Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1770: Unstoppable Trisolaran

Looking down the canyon from the sky, on the battlefield on the front of the canyon mouth, the Trisolaran offensive was fierce, but it was just a feint, just to contain the firepower. On the cliff on the left, a large number of Trisolarans were circling from the other side. Xing climbed to the top of the mountain and rushed into the gorge continuously.

The defense line on the left has fallen, and the settlement is in critical condition.

The guards, the capable, and those who can fight are all fighting, and for a while, the picture of blood and fire is staged in the canyon.

On the city wall, seeing that the situation in the canyon is not good, De Lai hurriedly said: "The sentry cannon continued to fire, blocking the enemy's frontal attack. The third team stayed behind the city wall, and the others attacked the left line of defense, blocking the gap."

With an order, Drey took the lead to rush to the top of the mountain on the left along the city wall.

Because of his order, about a hundred guards on the wall started to move. They lowered their bodies to avoid the arrows in the sky, approached the left side of the mountain wall, and then rushed up the cliff along the stairs.

This is a chaotic war. This is an unequal war. The weapons are not equal, but the number of people is also not equal.

The number of Trisolarans is unknown, there are thousands, or tens of thousands.

"call out……"

A black light came oncoming from the sky, Qiangwei's footsteps flashed, and the huge spear grazed by her side.

Looking at the tall figure running in the living area, as well as the guards and capable people fighting hard, Qiangwei's expression became firm.

The breath is changing. In the protective clothing, Qiangwei's body is swelling...


The protective clothing burst, and a red flame swept out.


With a more feminine roar, a huge figure appeared from the surging flames.

It is about five meters high, it is crimson red, has a feminine curve, has two straight long horns on its head, and a long hair that is braving flames, and behind it there is a long burning tail.

In its hands, a long whip with burning flames was dancing. It was a rose, a rose that turned into a succubus body.

Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of both sides on the battlefield. When she looked at her, whether it was a trisolaran, a guard or a capable person, there was only fear in her eyes.

The image is terrible...

This is the half-devil?

The guards and the capable people naturally knew the identity of Qiangwei, but they didn't expect that the true form of the half-devil was so similar to the demon. No, this was a demon, but with a human soul.

Time won't stand still. With a wave of the long whip in his hand, the flame whip danced, instantly spanning a distance of 30 meters, and whipped past several trisomy people.


The flames flickered, and the trisolaran being touched by the long whip was directly reduced to ashes, and the temperature was as high as one can imagine.

The guards and capable people around Qiangwei only felt a heat wave oncoming, even with the protection of protective clothing, they were sweating for a while.


Facing the terrifying form of Qiangwei, the trisolaran people all around roared, and their bows and arrows and spears attacked Qiangwei.

From Qiangwei, they could feel a kind of pressure, which made them want to destroy and kill the existence that scared them.

The bigger body is naturally easy to be attacked.

Facing the attacking spears and arrows, the rose twitched the whip and danced, and the sky was surging with flames. The arrows and spears that struck were burned, and those that were not burned were stopped by the whip.

The long whip danced, and for a while, the flames in the living area flickered, and a large number of Trisolarans turned to ashes under the attack of Rose.

On the battlefield, Rose slaughtered the Trisolaran like an uninhabited land, which made the guards and capable people in battle a lot easier.

But no matter how strong a person is, there is no way to change the situation on the battlefield. There are too many Trisolarans, and there is clearly fear in their eyes, but their actions are not feared, and they are not afraid of death.

In the living quarters, Qiangwei slaughtered the Trisolaran like a demon, but the Trisolaran was also attacking her fiercely. After a while, many sharp arrows were inserted into her huge body, but Fortunately, the demonized body is amazing in defense. Although there is no life worry, the injury is unavoidable.

On the side of the top of the mountain, Dre and a group of guards have rushed to the top of the mountain, attacking the Trisolaran on the line of defense.

But the top of the mountain was too empty, and the guards suffered a lot of casualties in the face of the trisolaran who was good at bow and arrow.

But at this time, the guards must plug the gap in the left line of defense. Once they can't, as more and more Trisolarans rush into the canyon, no one can survive. The guards understand and those with the ability understand.

"Captain Drey, we can't go on like this. We need support. We need the support of Captain Wicks. We ask for orbital bombing to kill them..."

The bows and arrows of the Trisolaran are too powerful, although they cannot be compared with the Gauss rifle in their hands, but due to the large number of enemies, the firepower completely suppressed the guards on the top of the mountain.

Although they killed many enemies, guards fell every moment.

The roar of the arrow above his head made Drey's forehead a drop of cold sweat. He denied this suggestion without even thinking about it.

"No, the main gun is too powerful, not to mention the accuracy, attacking the surrounding Trisolarans will also spread to the canyon..."

The main gun of the Explorer 1 colonial ship is a magnetic accelerating cannon. As a kinetic energy weapon, its power is unquestionable. One shot can destroy the surrounding Trisolarans, but the base in the canyon may also be destroyed.

"Captain Drey, they are coming from the right, and the enemy is coming from the right..."

How many people are there?

The news from the communicator made Delai's face slightly changed and extremely ugly.

The left line of defense fell, and the Trisolaran rushed into the canyon. In this situation, if the right line of defense fell again...

Hidden behind a huge rock, De Lai quickly said: "Communication tower, immediately ask Captain Wicks for help, the settlement is under attack, we need support, quickly..."

"No. 6 and No. 7 sentry guns, stop them, and can't let them break through the line of defense."

Drey knew that a point on the right side of the defense line would fall, and the settlement would be captured and destroyed by the Trisolaran.

The two sentry cannons on the top of the mountain on the right roared. Under the mountain outside of them, black mountain people were climbing. They have amazing jumping ability and climbing ability. They can run on steep mountains like flat ground. .

There are too many of them, there are only two sentry guns, facing the gunfire, they are approaching the top of the mountain.

They are very smart, knowing that the enemy has powerful weapons, and the formation is scattered quickly, spread over a large area, which makes the two sentry guns unable to defend.

But within a quarter of an hour, the mountain people on the right side were very close to the top of the mountain, and they were unstoppable.

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