Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1798: captive

In terms of numbers, the Black Flag Empire far surpassed the Chiyan Stars. Over time, with the destruction of one enemy battleship after another, the advantage of the First Army Fleet increased, and the damage rate of the Chiyan Stars fleet also increased. faster and faster.

In the end, when there were only less than 30 warships left, in the hand-to-hand battle, the fleet of the Chiyan Stars began to flee.

The large and small warships gave up the enemy in front of them, the engine afterburner scattered into the deep space and fled, the energy of the shield was transferred to the fragile tail, avoiding the chance of being fired by the gun. The blue light flickered, and the battleships of the Chiyan Stars made a leap and escaped into hyperspace.

"Victory, victorious..."

Seeing the enemy fleeing in embarrassment, the crew of the ships of the First Corps suddenly cheered.

This is the first time that the Black Flag Empire has battled with the alien fleet. They won the battle and defeated each other.

Listening to the cheers of the crew and officers on the bridge, Raymond exhaled and slumped on the captain's seat, with a smile on his face.

They won and won the first fleet battle.

With a slight expression on his face, Raymond waved his hand and said loudly: "Immediately count the battle damage, clean the battlefield, and search for the escape capsule."

The warships of the Black Flag Empire are equipped with certain escape capsules. Once the battleship is destroyed and cannot be remedied, the personnel on the ship have at least a chance to escape. Although the survival rate is not 100%, at least the existence of the escape capsule can reduce the number of personnel. casualties.

As the Chiyan Stars' fleet fled, the outer space of Trisolaran suddenly became quiet.

The fleet began to search for survivors, and a large number of guards roamed the battlefield, searching for signals from the rescue boat.

The universe is vast, and the search range is thousands of kilometers. This is not an easy task.

Among the wreckage, Wu Yuzheng led a group of guards scattered everywhere in search of survivors.

There are metal debris everywhere, they float, collide with each other, squeeze each other, and then float in the opposite direction.

"Captain Guard, I found an escape pod."

"What to do, do you want me to teach you?"

"Captain Guard, I don't mean that, it's not our escape pod, but Chiyan Starren's."

"Star Chiyan? We have destroyed so many warships of those guys. It is not surprising that there are surviving guys. Whether it is the enemy or the right, take the escape capsule back."


In a space war, one party loses. When the main fleet escapes, the victorious party will naturally be captured.

No matter what kind of life, there is a desire to survive, and they are afraid of death. The battleships of the Black Flag Empire have escape pods, and the battleships of the Chiyan Stars naturally have them.

With the sweeping of the battlefield, in addition to the existing escape pods, more and more Chiyan Stars escape pods were discovered in the battlefield.

The flagship of the battleship "Black Gold", in the No. 1 harbor.

The hatch of the harbor opened wide, and guards slowly flew into the harbor with the rescue capsule.

There is a plasma wall at the entrance of the hatch. If your unit enters, the plasma wall will open on its own. There will be another wall behind. The two walls will not open at the same time. This is to ensure that the harbor is always at a suitable pressure. in.

Generally speaking, when it is not necessary, the harbor will not activate the gravity system, which will make the harbor in a state of weightlessness, which facilitates the transportation of goods, and the technicians also facilitate the maintenance of equipment up and down.

"Hey, what are these things?"

Seeing the guards pulling red oval metal objects one after another, the mechanics asked curiously.

These red-red oval metal objects are large, no less than ten meters in length and five meters in width.

"It should be the escape pod for the Chiyan Stars, you have to be careful..."

Hearing the sound from the speakers on the guards, the mechanics' expressions changed slightly. The soldiers on duty on the side quickly gathered around, aiming their Gauss rifles at the escape capsule.

The mechanics naturally understand what to do next.

In the wary eyes of the soldiers, the mechanics took action.

Some mechanics drove engineering guards and started to cut the lifeboat with large plasma cutting guns.

In the dazzling flash, the crimson rescue capsule was quickly unloaded, exposing the space inside.

"this is……"

As soon as it was opened, a large amount of fiery red powder floated out from the gap, floating in the air.

When the rescue capsule continued to be torn apart, the scene inside shocked the surrounding soldiers and mechanics.

In the rescue capsule, there are a few circles of seats, which can accommodate more than ten people.

The place in the rescue capsule was full of Chiyan Stars wearing scarlet fiber protective suits. Their physiques were slightly larger than humans, but they seemed to be strong and dead.

For some unknown reason, their helmets were not worn, and their red facial features and rough skin were visible.

They died, but they did not suffocate to death, but died from bleeding from the Qiqiao.

As if he was aware of something, a mechanic said loudly: "People who are not wearing protective clothing should not touch the flaming red powder, stay away from the harbor, immediately enter the isolation area, the control room, and immediately close the air in the harbor. The whole ship circulates and reports to the commander of the army that we need a scientist to analyze the harm of these substances..."

There is no doubt that the Chiyan Stars in the escape capsule were killed by the flaming red powder. Whether they committed suicide or forced suicide is unknown.

The flagship of the Black Gold, on the bridge...

"We lost 31 warships, including 15 frigates, 7 destroyers, and 9 cruisers. A total of 5,211 people were lost, of which 1,245 were missing, and 17 were captured by the enemy."

Although the loss was a bit large, the amount was still within the acceptable range of Raymond.

At least the main force of the fleet has not been severely damaged. There are still nearly a hundred warships, although many of them have been severely damaged and need urgent repair...

Raymond said: "Can those substances be analyzed? How many rescue capsules of the Chiyan Stars have we found?"

"A total of 327 corpses were found, and 17 people survived. According to analysis, the powder permeating the escape capsule is a highly toxic substance. It is highly corrosive. Once inhaled, the internal organs will be burned. It is not afraid of transmission. In a gravity environment, it will fall to the ground. Under the action of oxidation, it will gradually lose its toxicity and eventually turn into harmless dust."

It seems that the society of the Chiyan Stars is a bit special, at least with a taste of militarism.

Seeing that the battle has failed, will the enemy not be given a chance to capture the people on the side?

"Legion commander, before the enemy fleet evacuated, he received a radio signal from the enemy fleet. Due to language barriers, it was impossible to know the content of this message."

Raymond said: "Don't we have prisoners? We can analyze the language of the Chiyan Stars as soon as possible. Communication is very important. Knowing their language, we can understand their society and how they live."

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