Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1786: star map

The scolding from Dre reminded the guards that they had plasma cutting guns.

The guards in front of the door dispersed immediately, and the guards holding the plasma cutting gun hurried forward, preparing to cut the metal door.

The dazzling blue brilliance flickered. Under the high temperature, the solid metal door was melting, and a fiery red line spread little by little.

In just ten minutes, the metal door was cut open and kicked out. With only a "bang" sound, a square door appeared on the round door.

Although it is not big, there is no problem in passing one person with his head down.

From the cut gap, the guards dispersed one by one, searching separately in a small group mode.

Drey and Qiangwei did not leave the bridge, but searched around the bridge.

Qiang Wei said: "This is the bridge, the core of the spacecraft. The pulse signal control port must be here. If it is still running, we should be able to find it..."

How to find?

There are no buttons on the console. It's smooth and metal, but it's a bit soft.

The energy system of this spaceship has not been completely destroyed, maybe some device in the bridge is still in operation...

At this moment, the vision was highlighted. I saw the blue light flickering in the bridge. Amid the "buzzing" mechanical roar, the bridge was shrouded in images similar to holographic images. The darkness was not there and everyone was standing among the stars. .

The slight mechanical roar was right under his hand, which made Dreie smirk, his hand quickly left the console, and looked around curiously.

what is this?

"This is a star map, a cantilever star map of the Milky Way, Orion Arm, Sagittarius Arm, Perseus Arm, Swan Arm..."

In Qiangwei's words, the star map began to change, shrinking, zooming in, and finally turned into a starry map centered on the Trisolaris galaxy.

"Miss Qiangwei, what is this little flashing light spot?"

In the star chart, a small spot of light is shining, it seems to be still moving, it is very fast, passing by countless stars, and coming straight towards the Trisolaris.

Although its speed is fast, the universe is vast. As far as the entire star chart is concerned, its speed is somewhat slow, just like an ant is moving.

Looking at the star map in front of her, Qiangwei thoughtfully said indifferently: "An alien spaceship, or a fleet."

His face changed slightly, and Dreie immediately realized something, and quickly said: "We must inform Captain Wicks of the news here. If an alien fleet is coming to Trisolaris, we must have something before they arrive. ready."

Without taking his gaze back from the star map, Qiangwei said calmly: "Go, I'm going to stay here until the guards have explored the entire ship and see if I can find anything."

Without saying much, Drey turned and left, and came to the entrance of the cave. The micro engine on his back started, propelling Drey to fly and fly out of the entrance.

Speaking slightly, Qiangwei whispered: "How long do you think there is?"

There is no one beside her, but there is one in her eyes.

In the bridge, she and the guards were not the only ones, there was also a figure in black, Li Meng.

Looking at the star map in front of him with Qiangwei, Li Meng said calmly: "If you can reach the Trisolaris within half a year at the current speed of the light spot, you must prepare early and evacuate the Trisolaris, even if the empire discovers Trisolaris. Star, it is impossible to reach Trisolaris within half a year. This time the opponent has an advantage in time. You must temporarily avoid the edge."

Qiang Wei: "Maybe it's just a spaceship, a scout ship."

To Qiangwei’s words, Li Meng glanced at Qiangwei and said calmly: “You can’t take risks. If it’s a fleet, you don’t even have the chance to evacuate. You will either be captured or wiped out, hide and hide your existence. To survive."

Yes, they can't take risks, looking at the star map, Qiangwei muttered to herself.

The ship was not very big. It took only three hours for the guards to find out where the entire ship could go.

"Ms. Qiangwei, there is nothing to discover, there are no living aliens. Although some devices similar to freezing warehouses have been found, the aliens inside are dead and turned into a withered bone..."

A team of guards returned first and reported to Qiangwei.

The guard's report made Qiangwei thoughtful. In this way, it has been a long time since the spacecraft came to Trisolaris.

The corpse was turned into bones, and the situation inside the ship seemed to have been sealed for a long time.

Qiang Wei said: "Notify the other teams, leave immediately, go, let's leave here..."

Soon, the last transport boat took off from the ice sheet, rushed into the sky, and soon disappeared to the edge of the sky.

As the transport boat left, the ice sheet returned to calm, and only the ice pit and the spacecraft in the pit were telling what had happened before.

Settlement, in the main control room hall...

"Scientists have tested those dead bones, and the results have come out. Their death time will not be less than two hundred years. Between 200-250 years, it can be imagined that the unknown aliens should be in the last few years. I found the distress signal from Trisolaris, otherwise, with the speed of their spacecraft, it would not be possible to reach Trisolaris in two hundred years."

Wicks's face is very ugly, he sits on the main seat, his face is thoughtful.

Alien spacecraft, the approaching aliens, whether it is a spaceship or a fleet, is still unknown, but one thing is beyond doubt, they are coming soon, they must do something before they reach Trisolaris what.

Today, there are only three people here, Qiangwei, Drey, and Wicks. These three are the core personnel of the entire colonial ship. Before a large meeting is held, the three must figure out the subjective direction.

Sitting in the vice seat, Drey said very sadly: "Captain Wicks, what should we do now? If we know that the enemy is approaching, we can't just sit and wait. If the civilians know that we are leaving again, they are afraid. No longer willing to return to the colonial ship, and even less willing to return to the freezer."

To Drey’s words, Wicks said calmly: “They have no choice, either they choose to stay and face the threat of death, or they return to the colonial ship honestly. There is no third choice.”

Speaking of this, Wicks said in a deep voice: "Hold a meeting. We don’t have much time. Now the colonization ship’s transition engine has been damaged. It will take a lot of time to leave the galaxy. They found that we have no chance to escape."

After finally establishing a new home on Trisolaris, they did not expect them to leave so soon.

This time, not embarking on a new journey, but fleeing, fleeing from the coming threat.

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