Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1785: Bones

The ship has been destroyed. Except for the three upper turrets that were destroyed by the transport ship, the hull in the abdomen of the spacecraft has been destroyed. The multi-layer hull has been opened due to the collision, and it appeared in the middle of the spacecraft A huge crack, which made the posture of the spacecraft seemed to be broken by a lazy waist, but it was still connected.

Standing on the edge of the soldier's pit, looking at the spaceship in the soldier's pit, Qiangwei asked Drey beside him.

The engineering guards are evacuating. The engineering team's task has been completed, but for Drey, their task has just begun.

Not far away, there was an ice bridge connecting the spacecraft, which was left by the engineering team.

On the top of the spacecraft, three engineering guards were cutting the spacecraft's armor, trying to open a way to the inside of the spacecraft.

Accompanied by sparks, the harsh cutting sound echoed on the ice sheet...

What do you see?

After a little thought, De Lai said: "The craftsmanship and technology. This ship has been destroyed, but its weapon system is still operating. Whether it is manned or unmanned, it shows that the ship’s Energy is still there, and some systems are running."

In terms of the degree of destruction, the energy system of this spaceship is still operating, which is unimaginable. This is enough to show that the civilization that built this ship must have a high technological level.

"Captain Drey, the armor has been cut and you can enter..."

The call from the communicator made Drey's expression slightly correct and energetic.

Without hesitation, De Lai said to Qiang Wei: "Let's set off. This is a spaceship of an unknown civilization and race. It's really curious what it looks like inside."

With that said, Drei issued an order to the team through the communicator: "Everyone must gather, prepare to go, and check your weapons."

With an order, the guards scattered on the ice sheet began to gather towards the ice bridge.

After a while, fifty-three guards and eleven capable people gathered at one end of the ice bridge.

"let's go……"

With a loud roar, Drei first stepped onto the ice bridge, and everyone followed.

Following the ice bridge less than ten meters away, everyone came to the spacecraft.

On the top of the spacecraft, the engineering guards did not evacuate, they will wait here, waiting for the guards' mission to end.

They exist as a kind of prevention, no matter when, there is always a place for engineering guards.

In the armor on the top of the spacecraft, the engineering guard opened a hole about two meters wide.

The thickness of the spacecraft’s armor is average. The armor layer is about one meter. Below are some pipes and lines, and there is a dark space below. The location of the hole can make people think of what is below.

It is the bridge, the bridge of this ship, on the ground not far from the side of the hole is a sloping black glass.

Glancing in the hole, Drey said to the surrounding guards: "Don't be crowded, come one by one, and jump again every five seconds."

With that said, Drey jumped up and jumped into the hole...

Two seconds later, Qiangwei jumped in second.

As soon as I jumped in, my eyes were suddenly dark, and the snowfield outside was still dazzling. When the color changed, my eyes couldn't adapt.

Although it is a direct jump, it is not a free fall. When in a falling posture, the micro engine behind the protective suit has been activated to slow down the speed of falling.

When her feet touched the ground and looked around, Qiangwei realized that they had come to a place full of metal instruments.

The light above his head flickered, and beams of light appeared in the darkness. As more and more guards entered, more and more beams of light also illuminated the bridge.

This is indeed a bridge, and you can see some console-like places.

Time seems to have passed for a long time, and under the beam of light, dense dust floats in the air.

"The mechanic said that when the armor was cut, there was no gas leak, indicating that the air inside the spacecraft is the same as the outside. It seems that the ship has been destroyed completely. If the life support system is destroyed, the aliens should not be able to Survive."

This is just a guess, only a possibility, but what Drey said is not wrong.

The life system is the foundation of life support. If the life support system is destroyed, the aliens in the spacecraft will not have the possibility of surviving.

Of course, unless there is something like a freezer on this spaceship.

"Captain Drey, come here and see what I find..."

As the guards wandered around the bridge, they also found something.

Hearing the roar of the guards, Dre hurried over.

When he came to the guard and looked at the things on the ground in front of the guard, Drey knew it.

It turned out to be a corpse, a corpse wearing a ragged uniform. The uniform has decayed and turned into gray fibers.

Crouching on the ground, Drei stretched out his right hand and took off the skull from the corpse.

It was easy, Drey only used a little force, and the head and the bones separated.

Holding the skull in his hand, Drey stood up and looked at the skull in his hand with the help of the beam of light on his head.

The skull is a bit bigger, at least larger than a human skull. Other places are somewhat similar to humans. It has two eye sockets, a bridge of the nose, two rows of teeth, and the frontal bone. In addition to the size, there is one difference. There are two small sharp horns on both sides of the skull cap, very short, only about three centimeters.

"Miss Qiangwei, what do you think they look like? From a skeleton point of view, they are very similar to humans. Although there are differences, the differences are small."

I don't know when, Qiangwei has already come to Drey's side, and Drey is aware of Qiangwei's arrival.

Looking at the ground aside, Qiangwei said calmly: "It is not the only one. There are still many dead bodies on the ground. This spaceship is very large, and there may be something similar to a freezer. Maybe you can find a living alien people."

This is also...

Putting the skull in his hand on the console beside him, De Lai said: "Find the door to the outside, search separately, don't be careless, there may be living aliens in this spaceship."

At this time, more than fifty guards have all entered the bridge...

The door to go out is easy to find, but it is not easy to open it.

"Let's work hard together, 1.2.3..."

In front of a round door, several guards tried to open the hatch, but it was useless.

No matter what direction it faces, the door still stands still.

Looking at the shape of this door, it should be a contraction type. It is not easy to open it with brute force.

"Idiot, how can it be pushed open with brute force, use a plasma cutting gun to cut it..."

Seeing the guards stupidly trying to open the door with brute force, Drey scolded.

Before entering the spaceship, Drey thought of this muzzle and asked the mechanic for some plasma cutting guns.

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