Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1816: Messenger of the Trisolaran

Light and darkness reinforce each other, so Li Meng's body of light cannot approach the dead.

Once it gets closer, even the dead of Sakuya's level will collapse and be wiped out.

Of course, this approach is intimate contact, and there is no problem with normal contact.

As long as the power does not leak, there will be no conflict between light and darkness.

"By the way, Meng'er, I almost forgot to tell you a news..."

As if thinking of something, Li Yuhan's face was reddened. She had been enjoying the feeling of being with Meng'er, but she had forgotten the business.

With a faint smile, Li Meng rested comfortably on Li Yuhan's soft thighs, and said lazily: "Let's talk, what's the matter."

Talking slightly, Li Yuhan whispered: "It is the news from the Imperial Court that the messenger from the Trisolaran is coming soon. Her name is Kurina, the queen of the Trisolaris, and she will arrive on Earth in two days."


After thinking about it for a while, Li Meng remembered it, and said clearly: "Is it the race that is about to be exterminated? What, does the Imperial Court have any requirements?"

Seeing Meng'er so unwilling to pay attention to political affairs, Li Yuhan pursed his lips and said softly: "This time I am afraid that Meng'er needs to come out in person. After all, she is an alien messenger. She came to swear to surrender. An alien race surrendered. As the emperor of mankind, Meng'er represents the will of mankind. To surrender to Meng'er is to surrender to mankind. That day, the people of the entire empire will be boiled, which can greatly increase the pride of the race."

It seems I can't hide...

Li Yuhan's words convinced Li Meng.

Slightly sideways, Li Meng put his head on Li Yuhan’s lower abdomen, and said muffledly: “Let’s go, I haven’t shown up for decades, let the people look at the honor of their emperor, lest a new generation None of the people know me."

He laughed, feeling the touch on his lower abdomen, Li Yuhan's face was reddish, and said angrily: "You also know that you haven't shown up for decades. Looking at the history of mankind, you are the first emperor like you. "

Li Meng was a little unconvinced about Li Yuhan's words. He turned over and pressed Li Yuhan under him.

Looking at Yuhan, whose face was reddened beneath him, Li Meng said warmly: "Yuhan, you don't mean to say that I am faint, then I will show you faint..."

Facing Meng'er's hot gaze, Li Yuhan was so ashamed that he turned his head too far, afraid to look at Li Meng.

How could Li Meng be polite, rushing forward like a hungry wolf, and lifting Yuhan's slender and beautiful legs, he wanted to vent all the desires accumulated in **** and abuse on Yuhan's body.

In the huge room, bursts of blushing melody began to sound, so beautiful and so touching.

Two days later, in the deep space not far from the moon, a blue flash suddenly appeared, and a cruiser jumped out of hyperspace and suddenly appeared in the universe.

The emergence of the cruiser caused the civilian media spacecraft that had been waiting around to focus their cameras on this warship returning from the front.

"According to reliable information, the cruiser Qiling returned from the front line with a major mission. It was riding an alien from afar. Let us wait and see who this alien is and what it looks like."

"The cruiser Flagling has entered the orbit of the earth. We humans will come into contact with aliens for the first time. Today, at this moment, it will be recorded in history and become a great moment for mankind."

The arrival of the Trisolarans was watched by all humans in the empire under the media.

Whether it was a distant colony or people on earth, they stopped their movements and watched the live broadcast on the silver screen.


Although the empire is fighting aliens on the front lines, this does not prevent people from being curious about the existence of aliens.

In the orbit of the earth, the cruiser Qiling stopped. Big guys like the cruiser Qiling generally won’t enter the atmosphere. It’s not that they can’t. Flying in the atmosphere will not only affect the structure of the ship’s hull. It also consumes a lot of energy. Although the anti-gravity device is a good thing, it is also a big consumer of energy.

In addition to these reasons, the earth is a no-air zone, and large warships are prohibited from entering the atmosphere.

A transport boat sailed out of the cruiser Qiling and approached the earth.

"This is the earth?"

In the cockpit of the transport boat, looking at the blue planet outside, Kurina muttered to herself.

It is very beautiful, more beautiful than the Trisolaris. The former Trisolaris may be very beautiful, but now the Trisolaris has become a darker planet, which is certainly not as good as the blue planet in front of it.

Human... Emperor...

About to see the emperor, Kurina's heart became tense.

She didn't know what was waiting for her, and she was slightly disturbed.

After more than a year of sailing, from the crew's mouth, Kurina had some basic understanding of the emperor.

In the mouths of some crew members, the emperor is like a "god", while in the mouths of some crew members, the emperor is not a god, but the guardian of mankind, transcending the existence of gods. In short, the emperor is here. In the eyes of human beings, there is no doubt that it is the supreme existence.

Nanlin Island, Crystal Palace, Emperor Palace.

Today, the Imperial Palace, which has been closed for nearly thirty years, is finally open to the people of the Empire again.

Although it was only an official live broadcast, it also attracted the attention of countless people in the empire.

The Imperial Palace is open, that is to say, this time, they will see the honor of the emperor with their own eyes, what a glory this is.

Today, in the eyes of everyone, under the attention of the tens of billions of people across the country, and surrounded by a group of guards, Li Meng in a black robe appeared in the imperial palace and sat on the throne aloft with a calm expression. .

At this moment, the honor of the emperor was also revealed on the camera.

For many old people, the emperor is still that emperor, without a slight change, he is still so young.

For many young generations, they are curious and in awe. There are no less than a thousand legends about the emperor that have been circulated in the empire. Under the true legends, they have paved the way for the emperor. The veil of mystery.

"It's boring..."

Looking at the face in the hall that hadn't changed for decades, Li Meng secretly said in his heart.

This is also the reason why he is reluctant to pay attention to government affairs. The ghouls are really easy to use, smart enough to integrate into the human world, and have business talents in business, and they can also manage the empire in an orderly manner.

With the ghouls, Li Meng didn't bother to pay attention to political affairs.

As long as the top leaders of the empire are united, the empire will not lose its vitality.

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