Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1802: Logistics fleet

In the dimly lit world, not far away, the transport boat turned on the lights on its body to guide everyone.

The fifty-meter-long transport boat is still very large and has plenty of space to accommodate two hundred Trisolarans without any problems.

For the Trisolarans, the transport boat is undoubtedly a stranger existence, they cannot understand how these metal guys go to the sky.

And their homes were destroyed by these metal guys, but those things were smaller, and the color was also crimson, and the thing in front of them was black, almost blending with the dim world.

The hatch of the transport boat opened wide, and a large number of Trisolarans who had left the cave began to board the boat.

After a while, the roar of the engine suddenly sounded from the sky, and four transport boats appeared from the dim sky. They faced the sky with ashes and slowly landed in the valley.

There were four more big guys, which made the Trisolaran star a moment of gaze.

A total of five transport boats can take more than 1,000 Trisolarans. However, there are not 1,000 Trisolarans here.

Seeing no one in the valley outside, Drei said to Qiangwei, "Let's go, get out of here."

With that said, the two boarded the transport boat one after another...

As the two entered, the hatch slowly closed.

The blue flame jet, amidst the roar of engines, five transport boats took off one after another, rushed into the sky, and quickly disappeared to the edge of the sky...

Walking into the cockpit, Qiangwei sat down in the deputy.

"Tayron, how far is it from the settlement?"

Facing Qiangwei's question, Tyronn said: "It's not far, it's only twenty minutes away."

As soon as the words fell, the dim world outside instantly disappeared...

Five transport boats sprang out of the dim clouds one after another and went straight into the sky.

The blue flame of the tail engine burst, making the transport boat faster and faster, until it broke away from the restraint of gravity and entered the orbit of the Trisolaris.

In orbit, five transport boats flew to the other side of the planet one after another.

If it is flying in the atmosphere, it may take several hours for the transport boat to reach the settlement, but if it is flying in orbit, this time will be greatly reduced.

After flying in orbit for only a few minutes, five transport boats began to penetrate into the atmosphere.

The hull was shaking, and the violent friction turned the transport boat protruding into the atmosphere into five fireballs.

After a few minutes, the vibration disappeared, and there was an endless world outside the window, and black clouds below.

After staying in the sky for less than a minute, five transport boats rushed into the black clouds.

The world outside the window suddenly became a dark world with flying ashes.

Below, the settlement has arrived...

The search for survivors of the Trisolaran star lasted for a long, long time. The Trisolaris is large and has an area twice the size of the Earth. There are three continents. Even if there are thousands of probes searching for it, it took more than a month. Completed the search for Trisolaris.

The flagship of the battleship "Black Gold", on the bridge...

"The search mission has ended. A total of 34,271 Trisolarans were found. Among them, 3791 died in the settlement. The rest were alive. After some treatment, most of the Trisolarans have recovered to health. Astral people can live in the environment where humans live."

Is it backward compatible?

Humans cannot survive on Trisolaris, because the air on Trisolaris contains an unknown element, which has a slight toxin. Once it takes too long, humans will suffocate and die, while Trisolaris is different. , They can survive in the same amount of oxygen environment as humans.

This is a good thing, at least it can reduce a lot of trouble.

"Leader, after the probe's survey, a large number of titanium ore and various conventional minerals have been discovered on Exhaust Moon Star and Gray Moon Star. These are two planets with rich mineral deposits."


With a slightly startled expression, Raymond generalized: "This star system is really a treasure."

Although titanium ore is not as precious as tin and gold, it is not found everywhere. With these two planets rich in minerals, the construction of this galaxy will be much easier in the future.

"Legion commander, the logistics fleet is about to arrive, and the corresponding coordinates have been transmitted."

The logistics fleet has arrived?

The expression was slightly upright, and the legionnaire came to the spirit.

More than a month, the logistics fleet should have arrived.

At this time, on the edge of the Trisolaran star system, a blue flash suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and dozens of huge and bloated ships jumped out of hyperspace and appeared in the universe.

With 26 engineering ships, 56 transport ships, and 8 **** destroyers, the fleet is very large.

Compared with destroyers, engineering ships and transport ships are larger. Transport ships are far more than battleships in terms of length. They are 3120 meters long and look like a bloated long square box, very symmetrical.

The engineering ship is small, only 2120 meters, and its shape is also box-shaped, but relatively flat.

Soon, about a few minutes later, the blue flash appeared again, and the fleet turned into streamers and disappeared into the depths.

In the next instant, in the outer space of Trisolaris, on the edge of the gravity well, a blue flash suddenly appeared, and a huge logistics fleet appeared.

Said it is a logistics fleet, but it is actually a transport fleet.

The volume of cargo transported by 56 three-kilometer-long transport ships is staggering.

This is an expedition. In order to take root in Trisolaris, the Black Flag Empire does not care about the cost.

"Black Gold" flagship, on the bridge...

"Legion commander, this is the list of goods. Please go through it. Please make a plan as soon as possible."

The blue light flickered, and a holographic image appeared in front of Raymond, with a dense list of supplies.

Seeing that row after row of lists, Raymond felt a headache.

He hurriedly said: "I will not look at the list. I will leave you with some trivial matters, sailor, I will give you the right to take care of it yourself. I will only talk about a general goal, what to do, and the planning book will be handed in. Here you are."

"Understand, I will draw up a plan based on the existing personnel and equipment. Army commander, please tell me the main objective."


With a pensive expression on his face, Raymond said: "When will the Chiyan Stars counterattack? This is still an unknown matter. The planet's defense is the key to it. Let's go to Exhaust Moon Star and Gray Moon Star first. To build two mining bases and related refineries, the source of metal materials must be solved before large-scale construction can be carried out. Later, the orbital defense array will be built. The scale is large. We don’t know the second battle with the Chiyan Stars. What to face, the rail defense array must be built on the largest scale."

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