Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1801: communicate with

Under the leadership of Dre, the group moved on and left the transport boat.

The entrance of the cave was not far away. It was a gap about two meters wide. Soon, a group of people came to the entrance of the cave.

The dust in the sky is slowly falling, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of ashes, and the dark area in the hole is like a monster that eats humans.

It is hard to believe that in such a place, the Trisolaran has survived for more than two years.

"Let's go."

With that, Qiangwei took the lead and entered the cave.

As a half-devil, Qiangwei is stronger than anyone, and her vitality is also the strongest. Even if the body is pierced by a sharp arrow of the Trisolaran star, she will not necessarily die, but other people will not.

Whether they are guards or capable people, they are all mortal bodies, without strong vitality.

Although she cared about women walking in front, Drey didn't say anything in the end. At this time, it was not the time to care about them.

After entering the cave, the white beam of light flickered, and everyone's helmets shot out a white light.

The appearance of the light slightly dissipated the darkness in the hole.

This is a relatively long and narrow passage, high enough, but relatively narrow, and can only accommodate two people walking side by side.

In the passage, everyone was walking forward cautiously. At this time, the team was very quiet and did not dare to make a sound.

A narrow space always creates a kind of pressure, which is difficult to overcome.

Fortunately, the passage is not very long. After only 30 meters, the space in front of you suddenly becomes wider.

Looking around, everyone found that they had come to a cave.

With the help of the light, everyone found some figures in the cave.

No, not some, it was densely packed, they sat slumped on the ground with their backs leaning on the rock, and at a glance, they were all in the cave.

There is an underground sea in the cave. On both sides of the river bank, you can see some things like "fish". They are randomly discarded on the river beach. They have rotted, mixed with the black ones, and they are white.

They naturally noticed the entrance of Qiangwei and his party, but they no longer have the strength to move, they just looked at the stranger entering the cave with desperate and hateful eyes.

Everyone was naturally aware of the pair of hateful eyes in the darkness. They knew that in the eyes of these Trisolarans, they were the Red Flame Stars, the murderers who destroyed them and the Trisolarans.

Looking around the slumped figures in the cave, De Lai said: "There is food here, but the water and food are contaminated. They are sick..."

Speaking of this, Drei said to Vina on the side: "Vina, it's up to you next. We must let them know our purpose. If they don't cooperate, we can't do anything."

Nodding lightly, Vina said: "Leave it to me."

Just when Vina was about to talk to a trisolaran, there was a cough in the cave.

Some Trisolarans reluctantly stood up, and walked over, surrounded by one person, Zhan Zhan.

To Qiangwei and his group, the trisolaran people are all the same, with blue skin, more than three meters tall, slender body, tall, but not strong, and although their facial features are similar to humans, there are some subtle differences.

But surrounded by trisolarans, she can see some feminine features, with taller double breasts. Although her dresses are tattered, they seem to cover a much larger area than other trisolarans.

Obviously, among these trisolarans, she belongs to the leader level.

In front of everyone, the Trisolaran star stopped, she opened her mouth, and she didn't know what she was talking about.

Seeing this, Vina moved forward and said: "We are not your enemy. This planet was not destroyed by us. The enemy who destroyed your home has been driven away by us. We are here to help you and help you. For the race to survive, you must trust me, trust us."

Can they understand?

Seeing Vina communicating with the trisolaris in common language, everyone felt a little unreliable in their hearts.

But the other party's Trisolaran star seemed to understand, with a look of suspicion on her face, she opened her mouth and said "Yeah".

"Vina, what is she talking about?"

Seeing the look on the trisolaran star's face changed, he became a little happy, Drey asked Vina.

Vina said: "She said she believed us, she also said that she had seen enemies who destroyed their homes, that they were a group of crimson guys, and she was introducing herself, um...Kurina, probably the name. Her name is Curina, she belongs to a should be from a tribe...a princess, a similar existence, she said that her father was dead, she took her people and fled here, she must let the people Live, let us help her."

Vina's words made everyone look at each other...

Drey whispered: "Vina, when did you learn Trisolaran Human Language?"

Shaking her head lightly, Vina whispered: "Sincere is the spirit. It is the blessing of death that connects me with her soul. This is not a verbal communication, but a spiritual communication. Therefore, what she said I can understand, and she can understand what I say."

It turned out to be like this...

Everyone suddenly realized that Lord Death's will is really everywhere, and they were also protected by him far away from the empire. They were really lucky.

Looking at Kurina again, Vina said: "Kuraina, we must take you out of here, follow us, we will take you to a more comfortable place."

Perhaps it was because of the exchange of hearts that Curina instinctively believed in Vina, she dragged her tired body, and said loudly, "Yeah."

Her voice echoed in the cave and passed into the ears of the Trisolaran.

When calm in the cave was restored again, the trisolaran star people who were sitting on the ground stood up one by one, and gathered here staggeringly.

Many Trisolarans could no longer move. They supported each other, and some Trisolarans even carried companions who had been unconscious and unconscious. With this movement, the whole cave suddenly became turbulent.

Seeing this scene, Drei quickly contacted Tyron on the transport boat.

"Tayron, immediately contacted the colonial ship and said that assistance is needed here and more transport boats are needed."

The Trisolarans are big guys, more than three meters in height, and they are of no help to everyone who are humans.

Everyone had to turn around and walk out, illuminating the road ahead for the trisomy in the back.

The wind is blowing, black ashes are flying all over the sky, the world is dim, like a scene of apocalypse.

When the Trisolarans walked out of the cave, watching this scene, there was only sadness in their eyes.

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