Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1829: Planetary engine

Those warships that come to investigate generally appear on the edge of the Trisolaran star system. Once the Empire's warships approach, they will flee and enter hyperspace. Both sides are like this. They are investigating each other to avoid encounters and reduce unnecessary Loss.

Calculating the time, it has been a year and a half, and at this time there is news from the Chiyan Stars, which means that the war is about to begin?

Beavis who thought so calmly said: "Open it."

The blue light flickered, and a video appeared in front of Beavis.

There is a person in the video. It is very big, at least it looks very big. It seems that he is a little different from the ordinary Chiyan star. It is not two small red horns on the head, but two black horns. Big.

This guy……

With his eyes narrowed, Beavis looked thoughtfully at the Chiyan star in the video.

At this time, a voice rang, the translated voice.

"I am the Great Lord of the Chiyan Empire "Gother", humans, I give you a chance to leave here and take your people out of the Trisolaran star system, otherwise, you will bear my anger, and I will bring you Disaster, you will be completely destroyed."

This is just a video message, not a connection. When the words fall, he in the picture stops abruptly and stops.


The translated name is really bad.

Beavis asked: "How big is it?"

"According to the reference object, it is about 4.7 meters long. According to the information about the "demon", there is a 70% chance that the other party is a demon believer. The original image has been changed due to the degradation of the demon power. This change is called It's "Ascension"."


Beavis has heard of this term.

Some believers who believe in the devil, after offering a certain amount of sacrifices to the evil **** they believe in, will be given the power by the devil to "ascend the devil", thereby gaining an increase in individual strength, and their own image will become more demonized. .

How big is the "Gother" in the video, and how many sacrifices did it sacrifice?

Thinking of this, Beavis thoughtfully. In this way, the Chiyan Stars are a race that believes in evil gods?

With a slight expression on his face, Beavis said: "Through this video to the Imperial Court, and also to the high lord "Gother", saying that the Trisolaran star system is the territory of the Black Flag Empire. Or, the empire will be destroyed."

What does it want, does it want them to flee without a fight?

It is simply a delusion, how can the empire have been rooted in the Trisolaris star system for more than 30 years without fighting.

"Let the order go on and closely monitor the movement of the Aneyron star system, those guys..."

Beavis knew that it would not send a message over for no reason. It must have a reason for doing so.

Yes, Beavis is right. At this time, in the Anemon star system, a storm is gathering, waiting for the moment of being released, and this moment is about to come.

In a year and a half, the Aneyron star system has completely changed.

The red giant is still the red giant, but the Venus star has changed, becoming a half-metal planet.

The entire planet was cut through, and a large hole about three kilometers in diameter appeared. The walls and sides of the hole were wrapped in thick metal, and at the other side of the hole, a huge metal building was erected.

On the planet, you can even see things like engine nozzles, they are huge.

Was Veena Star really chipped through?

I'm afraid no one knows except the Chiyan Star.

If they penetrate the planet, how do they keep the earth's core stable?

No one knows why the planet should be transformed, why should the planet be equipped with engines.

It took only a year and a half to transform the Wiener Star into this look, and the Chiyan Starman's technological level is undoubtedly extremely high.

In the outer space of Venus, a piece of red warships floated quietly. More than 800 warships spread over a large area of ​​starry sky with amazing momentum. That was strength, absolute strength.

In one of the more than 2,000-meter-long warships, in the red bridge, bursts of roar echoed.

"Damn, damn, **** human beings, the **** Black Flag Empire, did not accept the kindness of the great lord "Gother". They are damned, they are only worthy to be slaves and sacrifices..."

It sits on a huge seat, which is very different from the small figures in the bridge.

Facing its roar, the crew on the bridge looked scared, bowed their heads and sat silently on their own affairs.

Beside it, an ordinary Chiyan star flattered and said, "My lord, why bother about those low-level creatures? The lord’s territory is just short of a batch of tribute sacrifices. We can take advantage of this war. Make a fortune, as the master of this fleet, you have this right, sir, and presumably our king won't say much."

"Yes, that's it. I need power, more power. This war will allow me to sacrifice more sacrifices. One day, I will become a legendary lord, like a "king" as a hero lord. "

As if thinking of the bright future, it grinned, haha ​​laughed, its voice seemed to come from its belly.

He still flattered: "Yes, yes, but we have to hurry up, because of the adult’s recklessness, we have already started to startle the snake. If the commander on the opposite side is not stupid, maybe he is ready for war and is leaving. Civilians, the planetary cannon is ready and ready to go. We cannot give them time to evacuate the civilians."

It stood up, looked at the starry sky outside with flaming eyes, and said loudly: "Advance to the Trisolaran star system, the whole ship will attack..."

With a roar of it, the storm converging in the star system of Aneyron erupted.

The engine started, and under the jet of flaming red tail flame, the fleet began to sail away from the gravity well of Venus.

On Venus, dozens of huge planetary engines began to roar, spewing out huge pillars of flame.

Under the huge thrust, Wiener Star successfully departed from its orbit and advanced towards the edge of the star system.

The abnormal movement of the Aneron star system was also discovered by the Black Flag Empire's reconnaissance ship at the edge of the galaxy, and a large amount of news was sent to the Trisolaran star system.

"Venus star moved?"

Hearing the AI's report, Beavis looked incredible in the flagship bridge of the First Legion.

Although it can be seen from the photos that Wiener Star is equipped with a planetary engine, this is a wrong guess.

After all, the Wiener Star is not small, with a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers. It is not easy to push such a big guy.

The reason Beavis felt incredible was not because of this huge project, but because of the actions of the Chiyan Star.

What's the point of this?

The Aneron star system is six light-years away from the Trisolaris star system. At the slow speed of the planet, it is impossible to reach the Trisolaris star system even if it has been flying for hundreds of years.

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