Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1759: Delai

Wicks was looking for the voyage log to know what happened to him during the decades in the freezer.

But Wicks discovered that the voyage log disappeared forty-six years ago, the second year after he entered the freezer. No, it should be said that there was no record.

Cold sweat ran down his cheeks, and Wicks sat on the captain's seat with an ugly expression.

After a while, Wicks calmed down and asked: "How far are we from the earth now?"

"Unknown, according to estimates, it should be more than 130 light years old."

Wicks: "What's wrong? Can it be fixed?"

"Forty-four years ago, when the Explorer 1 colonial ship left hyperspace and sailed in space to store energy, a meteorite hit the spacecraft from the side, the shipbuilding hull was destroyed, and the jump engine was damaged. The vibration caused the circuit to be destroyed, the core chip No. 3 of the main console was burned, the main control program was messed up, and it took forty-four years to be repaired. The jump engine was seriously damaged, the main structure was destroyed, and the necessary materials were missing. "


If the jump engine can be repaired, it may not be impossible to return to the empire, but if the jump engine cannot be repaired, they will not be able to embark on the return journey at all. 130 light-years, relying only on plasma engines to advance, I am afraid it will take thousands of years to return to the empire, and this premise At that time, they found the right direction.

How to do?

Sitting on the captain's seat, Wicks frowned...

They are now 130 light-years away from the empire in the universe, and the effective communication of quantum signals is ten light-years. No matter how far away, a signal relay station must be established. No matter how far away, it can send a signal repeater to the universe.

But since forty-four years ago, the naval AI of the Explorer 1 colonial ship has been offline. In other words, apart from the flight plan, the spacecraft has not launched signal repeaters into the universe. They have a signal blank area of ​​up to 90 light years, and the signal cannot be transmitted, let alone the distress signal.

If you cannot return, you can only move forward...

There are still 100,000 people on the ship in the freezer. As the captain, he must live with these 100,000 people.

"One, do you have any good opinions? We can't go home now, nor can we ask the empire for help. We must save ourselves and find a way to live."

One is the name of the AI ​​used by the Explorer One colonial ship, which is what Wicks calls it.

"We are about to arrive in an unfamiliar star system. Through optical observations, there are 14 stars in this star system. Three of them are terrestrial planets. One of the planets has something similar to vegetation on the surface. This planet may be a suitable one. Inhabiting planets, you can investigate them and search for the existence of intelligent life. According to the imperial decree, when encountering intelligent races, conflicts should be avoided as much as possible and not colonizing planets with intelligent races.

Lifting his head slightly, Wicks looked out of the window. Outside, only the dark universe and dimly lit stars. With the naked eye, it is impossible to see the distant star system, only the brightest star. .

Wicks asked: "How long will it take us to reach the target star system?"

"1562 hours..."

Is it more than two months?

With a thoughtful expression, Wicks said: "I need to pick a list of wake-ups immediately. I need technicians, scientific researchers, and capable people. The accompanying defense team will also wake up. The total number should not exceed 500. They must Adapting to the current situation, we still have a lot to do..."

For ship AI, a wake-up list is only a momentary matter.

Wicks' order came at once. In each freezer compartment, one freezer compartment cover was opened, and the people who had been sleeping for more than 70 years were awakened one by one.

"Please follow the guide beacon to the restaurant No. 3 to gather, Captain Wicks has something to say, Captain Drey, please report to the bridge immediately..."

Just after waking up from the freezer, people were at a loss, and there was a moment of confusion in the memory in their brains.

When they came back to their senses, the awakened people in each freezer compartment followed the guide beacons to the No. 3 restaurant.

Two hours later, the bridge main control room...

Holding the military salute, Drey said loudly: "Captain Wicks, Drey will report to you."

He was dressed in a silver-gray military uniform, and he looked very energetic, not at all like someone who had just walked out of the freezer.

Picking up his hat from the main console, Wicks walked out and said, "Let's go, say on the road."

In the bright metal passage, the two walked one after another.

As he walked, Wicks said, "Dre, we are in trouble."


Looking at Wicks in front of him with a puzzled face, Drei asked, "What is the trouble?"

Wicks said: "We have been sailing in the universe for 69 years, we have deviated from the scheduled course, and came to a universe far from the unknown of the empire. Now the spacecraft is malfunctioning, the jump engine is damaged and cannot be repaired, you know what this means What?"

His face changed slightly, of course Drey knew what it meant.

It means that they are isolated and helpless, drifting alone in the universe.

"how come?"

Drey couldn't believe it, 69 years had passed since he woke up?

Wicks knew how hard it was to believe this news, but he had to tell the truth.

With a solemn expression, Wicks said calmly: "This is a fact. A meteorite hit the spaceship and caused all the consequences. Now we can’t contact the empire, nor can we return to the empire on our own. Before, to find a place where we can live. Fortunately, we are lucky enough that there is a star system in the starry sky not far away. There is a terrestrial planet in this star system, which may be our home for survival. It is also the reason why I wake you up."

Is it a habitable planet?

This is really good news, better than wandering aimlessly in the universe.

When Wicks brought Drey to the No. 3 restaurant, it was already half an hour later.

At this time, all the people who were awakened basically came to the No. 3 restaurant, 500 people, not more than one, and not many.

When Wicks appeared with Drey, everyone's eyes turned to Wicks.

Everyone knows that Wicks is the captain of this ship. Here, Wicks is the supreme leader.

Standing on a high platform and facing everyone in the eyes of everyone, Wicks said loudly: "This journey was not smooth. We did not fail, but we did not succeed. Because the spacecraft malfunctioned, we deviated. The route has been flying in the space for 69 years. Now we are far away from the empire, unable to communicate or send out distress signals, the jump engine has also been damaged, and the way home has been interrupted. We can only move forward and find a new home."

As soon as the words fell, everyone was in an uproar, looking at each other, some could not believe it.

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