Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1807: Last leg

Speaking of this, Luo Luoxin raised his head with difficulty and looked at Li Meng with those pale eyes.

She wanted to see Li Meng's face, but she couldn't. She was old and couldn't see anything clearly with her eyes, even if she was close enough.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Luo Luoxin's old face.

With a slight smile, Li Meng took Luo Luoxin's hand and placed the scrawny hand on his face.

Her eyes can't see, but Li Meng can let her soul see.

She saw it, saw it in her spiritual world...

He is still so chic, so young, and still likes to wear a black suit, unchanged from a hundred years ago.

A drop of tears poured out from the eye sockets and fell down the old cheeks. This was not a tear of sadness, but a tear of joy.

Luo Luoxin said hoarsely: "You are still so young, and there is no change in the way I remember it, very good, this is very good..."

Li Meng knew, from beginning to end, that Luo Luoxin had a very special feeling for him.

This feeling is the fantasy and impulse of Luo Luoxin's girlhood. Li Meng did not respond, but he never thought that this feeling would entangle Luo Luoxin for his life.

Lifting his right hand, Li Meng stroked the old face, wiped away the drops of tears, and whispered: "Go back, let go of everything, and give your principality to the hands of a new generation of people, to you Heirs, they are young enough and full of vitality. Let them take care of everything right and wrong. Then come back here, no matter what your status, let me send you this last journey."

At this moment, Luo Luoxin was excited, and his hands were shaking...

Since she is accompanied by the emperor at the end of her life, how can she be?

No words were able to express her joy at this moment, and the tears in her eyes came out again.

After a while, Luo Luoxin said hoarsely: "No need to go back, I have no heirs, and no relatives that I care about. The principality has been taken care of by Leo for decades, so leave this principality to him. Leo is the adopted son of my father and has the right to inherit the principality."

Have no children...

Looking at the grey-haired Luo Luoxin in front of him, Li Meng understood everything.

Although when I first saw Luo Luoxin, in Li Meng's heart, Luo Luoxin's image was a grumpy eldest lady, but in the subsequent get along, Li Meng found that Luo Luoxin was not so flattering. Worry, there is a charm of her own in her.

Li Meng never imagined that just because of those few brief encounters, it would have such a big impact on her.

I really don’t know how she spent the ninety years of days and nights. How many days and nights did she spend in crying and sad?

Li Meng didn't know, but Li Meng could think of what kind of suffering it was...

With a sigh, Li Meng didn't need to say anything at this moment, just grabbed Luo Luoxin's hand.

As soon as the thought moved, a word came into Leo's ear outside.

The words that suddenly appeared in his mind made Lei Owei a little startled, and he quickly pushed the door in.

Leo, who entered the lounge, knelt on his knees and said: "Your Majesty, Leo is here, please speak."

Looking at Leo, who was kneeling on the ground, Li Meng said calmly: "Go back, the Principality of Barron is yours, and your legal inheritance will be recognized by the empire, and Luo Luoxin will stay. After that, there will be no Luo. Luo Xin, go back and have a funeral."


Although there were some doubts in his mind, Leo didn't say much.

He has been with the young lady all these years, and he knows what she wants.

Perhaps this is what the young lady wants, for which Leo will only be happy for the young lady.

Standing up, Leo stood up, and looked at the young lady for the last time, trying to remember the last figure of the young lady in his mind.

"Miss, take care..."

With that, Leo retreated without looking back and left the lounge.

After Leo left, Li Meng also stood up and hugged Luo Luoxin in his arms with a princess.

A white beam of light emerged from the void, covering both of them at one end.

As the beam of light disappeared, the figures of Li Meng and Luo Luoxin also disappeared without a trace...

Ten years is not a short time. In these ten years, many things have happened in the empire.

In the third year after the General Mobilization Order was issued, a large number of warships lifted off throughout the Empire and joined the ranks of the Imperial Navy.

Every day, every month, every year, a large number of warships will be launched, and the tilt of resources has increased the military power of the Black Flag Empire more than ten times in just ten years.

Crystal Palace, Emperor Palace...

At the weekly meeting, the emperor sitting aloft still did not see the emperor.

In this regard, the law enforcement officers of the Imperial Court have long been used to it.

No imperial dynasty will do it right, just go through a cutscene, and put some things on the bright side.

After all, the core of the empire's political system is not only the imperial court, but also the heretical court. Although the status of death angels is a bit embarrassing, in the future, they will also become the core of the imperial government. They will have their place in the imperial government. Bit.

"There are two things to talk about today, one is the expedition plan of the Second Legion, and the other is the army building plan of the Inquisition Chamber and the Death Angel Legion. Now, let me talk about the most preliminary plan."

In the main hall, there is a huge round table more than before.

Each court meeting also has a name, called the Imperial Conference.

Around the round table, the marshals, the banshee winged men, and the angels of death were all sitting.

Although the physique of the Banshee Wingers is large, there are seats suitable for them on the round table.

With a slight expression on his face, Chen Qi said: "Let’s talk about the expedition plan of the Second Legion first. Since we defeated the Chiyan Stars ten years ago, the Chiyan Stars have not changed anything during the past ten years. We are also carrying out large-scale construction in a relatively calm environment. We all know the value of the Trisolaris. The Chiyan Stars will come. The next time they appear, they will definitely come fiercely. We must prepare for a big battle. Therefore, In the initial plan, the Second Army will lead more than 300 warships to the star system to support the First Army on the front line. In this way, we will have two legions stationed in the Trisolaran star system, even Chi Yan Stars are coming on a large scale, and we also have the ability to compete with them."

There are some things that everyone here knows. After all, they have almost the same authority.

As long as you have the heart and want to know, you can know.

On this matter, the big guy will naturally have no opinion.

Why did the empire carry out military mobilization in order to win the interstellar war with the Chiyan Stars? The empire must send all its forces to the Trisolaran galaxy in order to gain absolute advantage in this interstellar war.

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