Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1800: problem

With a faint smile, Raymond said: "You are humble now. Alright, so decide. Send out all the detectors that can move on the surface of this planet inside and out. Find them and find Those Trisolarans."

"The order has been issued, Commander Raymond, how should they be placed? There is no environment for them to survive on the battleship. The environment of Trisolaris has been destroyed, the sky is shrouded in dust, and the temperature on the surface is continuing to drop... It is no longer suitable for survival. ."

"Um... this is a problem."

After thinking about it, Raymond said: "Leave this question to Colonial Ship 1. They are familiar with Trisolaris, and maybe they have a way."

With Raymond’s order, the fleet in the outer space of the Trisolaran has a new movement.

A large number of billowing probes about one meter in diameter were released from the battleship and rushed towards the Trisolaris.

The black ones suddenly formed small black spots in the orbit. After entering the low-Earth orbit, the probes scattered and protruded into the atmosphere from all directions of the planet.

Although the size of the detectors is small, they are all made of B-grade titanium alloy and have the ability to break through the atmosphere alone.

For a time, in the sky of the Trisolaris, fireballs appeared one after another, and new meteor showers appeared.

The probes that broke through the atmosphere and came to the sky of the planet opened the two rows of bar-shaped engine nozzles in the abdomen. In the blue flame, each probe plunged into the black dust, and carried out their mission on the earth. .

The usefulness of intelligent AI is undoubtedly falling at this moment. If there is no advanced AI technology, such a large number of detectors can not be controlled by manpower alone. At the same time, it can receive information from dozens or hundreds of detectors. With the power of AI, the computing power is unparalleled.

Colonial Explorer One, on the bridge...

The message from the First Legion caused everyone to be troubled by a problem.

Yes, how should those Trisolarans be arranged?

They are not humans, and they cannot temporarily transform them into a space suitable for their survival on the battleship.

Because Trisolarans need oxygen different from humans, the environment in which humans can survive Trisolaris is not necessarily suitable, and the environment that Trisolaris is suitable for is the same for humans and cannot survive for long.

Although on Trisolaris, human beings can survive for about half an hour without wearing any protective equipment, but this cannot change the environment on Trisolaris and is not suitable for human survival.

As if thinking of something, Drey's eyes lightened and quickly said: "Settlements, we can arrange the surviving Trisolarans into the settlements, as long as the energy supply in the settlements is restored, and the life support system is slightly modified. Transformed into a filtering device, in this way, the settlement can become a temporary settlement for the Trisolarans. Next, there is only waiting for us to restore the previous environment of this planet."

What Drey said is undoubtedly a good way.

Wicks immediately said: "This method is very good, so let's do it, Number One, immediately report this method to the corps commander and ask him for assistance. We need several transport boats to help transport equipment."

In order to prevent the Trisolaris from being extinct, the First Legion and the colonial ship were busy.

On orbit, the fleet repaired damaged warships while sending transport boats to the ground to assist the colonial ships.

The first contact with the Trisolaran is also on the agenda.

Humans have the idea of ​​helping trisolaris, but whether trisolaris appreciates, everything is established for the first contact.

"Let me go, I am a Death Whisperer. Under the will of the **** of death, I may be able to communicate with the Trisolarans in the heart. We have no time to analyze the language of the Trisolaris."

Wicks didn't refuse Vina's volunteering. He knew that this was the best way.

As for the ability that Death Whisperer possesses, Wicks has seen it over the years, and he believes that Vina is capable of doing it.

With a slight expression, Wicks said, "Hurry up, the settlement is ready."

Time is running out, this does not refer to them, but the Trisolaran.

Without hesitation, Drey, Qiangwei, and Vina turned and walked out together.

Soon, a transport boat flew out of the colonial ship floating on the sea, and under the thrust of the engine jetting blue tail flames, it flew in the sky full of black dust.

"The change is so fast, the sky was so beautiful at the beginning, but now it's so bad..."

Looking at the bad environment outside, Tyron complained while driving the transport boat.

As an elite pilot, this mission is certainly not Tyronn.

Regarding Tylen's words, Qiang Wei sitting in the passenger seat said calmly: "This is the law of the universe, the weak eats the strong, and when you encounter aliens like Chiyan Star, there is only one way to go."

As Qiangwei said, Tyron felt the same.

Tai Lun said in general: "I really don't know what the civilization of the Chiyan Stars is like. Such a ruthless method is really unimaginable."

This is only human cognition, perhaps in the eyes of the Chiyan Stars, this human behavior makes them feel strange.

In the rear vice seat, Vina sat quietly, her face a little nervous.

She opened her mouth slightly and whispered: "Reaper, can I really do it?"

In her mind, there was a voice echoing, comforting her.

"But, I haven't tried..."

"Is that so? I know, everything is up to the Lord Grim Reaper."

To Vina's whisper, Dreie circled his head, not knowing why.

Only Qiangwei in front looked back at Vina, thoughtfully...

In the sky full of black dust, the transport boat came to a steep canyon.

The engine roared, and in the dim world, the blue flames emitted by the engine were so dazzling.

"We have arrived……"

Tyron controlled the transport boat slowly landing in the valley.

Outside, the transport boat descended from the sky, and landed in the valley in the rolling dust.

As the rear hatch opened, a group of guards rushed out of the cabin first, guarding outside.

They are all veterans, veterans who have fought with the Trisolaran, they know that they can't be careless at this time.

The number of them is not large, there are only more than 20 people. If the Trisolaran people attack on a large scale, they will not be able to resist it. Although this possibility is very low, it is not impossible.

"Let's go, there are many Trisolarans. They are scattered all over the Trisolaris. The Trisolaris who fought with us may have been extinct. It is far away from the settlement..."

This is not nonsense, but a statement of the fact that fighting will attract hatred, and Dre does not like the soldiers placing hatred on all the Trisolarans.

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