with targeted weapons. However, if they are close to them, their powerful power and sharp claws can also tear the soldiers. Power combat uniform.

Fortunately, water monsters are not good at sneak attacks. They hide in the depths. Once they come out, the entire water surface will be disturbed and they are easy to spot.

They also swim very slowly in the water, a little faster than humans.

It was not until an hour later that the search team left the swamp.

At this time the search team has come to the foot of the volcano.

I don't know when, the forest in front will no longer be visible, only bare black rocks.

Looking at the towering volcano in front of him, Darri thoughtfully.

What is natural danger? The volcano in front of me is probably it.

If in the past, no one would think of approaching the crater because it was too dangerous.

Not to mention the temperature of the crater, if an active volcano erupts suddenly, the possibility of escape is almost zero.

The order this time is clear. Not only must the area within a certain range be searched again, some natural risks that cannot be reached are also within the search range.

There is no hesitation. Although there is still plenty of time, Darley doesn't want to wait any longer.

"First, the second team will come with me, and the rest of the teams will search around the mountain. If they encounter an attack, if the enemy cannot be defeated, they will immediately evacuate to the designated meeting point. Remember, our task is to search and avoid focusing on In battle, don't try..."

Before Dharri's words were finished, there was a low roar on the volcano, and the calm volcano suddenly became agitated.

The abnormal movement on the mountain caused Daerui's face to change. Without any hesitation, he immediately said: "Hidden, hide immediately."

Fortunately, the search team was on the edge of the volcano and the forest, and Darrei gave a hidden order. The soldiers turned around and rushed into the forest.

Soon after the search team rushed into the forest, red figures appeared on the volcanic rocky cliffs.

They are two-headed **** dogs. There are hundreds of them, and they can be seen everywhere on the volcano.

They seem to have discovered something, their golden pupils staring at the forest below the mountain, and their mouths growl low.

Looking at the red figure on the volcano, the soldiers hiding in the forest looked nervous.

This is a **** two-headed dog, let alone hundreds, even dozens of them cannot be defeated by their search team.

Fortunately, the concealment is timely enough, if they are discovered, I am afraid they will not even have time to evacuate.

"Hidden, don't make any movement, don't be noticed by them..."

In the communicator, the soldiers all heard Darley's low reminder.

For a long time, the two-headed **** dog on the mountain did not move.

They didn't find the search team hidden in the forest, Daerui was relieved when he noticed this.

It's dangerous, if they appear quietly, the search team of hundreds of people will not be able to hide in time.

Once discovered by them, the search team could not wait for the arrival of support.

The forest fell silent...

After a while, the two-headed **** dog on the volcano could withstand the retreat, and the red figure disappeared on the volcano.

"Captain Darley, what should we do next?"

The disappearance of the two-headed **** dog relaxed the soldiers' nervousness, and the tension in the forest gradually disappeared.

"These **** two-headed dogs are extremely sensitive guys. Once we go out and make some movement, they will definitely be discovered by them. Once discovered, we can hardly be their opponents without heavy weapons. Their speed is too fast. Once we are close, we will all be finished."

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