Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1757: Time flies

When the Night Cry disappeared, the huge vortex slowly dissipated, leaving no trace.

Sakiya finally saw what it was like in the subspace at this moment.

The Night Cry has entered the subspace. Outside, it is no longer a starry sky, but a red streamer world.

Due to the extremely fast speed, the front of the Night Scream was like a passage.

On both sides of the channel, the red energy of the red liquid continuously poured out, hitting the Night Cry.

But it was blocked by the Void Shield. As soon as the red energy touched the Void Shield, a circle of transparent ripples flashed. The red energy that touched the Void Shield disappeared without a trace, and was transmitted to other places in the subspace.

In subspace, time is chaotic, and the subspace engine can adjust time within a certain range. If you navigate in hyperspace, it will take more than four years to reach your destination, but in subspace, arrival The destination only takes half a year.

Of course, this is just a calculation model, no matter it is hyperspace or subspace, ships cannot stay in it for a long time.

Because the energy output of the fusion reactor is less than the energy consumed by the jump engine or the subspace engine, every time after navigating in the subspace or hyperspace for a period of time, the spacecraft must leave the superluminal space and sail in the material space. Energy storage.

Earth, Qingcheng, Crystal Palace...

After nearly half a century of development, the entire Nanlin Island has been occupied by Qingcheng, and a bridge that is more than 100 kilometers long connects the mainland.

The Crystal Palace is still the same, but Qingcheng has changed a lot.

As early as 30 years ago, the former mayor of Qingcheng, Sun Haiwang, passed away. He lived more than ninety years old, which is considered to be a relatively long life among humans.

His life is wonderful, it is no regrets...

As a city at the feet of the emperor, the position of mayor is not light, and a small amount of carelessness will offend a large group of powerful people. Since the death of the first Sun Haiwang, the mayor of Qingcheng has handled it in thirty years. Thirteen people change their positions quite frequently.

Qingcheng is no longer the one it used to be, and the Black Flag Empire is no longer the previous Black Flag Empire, but the emperor is still the same.

In seventy years, the emperor was still the same as he was a year ago. Among human beings, Li Meng has become more famous.

The immortal conqueror, the eternal emperor...

Li Meng originally thought he would keep his children, but he finally gave up. Without his own blood, using unnatural forces to create children, can he still be called a human?

With the passage of time, his women returned to him one by one, and their territories were handed over to the members of the family who were related to them by blood. Of course, some people returned to him, and some people continued to stay outside. , With an immortal life leading his family to grow and develop.

Zhu Yixuan, Sophia, and Altria from the British collar, Catherine, the Marquis of Danlan, and Gunia from the Austrian collar, they were called “not old” together with Wang Yanmei from the Chinese collar. Imperial Concubine".

Back to their side, their identities have also changed.

Not getting old, not dying is a price, but birth, old age, sickness and death is the destiny of all life, wanting to violate this destiny, naturally has a price.

"Master, the news just returned, Sakiya has already set off..."

On the viewing platform on the upper floor of the Crystal Palace, Li Meng sat lazily on the soft sofa, looking at the distant city.

Many years ago, the Crystal Palace was the tallest building in Qingcheng, but it is not anymore.

In the distance, buildings taller than the Crystal Palace can be seen everywhere, and the suspended vehicle is flying in the sky like ants.

With the transmission speed of quantum signals, more than 30 light years, it is only more than half an hour delay.

Looking back at the slender figure beside him, Li Meng beckoned to him.

With a soft smile, Chen Nannan stepped forward and sat beside Li Meng.

Today's Chen Nannan wears a black dress, and her graceful posture is very attractive.

Looking at the people beside him, Li Meng stretched out his hand, took the soft body, hugged him into his arms, and lay on the sofa with him.

Why Chen Nannan is by his side is just an accident.

Many years ago, when Wang Yuanmei was only nine years old, Li Meng mistaken Chen Nannan for Wang Weiwei when he visited Wang Weiwei. That night of wrong fish and water joy changed the relationship between the two.

Of course, Wang Weiwei's help is naturally included in this, otherwise how can I hide from Li Meng.

When Li Meng discovered that the person under him was Chen Nannan instead of Wang Weiwei, it was too late...

What happened after that was natural, and I was no stranger to Chen Nannan and Li Meng. Every time I went to visit Wang Weiwei, I could see Chen Nannan. Over time, the two became familiar with each other. They took the last step, although it was not what Li Meng expected. , But also forgivable.

Now Wang Weiwei and Chen Nannan have returned to him, and Yuanmei Enterprise is handed over to Wang Yuanmei, who is Wang Weiwei's daughter and Li Meng's righteous daughter...

The identity of the imperial goddess makes Wang Yuanmei no disadvantage in the market. Yuanmei's enterprise can be said to dominate the Black Flag Empire, and there are three colonies in the distant starry sky.

Counting time, his righteous daughter is not too young, over seventy years old.

However, she was not an ordinary human, even though she was more than seventy years old, she still kept her youthful appearance.

She was already dead in her mother's body. Although she was rescued by Li Meng, she was no different from Shi Ji. When she became an adult, her appearance was frozen, and she would not be old or die.

"Under the rule of the Black Flag Empire, human society is now fairly stable. Although many people are dissatisfied with the semi-feudal system, peace is still the mainstream of the world under the control of the imperial government. The old generation of nobles has basically passed away. , The new aristocracy is still young, they are more energetic, and more ambitious. Master, the army building can take care of..."

Nestled quietly in Li Meng’s arms, Chen Nannan continued: “The power of the Black Flag Empire has now expanded to 40 light-years around the earth. This is a long distance. Without a strong army, it’s impossible. To frighten those who are interested, although there are 13 legions, but the personnel and warships of each legion are very weak. The strongest legion has only 17 warships. Taking the existing empire’s territory In terms of strength, such an army is not enough."

The weakness of the Black Flag Army can be said to be caused by Li Meng, because a large part of the military expenditure was used by Li Meng to strengthen the Black Cavalry Guard.

However, Li Meng does not intend to tilt resources towards the Black Flag Army, at least not now...

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