Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1806: Untouchable fantasy

When getting along with his own woman, Li Meng is the emperor the least, just like an ordinary couple, he can talk some love words, he can also make trouble, and feel each other's existence with ordinary hearts.

The weather today is very good, the sun is shining, and there is no cloud...

Unlike a hundred years ago, the beauty of the earth is almost invisible.

Looking toward the earth from space, the human parent star is gradually being covered by metal, which is becoming more and more obvious.

Maybe in hundreds of years, there will be no oceans on the earth, only metals.

In the sky, a white spacecraft broke through the clouds and appeared over Nanlin Island.

It is very large, about 100 meters long, with short wings, and it is known to be good at flying in the atmosphere.

A black flag is pictured on the white body, and there is a pattern of thorns in the flag.

The flag badge, this is the symbol of the nobility, if not, it is also the badge of the senior executive family.

The white spaceship flew over Nanlin Island and approached the Crystal Palace.

On the tarmac in front of the Crystal Palace, the white spaceship slowly landed...

As the hatch opened, a middle-aged man helped a gray-haired old man walk out.

She has a rickety figure, and the passage of years has formed a sharp contrast on her.

She was happy in her heart when she came to this strange place, but she was scared.

She walked upright in Zhan Zhan, and said hoarsely: "Lei...Ou, will he see me?"

To the old man, Leo said with certainty: "Don't worry, miss, he will meet you, he must..."

"Really, that's good, that's good, I... Let's go, I really want to see him soon..."

"Well, let's go."

Leo helped the young lady into a floating car that came to pick up and drop off.

Riding the two people, they drove into the Crystal Palace all the way in suspension, and came to the hall on the first floor.

In the hall, one person was already waiting. He was wearing a black uniform and was the senior official of the Imperial Court.

"Duke Luo Luoxin, I am glad to meet you. You are the Duke of the Empire. According to common sense, you are eligible to meet the Emperor. But your old man also knows that the Emperor has never asked about the world. He has been more than 20 years old. I haven’t shown up in 2016, I can only report to the top in accordance with the regulations, but I cannot guarantee whether there will be results.

Helping the young lady get out of the car, Leo nodded and said, "Thank you Officer Chen, everything is bothering you."

With a faint smile, Chen Wei said, "This will take some time. Please go to the lounge for a while."

Leo naturally wouldn't refuse. The young lady is old and needs a rest.

The upper level of the Crystal Palace, beside the swimming pool...

"Duke Loloxin?"

Holding Ke Lei's small waist with one hand, Li Meng looked suspicious at Cleilia's savory face.

Luo Luoxin...who is she?

There was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and Li Meng was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly, and he remembered.

That was a long, long time ago. Counting time, it has been more than ninety years.

If she was still alive, she should be over a hundred years old now.

Time flies so fast, people I have known before are gradually passing away, things are different...

For some reason, something called sadness suddenly rose in Li Meng's heart.

Standing up, Li Meng sat up with a look on his face...

Master, what's wrong?

Seeing that the expression on the master's face suddenly changed, it became a little sad...

This made the two women stare at each other, wondering what happened.

Without saying much, Li Meng got up and walked toward the swimming pool. He had to meet some people.

ten minutes later……

On the lower level of the Crystal Palace, this is Li Meng’s first visit. There are many places and people. This is Li Meng’s only feeling.

The headquarters of nearly a hundred administrative departments of the Empire are set up here. It is naturally busy, with tens of thousands of staff alone.

"Where is she?"

Following Li Meng's words, blue light flickered on the wall beside the corridor, and a beautiful face appeared, which was a holographic image, moving with Li Meng.

She is the auxiliary AI of the lower level of Crystal Palace, responsible for guiding and consulting the above questions.

"Duke Luoluoxin, lounge 032, the route has been planned...Please proceed according to the indicators."

Looking at the route on the holographic image, Li Meng frowned slightly, a little far away...

Thinking of this, Li Meng thought...

Li Meng, who was walking in the corridor, suddenly flashed, turning into a light flashing through the corridor.

In just one breath, he appeared in front of Lounge 032.

As early as fifty years ago, Li Meng had lost his human body. To be precise, it was not loss, but strengthening and evolution. If the spiritual body is the dark side, then Li Meng's human body is the bright side.

Use the power of faith to transform the body, deify the body, and achieve the **** of light.

What is God?

That is just a concept, a field, and Li Meng has stepped into this field.

He is a light, a god, and also a human being. Li Meng's knowledge of his identity is firm.

Without hesitation, and without hesitation, Li Meng pushed in...

The lighting in the room is very strong and soft, everything is biased towards white.

As soon as he opened the door, Li Meng heard someone's voice, but the voice stopped abruptly.

Looking into the room, Li Meng saw three people. They were sitting around the tea table. There was a gray-haired old man and two middle-aged people...

The opening of the lounge door attracted their attention. When they saw who it was when they came, the faces of the other two people changed, except for the old man.

The emperor came in person...

The two were panicked, and got up quickly to kneel down.

With a wave of his hand, Li Meng said calmly: "Go out, I want to talk to her alone..."

Not dare to disobey, the two hurriedly exited the lounge with their heads down...

When she heard Li Meng's voice, her old face was shocked. She couldn't see it. Although she was only more than ten meters away from the familiar person in her memory, she could not see his face clearly.

She stood up tall, then knelt down trembling...

But a hand grabbed her arm, and a familiar voice rang in her ears.

"Luo Luoxin, I haven’t seen you for more than ninety years. It depends on how old you are, your skin is wrinkled, and your beautiful facial features have disappeared. I remember the last time I saw you, I was still on the armored train. My heart stayed at that time."

Supporting Luo Luoxin, Li Meng sat on the sofa with him.

Looking at the old Luo Luoxin beside him, Li Meng felt quite emotional.

Time flies, so many things have changed...

Luo Luoxin's scrawny hand gripped Li Meng's arm tightly, and said hoarsely: "I...I am not Leo. Without his talent, I could never break through the two hurdles of the martial artist's career. A hundred years have passed. I will be old naturally, it is ugly, I don’t want you to see me like this, but before I go, I want to take a look at you one last time, after all, you are the fantasy of my life, you can only look far away, not Fantasy of contact."

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