Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1758: Far deep in the universe

Moneta said that within a thousand light-years, the earth will not be attacked by any foreign species.

Of course, there are also some planets with intelligent life in a thousand light years. After so many years, those intelligent life may have grown into a powerful race. In the universe, everything is possible.

The current threat to the Black Flag Empire is the Krakens, because the Krakens’ sentries descended on the earth decades ago. In other words, there must be a Krakens fleet sleeping in the Lost Star Territory. .

Before the Kraken fleet awakens, Li Meng must find them and destroy them, and this task cannot be completed by the Black Flag Army and must be handed over to the Black Cavalry Guard.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Now that the growth of the Black Cavalry Guards is the first priority, let us put aside the development of the Black Flag Army. Now the domestic situation is fairly stable. Aristocrats, entrepreneurs, some ambitious people appear. This is normal, but if they want to fight the empire, it is equally unrealistic. At least for hundreds of years, no one has this ability, and after hundreds of years, they will have an unbreakable empire. In short, there is no need to worry too much."

Chen Nannan's worries Li Meng naturally understands that the Black Flag Empire has so many people, different ethnic groups, different races, and some opponents are normal, and there is no need to feel too nervous about this.

Chen Nannan was just a reminder, since the owner had a choice in her heart, she naturally wouldn't say much.

Speaking of this, Li Meng looked down at Chen Nannan in his arms and asked: "By the way, is there any news on the Explorer 1 colonial ship?"

Shaking his head lightly, Chen Nannan said in a dull voice, "No, no traces of the Explorer 1 colonial ship have been found. Now the Cape 1, 2 and 3 stars have been colonized, and the search for more than 40 years is still nothing. , The universe is too big. If the colonial ship floats in the empire due to a malfunction, unless they send out a distress signal, it will be difficult for us to find them."

The sailing time of the Explorer 1 colony ship is planned to be 23-35 years, and there are three goals, namely, Cape 1, Planet 2, and Planet 3. If according to the plan, they will be in more than 40 years. They should have arrived on the Cape 1 planet before, but more than sixty years have passed. The Explorer 1 colony ship did not appear at the location of the target planets on the Cape 1-3. They disappeared.

The colonization of the Cape 1, 2 and 3 planets was completed by the later Explorer 5 and 6 colonizing ships.

Where did they go?

This is also a secret in the archives of the empire, and people can only guess about the whereabouts of the colonial ship Explorer 1.

It may be floating somewhere in the universe due to a malfunction, waiting for the empire’s rescue, or it may be burned when entering a star when it leaves hyperspace, and it is more likely to appear inside a planet. Although this possibility is very small, because When the spacecraft leaves the hyperspace, it will scan the outer universe for 0.05 seconds and confirm the current cosmic environment. If the current cosmic environment cannot escape, the spacecraft will continue to navigate in the hyperspace for a few seconds until a safe universe.

The possibility is small, but not without...

In short, there is only one answer, and that is the disappearance of the colonial ship Explorer 1.

Can't find it?

He sighed slightly in his heart, Li Meng was a little helpless, the universe was too big, even his "god" could not help it.

Although 70 years have passed, his current spiritual power can extend to places five light years away, but for the entire universe, five light years is a very small distance, even if he personally searches for the Explorer 1 colony The ship will not change the existing answer.

This is probably the price, the unavoidable price...


In the distant, distant starry sky, deep in the dark universe, a spaceship sailed quietly.

The unfolding of the golden solar sail makes the huge spaceship seem to have a pair of golden wings.

Far ahead, a star system is looming, the stars are dim...

The jet of blue flame produced the power for the spacecraft to advance, and it continued to accelerate.

At this time, the bridge of the spacecraft was dim, there was no crew, and no light was visible.

Suddenly, only a sound of mechanical operation sounded, and the lights in the bridge main control room came on one by one.

A large number of instruments were running again, and the silver screens lit up one by one...

In the main control room, the sound of machinery rang again and again.

"The abnormal program fluctuation has been repaired, warning, warning, hull damage, the No. 7 early warning program is activated, and the gates 056, 089, 037 are closed...

"Energy storage is 82%, the timing function of the transition engine is closed, and the shutdown cannot be performed. Plan No. 2 is implemented. The energy transmission pipeline line 3 is closed and closed, line 4 is closed, closed, and line 1 is closed, closed. , Line 2 is closed, it has been shut down, the jump engine has been offline, has been damaged, and cannot be started...

"Start Project One, target: Albert Wicks, identity: captain, life body testing... the indicators are good, the sleeping year is changed to 69 Empire, the wake-up countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ..."


With the sound of a metal running sound, a freezer compartment ejected from the metal wall of the main control room on the side of the bridge.

In the freezer, the ice mist is melting and disappearing quickly...

When the ice mist gradually disappeared, a figure gradually emerged in the freezer.

He was dressed in a tight-fitting black dormant suit, with a rough face, and he looked very strong.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, who had closed his eyes tightly, and exhaled.

He quickly pushed open the lid, panting quickly, his voice was very hoarse.

After a while, he slowed down, and staggered out of the freezer...

Looking at the empty main control room, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he quickly regained his clarity.

After moving his stiff and numb limbs, Wicks came to a cabinet in a familiar way, opened the cabinet and took out the underwear from the inside, and the captain's suit was turned on one by one.

While covering, he said: "Are we here?"

There was no one in the main control room, and of course what he said was to ask the ship's AI.

The ship responded with AI: "Sorry, Captain, we have deviated from the course due to a malfunction of the spacecraft. Now the position of the spacecraft is unknown. The spacecraft has sailed for 69 years and made a total of 42 jumps. We are already in the unknown. In the universe..."

With a trembling of his hand, the expression on Wicks's face changed and became extremely ugly.

69 years?

how can that be……

Putting on the captain's suit quickly, Wicks hurried to the main console and operated for a while.

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