Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1797: Hand-to-hand

Behind the battleship, a smaller battleship suddenly flashed fire, and the entire battleship was torn apart, turned into a fireball, cracked, exploded, and metal debris flew in all directions.

The huge battleship that was hit hard was collapsing, the hull was cracking, and explosions occurred from time to time from the hull.

In the end, in the crimson fleet, I saw a group of dazzling lights flickering, the largest battleship exploded, and the flying metal wreckage flashed the shields of the surrounding battleships.

At this time, the distance between the two parties was already very close, less than a hundred kilometers.

At this moment, the fleet of the Chiyan Stars had a new change, a large number of fighters gushing out of the battleship, attacking the First Legion fleet from above.

Now both sides are on the same level, and the front is the world of main guns. Fighters can only attack the enemy fleet from above or below, avoiding the trajectory of the front main gun.

Chiyan Star’s fighter planes are three-winged. If they are erected backwards, it will be a pyramid. There are many of them, nearly a thousand.

Although warships are protected by shields, it seems difficult to cause damage to enemy warships with warplane weapons. In fact, it is not the case. The shield defense capabilities of each part of the ship body are strong or weak. In order to resist the attack of the enemy’s main guns, Naturally it is strong, but the rear and abdomen, especially the engine part, the strength of the shield is very weak, especially the engine, the most vulnerable.

When enemy fighters came, Raymond would naturally not let them approach.

"The guard is dispatched to block the enemy fighter..."

With an order, all battleships, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and the harbor decks on both sides were opened, and guards rushed out from the harbor, and flew over the fleet under the thrust of the engine attached to the back, towards the incoming enemy. The fighter jet rushed over.

"Hammer" guards, "Rhino" guards, these are two general-purpose guards installed by the Black Flag Army.

They are 17 meters high, the surface is not smooth, and the water chestnuts are distinct. They seem to be assembled from several large parts. It can only be said that they have a body similar to a human.

The thrust engine is a plug-in type, which is a large piece, an arrow-like plug-in engine.

The vector nozzle plus the main body-assisted attitude adjustment engine, coupled with the neuron-sensing control system, allows the driver in the guard to be like a control stand-in, flexibly controlling the guard, thus achieving a human-machine integration.

From the appearance point of view, both the hammer guard and the rhino guard belong to the type that is good at air combat.

The only difference between the two is that one is the main battle type, weapons, armor, and speed are balanced, and the other is thick armor, heavy weapons, slower speed, weaker agility, and bloated.

Above the battlefield, the guards and the enemy fighters quickly fought together, the blue and red light beams were shining, and the two sides came and went, entangled together, forming the second battlefield.

The speeds of the two are similar, and anyone can catch up with the other. Of course, this is not considering the durability of the engine, but in terms of flexibility, the fighters of the Chiyan Stars are far inferior to the guards.

When the two sides fought together, the guards played an overwhelming advantage in close combat.

The flames flickered. During the battle, a large number of fighters were destroyed by the guards, and fireballs burst out in the universe.

"Give them a better look, advance, kill..."

With a roar, Wu Yu controlled the guard to turn around, holding the plasma gun and lowering the trigger to the side.

The blue light flickered, and an ion beam shot out, hitting the Chiyan Starman fighter plane passing by not far away.

Behind, the blue flame was jetting, and the powerful thrust turned the guard into a phantom in the universe, only the blue flame of the engine left a stream of light.

As the captain of the guard, his roar caused his surrounding companions to gather at him and rush forward together.

In the outer space of Trisolaris, a space war is breaking out.

This makes the Trisolaris no longer calm, looking at the sky from the ground, the sky is shining with starlight, very dazzling.

A large number of fireballs fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

It was the wreckage of the destroyed warship caught by the gravity of the planet and fell to the surface of the planet.

Some were wreckage, some were the entire warship that lost power, and for a while, a meteor shower fell on the sky of Trisolaris.

On the ground, huge flames rose one after another. The accelerated impact of gravity caused the falling metal wreckage to have an amazing kinetic energy, no less than a fusion bomb.

"It's fighting, it's fighting..."

In the southern sea, colonial ship No. 1 is still docked at the bottom of the sea.

Under the image captured by the detector outside, several people on the bridge saw the twinkling stars in the sky.

They knew that at this moment, a great battle was erupting in the universe, the first fleet battle that the Black Flag Empire encountered.

Will the empire win?

At this moment, everyone looked at the sky on the screen, praying in their hearts, praying for the victory of the empire.


In the universe with Trisolaris as the background, an orbiting defensive platform suddenly burst into a fireball.

The fleet of the Black Flag Empire has entered an ideal shooting distance, and can even more exert the power of the magnetic acceleration gun.

The speed of the original impulse gradually slowed down, and the two sides fought at a distance of 30 kilometers and gradually approached.

The closer the distance, the stronger the power of the naval gun. This is true for both sides. Balls of fire flicker from time to time in the fleet of both sides. In the gunfire, the shields of the warships of both sides are shining.

For the battleships of the Black Flag Empire, the magnetic accelerating guns are fixed on the bow, and rely on adjusting the ship's attitude to aim at the target.

At a distance of 30 kilometers, the power of the magnetic acceleration gun was fully utilized, and the destruction speed of the Chiyan Stars' fleet suddenly increased.

The Red Flame Stars also discovered this. They no longer defended, and the fiery red flames of the tail engine of the battleship burst out, and the entire crimson fleet rushed towards the black flagship.

The distance of thirty kilometers passed in a flash, and the two fleets entered a hand-to-hand battle.

The light beams gleamed, fighters, guards, and battleships were entangled together, and the fixed-point defense guns fired, causing the bullet marks to fly like raindrops.

Then, soon, the Chiyan Stars discovered that they were wrong.

Although the warships of the Black Flag Empire had powerful magnetic accelerating guns on the bow, there was also a triple-mounted magnetic accelerating gun on the aft deck. Although it was not as powerful as the bow magnetic accelerating gun with a longer acceleration track, it was At such close range, the magnetic accelerating gun on the rear deck can also exert its power.

As soon as they rushed into the enemy formation, the Chiyan Stars realized this, and their warships were quickly being wiped out.

Kinetic energy weapons directly pierced through the shields of their battleships and penetrated the hull. Although the hull is not very destructive, the hull is penetrated, which can easily cause damage to the ship’s internal functions and cause various failures. Once hit the power room, the ammunition Room, it will even explode.

Even so, the existence of shields on both sides made this battle last for a long time, a long time...

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