Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1830: Planetary fortress?

Could it be...

His face changed slightly, Beavis shook his head, how could this be possible with such a large mass of Wiener Star.

Thinking of this, Beavis hurriedly said: "Continue to monitor, remember, and report the situation in time."

AI: "Yes..."

Three months later, the Aneron star system.

It took a full three months for Wiener Star to fly to the edge of the star system and completely rely on the gravity well of the red giant.

On the edge of the galaxy, on the fleets on both sides of Venus, I saw blue flashes suddenly and suddenly, one after another warships jumped into hyperspace.

At the end, a huge blue flash suddenly appeared, and Wiener Star turned into a blue streamer and disappeared into the distant universe.

Trisolaris star system, trisolaris...

"What? Venus Star has entered hyperspace?"

Sitting on the captain's seat, Beavis looked surprised, with only a wry smile on his face.

Three months ago, he had such a guess, but he didn't expect that he guessed it correctly, that Venus Star has the ability to enter hyperspace.

With a pensive expression on his face, Beavis thought.

What are they going to do?

What do you want to do with Wiener Star?

It only took a year and a half, and Beavis didn't think that the Chiyan Stars could transform Venus into something powerful.

Hit it against a Trisolaris?

There is no need for this. Beavis knows that Chiyan Star also wants a Trisolaris, they will not destroy the structure of the Trisolaris.

If such a large planet accelerates and hits a trisolaris, the trisolaris will definitely be destroyed.

Besides, whether they can succeed or not is still a problem. As long as the engine of such a massive planet is destroyed, it will be completely useless.

Is it a defensive fortress?

They want to take root in the Trisolaran star and confront the Black Flag Empire. When necessary, the Venus Star can become a existence that is feared by the Empire.

There is nothing we can do right now, we can only strengthen our defenses and wait for them to arrive.

Such passiveness made Beavis very uncomfortable. If he had 500 warships in his hands, he would dare to break through, and would not give Veena Star a chance to enter hyperspace.

It's like now, you can only defend passively, and concentrate your strength on the orbital defense platforms of Trisolaris, Exhaust Moon Star, and Gray Moon Star to defend against the enemy.

Beavis thought that the Red Flame Stars would arrive soon, but he didn't expect that it would take more than half a month.

Sixteen days later, outside the gravity well of the Trisolaris star, a blue flash suddenly appeared, and a red warship jumped out of hyperspace. After a while, a huge fleet appeared.

In the blue flash, a huge flash suddenly appeared, very dazzling, and in the next instant, a planet suddenly appeared behind the fleet and appeared in the starry sky.

Hyperspace fluctuations were detected, the fleet alarm bells in the Trisolaran orbit, the engines ignited, and the engines of every warship spewed out blue flames.

"At coordinate 201.9874, a large number of enemy targets were found, a total of 832, one of which is a super-large target corresponding to the "Venus Star". The enemy fleet is moving and calculating its course. The target is the star."

Approaching the star?

With a slightly stunned expression, Beavis looked suspicious.

If the target of the Chiyan Star was a Trisolaris, it stands to reason that they would enter the hyperspace again and directly approach the Trisolaris’s gravity well.

But they are approaching the star, what are they going to do?

Is the machine on Wiener Star just some kind of device that absorbs solar energy and powers the planetary fortress?

The blue light flickered, and a picture appeared in Beavis' eyes.

Through high-precision telescopes, coupled with image capture, Beavis can see the huge fleet navigating the stars.

The red warships are densely packed, guarding around the "Venus Star", slowly approaching the star.

They are not far from the star and will arrive in a few hours at most.

"Legion commander, there is a connection request from the Raymond army commander."


Without hesitation, Beavis said quickly: "Come on."

The blue light flickered, and Raymond appeared beside the video.

"Beavis, do you have detailed information about the "Venus Star"? This thing...I have a bad feeling that those guys will not spend so much effort just to create a planetary fortress."

Shaking his head, Beavis said in a deep voice: "I have limited understanding of it. Over the years, they have protected Wiener Star very tightly. We can only observe from a distance and cannot obtain much useful information. No matter what this thing is, we can only take one step now, count one step..."

Three hours later, in the outer space of the star, the huge fleet finally reached the star.

Facing this blazing sun, the fleet seemed very cautious, keeping away from the orbit of the star and keeping it within a suitable distance.

Driven by the reverse thrust engine, the "Venus Star" gradually stopped, and finally stopped in the orbit of the star.

At such a distance from the star, the surface of Venus star seemed to be burning up, and the side facing the star became fiery red.

The Wiener star was moving, turning its direction, and under the impetus of the engine, the hole with the huge pyramid was aimed at the star.

There is no sound, everything is quiet in a vacuum, but Venus star has an abnormal movement.

The huge metal pyramid began to split, and the petals opened generally, exposing the hole behind.

On those huge blades, there are a lot of fiery red crystals, and they are arranged very beautifully in circles.

At this moment, the fiery red light flickered, spinning inside the blades, and gradually formed a flame tornado.

It is spinning, spinning frantically, getting bigger and bigger, and finally soars into the sky, turning into a fire tornado straight to the star.

When it touches the plasma of the star, the fire tornado instantly expands, spreads from one end of the star to Wiener Star, and then turns into a fiery red beam of light and rushes into the flower's heart.

It is absorbing the energy of the stars, and the pyramid device outside the cave is absorbing the energy of the stars.

The Second Army, the flagship bridge...

"Warning, warning, found that the super energy fluctuations are continuing to increase, are continuing to increase..."

The warning from AI made Beavis look very ugly, and said angrily: "Is it the Venus star?"

He saw that in the video, the back of Wiener Star was shining brightly.

"Warning, high-energy strikes are approaching, approaching, there is no relevant data, and the ballistics cannot be calculated, please avoid it."

"Do those guys want to destroy the Trisolaris?"

With an angry roar, Beavis looked fierce, and said loudly: "Assault, the entire Second Legion will attack, coordinate 342.417, hurry..."

Under Beavis' almost roaring command, the blue flames of the engines at the tails of hundreds of warships in the Trisolaran orbit burst out of the Trisolaris's gravity well at full speed.

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