Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1756: Subspace engine

"Five years ago, there were still some ghouls doing the aftermath work. Not long after, they evacuated. This spaceship and the black castle on the side were handed over to the "AI" management in the black castle. It has become a forbidden zone. There are many fixed-point defense guns hidden in the floating meteorites. There are also six 3000mm plasma guns and two 5000mm fortress-type magnetic acceleration guns on the planet. Once it encounters a non-imperial signal ship, the Black Fort The AI ​​in China will not warn and activate the weapon system on its own to attack the intruder."

It is far away from the star system and no one is inhabited, but basic defense is still needed.

The Black Fort is the military base of the Black Cavalry Guards and a supply station. In the future, it will play a very important role in the Black Flag Empire.

"Commander, here we are..."

Following the opening of a door, Sakiya and the engineering robot came to a place full of metal instruments.

This is the bridge, the bridge of this starship...

Although compared to a huge starship, the bridge space is a bit narrow.

There are no crew members, just rows of metal instruments that operate on their own, crystal panels, and the screens are all dark.

The bridge is like a podium, layer by layer, with the captain’s seat at the top, and a huge console in front of the seat.

There is no air here, it is the same as the vacuum outside. Sakiya has noticed this since entering the starship.

Only gravity is the same as the earth...

This means that there is no life support system in this starship.

Of course, there are no living things in this starship, so oxygen is naturally not needed.

Coming to the captain's seat, Sakiya sat down...

Very soft and very comfortable...

As soon as I sat down, the main console in front of Sakuya was lit up, and the blue light flickered, as if a chain reaction, the entire main control was lit up, and the lights on various instruments were flashing.

There is a palm print on the crystal panel. Sakiya knew that the spaceship was unlocked by palm prints and codes.

Without hesitation, Sakiya took off the metal glove and pressed it on his palm.

With a flash of blue light, the entire bridge was completely illuminated, and the sky above the sky flashed with a light, and in an instant, a picture appeared, that was the starry sky, the scenery outside.

On the surface of the deserted planet, the floating meteorite belts are all in your eyes, and you can see clearly in the front, back, left and right sides.

At this time, the engineering robot on the side left by itself, and a small figure jumped out from the main console, which was a holographic image of "night".

She smiled slightly and looked at Sakuya in the seat: "Commander, the authority has been unlocked, and the mothership of the Yachting is yours. The database is officially opened, the mission information has been obtained, and the Yachting can set off at any time."

"No hurry, I want to read more information about this ship, to better understand it..."

Ye: "Everything is as you wish..."

With a wave of her hand, she mapped out another holographic image from the main console, which was a structural drawing of the Mothership Ye Cry.

"The energy source of the Ye Cry is 32 fusion reactors, and there are 1,200 super capacitors. When flying in material space, the armor plate of the Ye Cry can absorb solar energy to store energy. The closer it is to the star, the higher the temperature. The faster the efficiency of energy absorption, the energy stored in its 1,200 supercapacitors is enough to drive the night cry in the material world for 20 years. In terms of protection, the armor thickness of the night cry is 20 meters, and it uses A Grade titanium alloy can resist most of the existing weapons of the Empire. In addition to armor protection, the Night Cry is also equipped with the first-generation Void Shield. This Void Shield can transmit all attacks to the subspace due to the need for energy. It’s too large and must be used with caution..."

Yeah said a lot, and got a general understanding of the starship Sakiya.

Undoubtedly, this is a mothership that gathers all the cutting-edge technologies of the empire. It can be said that some technologies are far beyond the current era of the empire. The subspace engine, the void shield, and the technologies related to the subspace cannot be touched by the current humans. .

"This is the details of the mission, please check it carefully..."

Ye opened the mission information, and Sakuya looked at it.

Sakuya watched and explained, "Since the Kraken's sentry has come to Earth, the owner put the Karaken in the Black Flag Empire's list of greatest threats. This time, the mission is to search for a radius. There are 1782 targets for all Earth-like planets observed in a thousand light-years. Commander, this is a long journey, but don’t worry, new starships will join this mission in ten years. In another hundred years, more than ten starships will join this mission. It is estimated that this mission will be completed within three hundred years..."

For the Kraken family, through the mouth of the angel of death, for this race, the Black Flag Empire has already understood.

Like the previous demons, it is a parasitic life, but unlike the demons, they choose to become carbon-based life, which allows them to have their own bodies and multiply their offspring by cloning.

In order to please the evil **** and to obtain sufficient nourishment, all organic life forms in the universe are their prey.

They exist as a group. When the prey in a certain star field can no longer support their reproduction and growth, they will fall asleep, waiting quietly for the prey to multiply, and when the number of prey becomes objective again, they will fall asleep. Will wake up and carry out a new round of hunting and plundering.

This is a cycle, an endless cycle, and the Kraken clan is also the last resort of the Cthulhu camp.

A task of hundreds of years?

In the hood, Sakuya's expression was very indifferent. She was lonely but not lonely. For her, hundreds of years were nothing but a flash.

With a wave of his hand, Sakuya said: "Go..."

"Yes, Ye Cry set sail, destination: Exploration Mission No. 1 star, 56 light years away..."

Outside, with the order to set off, the huge engine at the tail of the Starship Night Scream ejected blue flames. Amidst the shaking of the ship, the huge ship slowly lifted into the air. The anti-gravity device was effective at this moment. Undoubtedly revealed.

If there is no anti-gravity device, it is impossible for the huge hull of the night cry to break away from the shackles of the planet.

After leaving the orbit of the planet, the huge Night Cry adjusted its posture and slowly sailed toward the depths of the universe, which seemed slow, but was actually very fast.

When the crippled planet behind became the background, the Night Scream ended its voyage in material space...

I saw a red brilliance flashing from the huge hull of the night cry. In the starry sky in front of the night cry, the space seemed to be torn apart, and evil auras poured out, forming a huge red vortex. Up.

The crimson energy billows like a sea wave, and its shape resembles countless demons struggling to rush out of the whirlpool...

At that moment, the huge night cry turned into a red streamer and disappeared in the whirlpool.

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