Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1815: saint

"Yes, the destination has been locked. Target: Sanqin star system, Zhou Dingxing, 06 Black Fort..."

In the outer universe, against the background of the nebula, the space was torn apart, forming a red vortex.

I saw a flash of fire color, and the huge Night Cry disappeared into the whirlpool.

In the distortion of the red vortex, everything disappeared, and the universe was calm again.

Solar system, earth, Nanlin Island, Crystal Palace.

"Meng'er, what's the matter?"

Sitting lightly beside Li Meng, Li Yuhan looked worried at the sweat on Meng'er's face.

She stretched out her hand and gently wiped the sweat from her forehead for Li Meng.

With a long cry, he glanced at Li Yuhan who was full of worry. Li Meng didn't say much, but shook his head slightly and lay tiredly on the sofa.

Whether it is a **** body of light or a spirit body, they all share the same soul.

What happened on the spiritual body was a mental shock, a touch on the soul, and the **** of light was naturally affected.


At this moment, Li Meng had that desire for power, he needed power, enough power.

What's wrong with Meng'er?

When his eyes swept under Li Meng inadvertently, Li Yuhan's face turned red.

What should I do?

Looking at the ceiling, Li Meng was a little surprised.

His power comes from the power of faith, and then there is the spirit body. Because of faith, he has been closely linked with the human race, and the death and faith of this race can increase his power.

If the human race were to die instantly, all the resentments and hopes of the tens of billions of humans would be pinned on him, and his power would become infinite in an instant, becoming another evil **** in the subspace.

However, this kind of power is not strong enough to be compared with the four evil gods in the subspace.

He must grow the human race as soon as possible. When the number of humans reaches one hundred billion, he can have infinite power with the power of belief alone. If there are trillions, billions, trillions, maybe they can be completely shredded. Sub-space, destroy all evil gods, including himself of course.

For a moment, Li Meng's expression was wrong, and he lowered his head blankly.

I don’t know when, Li Yuhan was lying on his lap...

With a helpless smile, Li Meng didn't stop him, he only stroked Yuhan's waist-length black hair, his face continued to sink into contemplation.

The universe is so vast, the development of a race is long and difficult, and it may take tens of thousands of years to achieve his goal.

Time... time...

For a long time, Li Meng took a long breath.

Li Yuhan stood up lazily, looking at Li Meng with a blushing face.

At Li Yuhan's gentle eyes, Li Meng just smiled faintly and stroked her beautiful face.

Turning over to lie down, Li Meng rested on Li Yuhan's thigh, looked at the towering mountain, and felt the softness behind his head.

While appreciating Li Yuhan's beauty, Li Meng was also thinking about things.

I don’t know what happened to the Trisolaris star system...

Although Sikkim is constantly shipping from the Trisolaris star system to the empire, this is not enough. The border of the empire must be expanded as soon as possible until the Trisolaris star system is included in the empire's territory.

Only in this way can the Trisolaran star system be completely controlled in the hands of the empire.

The current Trisolaris star system is still the outer domain of the empire, and this situation must be changed as soon as possible.

The Chiyan Stars have had no news for many years, and I don’t know if they are preparing for war...

Fortunately, the Second Legion has already set off. Calculating the time, the day to reach the Trisolaran star system is already fast.

Once the second legion arrived, there would be two empire legions in the Trisolaran star system, with a total of more than 400 warships. Such strength should be no problem.

Even so, Li Meng is still a little concerned about the situation of the Trisolaris star system.

The Trisolaran star cannot be lost. Once lost, the Chiyan Star will become the dream demon of mankind in the Lost Star Territory, which will hinder the development of mankind. If it can be kept, the situation will be the opposite, and the human will become the Chiyan Star. Even if there is a gap between the strengths of the two sides, the dream demon will decrease little by little. In the end, the losing party will completely disappear in the long river of history.

It's useless to think, this matter has to wait, in order to win this interstellar war, the empire has done what it can do.

Put away the thoughts in his heart, looking at Li Yuhan in a daze, Li Meng said, "Yuhan, how is Yuyan? I haven't seen her for a long time. What is that girl doing recently?"


Lowering his head slightly, Li Yuhan looked at Li Meng, shook his head, and said softly, "I don’t know, she seems to have left the earth. She has several planets of her own outside. You should check it out. Don’t worry, she is yours. The imperial concubine, when he goes out, he always hugs him, and there are a large number of black iron soldiers to protect him."

"Well, that girl still can't be free..."

Among Li Meng's imperial concubines, Yuyan is probably the only one who often goes out, and is also the most active in external development.

The other imperial concubines, generally speaking, would only stay in their own palaces, and either trust their subordinates to manage their own territories, or the Imperial Court would send professionals to manage them.

They don't run around, sometimes they will go out to stroll when they are bored, but generally speaking, their destination will only be the Crystal Palace.

After so many years, there are very few imperial concubines outside, and most of the imperial concubines have given up their territory and returned to Li Meng.

Now only Wang Yanmei, Gu Niya, Catherine, plus Chen Yuyan, only four imperial concubines still have their own territory.

Like Li Lanxin, Li Yanran, Arran, Claver, Dinesha and Teresa, they have all returned to him.

Of course, the two girls, Dinessa and Teresa, were still with Gu Niya, the three sisters were inseparable, and Li Meng was also left by them.

Between light and darkness, Li Meng gave them the right to choose.

A hundred years have passed, and for most of them, the deadline has already arrived. The reason why they are still alive is because they have the body of a demigod.

The body of light has the power of light.

The dark body possesses the power of death.

Over the past 100 years, Li Meng has known enough about the power he possesses, and he has also gained a lot of experience in how to make good use of his power.

The body of light, the power of a saint.

The dark body, the power of the apostle.

Take Li Yuhan in front of him, she chose the body of light, with the power to use "light".

The power of the holy light can heal and destroy all things. For those who can use the power of the holy light, there is a name in the empire called "saint", living saint, living saint.

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