Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1769: Fierce battle

Drey was not far ahead, and Qiangwei hurried to his side.

Seeing Qiangwei coming and looking at the burning forest outside, De Lai snorted coldly: "It seems that they didn't realize the gap between the two sides, so they dare to ask for trouble."

Looking at the burning forest outside the canyon, Qiangwei glanced back at the fallen corpse on the city wall and the silent corpse behind the city wall. There are no fewer than twenty corpses that can only be seen. , This made Qiangwei's face a bit solemn.

"Can't underestimate the attack distance of their bows and arrows. It is more than 300 meters away from the forest, but their arrows can easily reach them. If they attack frequently, they will cause great casualties to us."

With a cold face, De Lai said angrily: "Then take the initiative and completely wipe out the Trisolaran nearby."


At this moment, roars sounded in the burning forest.

At the edge of the forest hundreds of meters wide, a large number of tall figures rushed out of the forest, roaring towards the canyon.

They are wearing animal skins, holding spears or bows and arrows, and a step of two meters, which makes them very fast...

"Attack, attack..."

Seeing the trisolaran attack, Drey quickly ordered loudly.

The sentry cannon that had stopped firing once again roared. The modified Sikkim barrel greatly increases the heat resistance of the barrel without considering heat dissipation.

Death has descended...

If the Trisolarans are in the forest, the guards can only control the sentry cannon to shoot blindly, but they leave the forest, which gives the sentry cannon a good target.

In the roar of the sentry cannon, the hillside outside the canyon was suddenly covered by gunfire.

Flames soared into the sky and waves of air billowed. In the explosion, a large number of Trisolarans were annihilated by artillery fire, and their stumps and bodies flew randomly.

But they were not afraid, shouting "Wow...", rushing towards the wall at the mouth of the canyon.

The arrows in the sky became denser, which made the guards on the wall unable to lift their heads and could only attack with sentry cannons.

Although the sentry guns have a high rate of fire and good power, the number is small after all. With the sentry guns on the tops of the mountains on both sides of the canyon, there are only six that can attack the enemy. Although the firepower is strong, there are always gaps.

Braving the artillery fire, the Trisolaran was quickly approaching the city wall.

However, their charge also caused them heavy losses. A large number of corpses fell on the way of the charge, some intact, and some were shredded by shells.

When the battle was fierce, on the left side of the canyon in the middle of the mountain, the sentry gun above suddenly opened fire, and its angle was unable to attack the enemy outside the canyon.

The shelling was so intense that Drey didn't notice the vision behind him until he asked for help from the guards.

"Captain Drey, they rushed up, they rushed up from the side, they climbed to the top of the mountain..."

With a slightly startled expression, Drey quickly looked to the top of the mountain on the left side behind him. At this look, Drey's face became ugly.

A large figure appeared on the top of the mountain on the left. They attacked the sentry cannon frantically, but the weapon in their hands could not tear the armor of the operation cabin. Instead, they shredded their bodies under the attack of the sentry cannon.


They roared and rushed down the stairs into the living quarters of the canyon, slaughtering any visible enemies.

In the canyon, the guards who hadn't rushed to the city wall immediately exchanged fire with the Trisolaran who rushed into the canyon.

"Kill them..."

The guards armed with Gauss rifles frantically attacked the Trisolaran who rushed into the canyon.

Although the Trisolarans were tall, their stature was relatively slender, and their physical strength was no higher than that of humans. Under the attack of the guards, the Trisolarans suddenly fell down a large area.

But they were not powerless to fight back. They threw the spears in their hands with great precision. On the top of the mountain, trisolarans with bows and arrows were shooting arrows, which posed a great threat to the guards.

As the Trisolarans poured into the canyon from the side, the settlement was in critical condition for a time.

"Run, enter the room..."

The sudden onslaught of the Trisolarans gave people in the living quarters no time to react.

Spears flew in the sky, arrows screamed, and a large number of civilians who were too late were nailed to the ground, screaming again and again.

In the canyon, capable people have joined the battlefield. Although their number is small, there are more than ten.

"Watch the arrows in the sky, fight them under the cover of the building, and destroy them."

Leaving the city wall, Qiangwei rushed to the living area and gave orders to the capable people in the living area.

Suddenly, from the various buildings, the capable people rushed out one by one.

"court death……"

With a roar, the electric arc flickered in Dulai's hand, and with a violent wave, an electric dragon roared out, passing three tall figures in an instant.

Under the whistling of the electric dragon, their bodies became scorched and fell down.


The death of his companion made the trisolarans around him angry, and the two trisolarans rushed towards Drey, their huge spears already being waved.

Du Lai was not afraid, the arc flashed in his hands, it was too late, they were too close...

At this moment, from the side, a figure shot out and turned into a phantom to attack the Trisolaran who was attacking Dulai.

I saw a blue sword light flashing across the Trisolaran’s neck, and a huge head flew high...


Seeing that his companion was beheaded, the trisolaran man on the side waved his spear to Li Chengwen.

Facing this blow, Li Chengwen, standing on the headless corpse, waved the long sword in his hand and prepared to resist.

"Step aside……"

At this moment, Du Lai's roar sounded behind him.

This caused Li Chengwen's face to change slightly, and he quickly leaped to the side.


With a thunderous explosion, an electric dragon passed by Li Chengwen's side and ran up to the Trisolaran.

Hearing a scream, the trisolaran man swung down with the spear in his hand turned into a coke.

"Dulai, you fellow...I have the ability to kill him."

To Li Chengwen's frightened but angry gaze, Du Lai shrugged, and the arc flashed again in his hand.

After an angry look at Du Lai, Li Chengwen turned and rushed towards the Trisolaran further away.

As the Trisolaran rushed into the living area from the side, the living area suddenly became a battlefield.

There are too many trisomy people. Hundreds of trisomy people rushed into the living area, and on the top of the mountain on the left, there were a steady stream of trisomy people.

At first, three sentry cannons fired on the trisolaran on the left, but under the attack of many trisolarans, two of the sentry cannons were damaged. The trisolarans were very clever. They blocked the barrel with their spears. , Let the coil gun explode.

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