Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1839: Become bigger

That is temptation, gentle temptation...

She is very attractive, from a female point of view, she is indeed very attractive.

Although she has red skin and evil colors, it is this monster that makes her even more exciting.

But Li Meng is not an ordinary person. Li Meng knows who she is, her true form, and the beauty in front of her is only an illusion, and he will not be confused.

Looking at the sexual abuse in his arms with a calm expression, Li Meng said calmly: "Let me go, next time I come, I will get back my emotions, even if you tortured for thousands of years, I will admit it, and I will not lose. ,Never will……"

Hearing this, the corner of her mouth was slightly raised. She squinted her eyes and did not deny Li Meng's words, but moved her body gently, and drank a little on Li Meng's lips.

She seemed very happy, got up and sat up, smiled lightly: "Go."

The shackles on his body disappeared, watching the abuse, Li Meng's body was gradually becoming nothingness until it disappeared completely.

In the subspace, in the realm of death...

Li Meng, who was sitting on the throne, opened his eyes and silently looked up.

In the white sun in the sky, a ball of light slowly drifted down, broke through the dome of the palace, and fell into Li Meng's hands.

Seeing the milky white ball of light in his hand, Li Meng was startled in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

Finally, Li Meng sighed, raised his hand and pressed the ball of light into his forehead.

Earth, Nanlin Island, Crystal Palace.

That feeling is back...

Looking at the metal city outside the window, Li Meng looked startled.

Maybe **** abuse is right. When emotion returns, Li Meng feels a sense of rejection in his heart.

The feeling was shocking, the soul seemed to be incomplete, and it was about to be split into multiple pieces.

Li Meng could not imagine what he would be like a thousand years later.

Thinking of this, Li Meng sighed inwardly, but in the end, he owed a favor to the sexual abuse.

But then again, if there is no sexual abuse, these things will not happen. Of course, these are two different things.


The confused eyes gradually became cold, and Li Meng knew in his heart that the abuse of **** was only to better achieve her goal.

When necessary, **** abuse will swallow him completely, and Li Meng is the same. When necessary, he will not be merciful, and will put **** abuse to death, not only him, but all the evil gods in the subspace. All are Li Meng’s enemies, Li Meng’s target.

Looking back at Ai Moore who was standing still, Li Meng smiled faintly and said: "Love Moore, come, sit here, let the master, I lie down..."

"grown ups?"

The expression was stunned, and Ai Moore showed a look of joy. She had a feeling that the previous master had returned.

Without hesitation, Ai Moore's huge body was lying on his side on the sofa.

With a comfortable face lying in Ai Moore's arms, Li Meng said with a smile: "There are great benefits, you say yes, I love Mo..."

His face was reddened, and Moore said disobediently: "My lord..."

No more molesting Ai Moore, feeling the softness behind, Li Meng whispered: "Tell me about the heresy court."

Heresy court?

Putting a hand lightly on his master’s side, Ai Moore said, “It’s going well, every world (planet) of the empire has a branch of a heretic court. There has been no large-scale disaster in the empire in recent years. There are a lot of demon fanatics and cults, but they were wiped out by the heretic court before they grew. Although the previous imperial council confirmed the decision to build an independent army by the heretic court, the empire as a whole It is still peaceful, and the plan to build the army can be gradual."

For humans, demons are always a threat. They are everywhere and threaten humans at all times.

When eradication is impossible, we can only take preventive measures.

Speaking of this, Emore seemed to have thought of something. He looked down at the owner in his arms and whispered: "Master, is there someone who wants to see you? Queen Kurina wants to see you many times..."


With a slightly startled expression and a sigh, Li Meng got up and sat up.

Looking back at Ai Moore, Li Meng said helplessly: "Love Moore, you can't let me lie down for a while."

At the words of the master, Ai Moore pursed his lips and said softly: "Master, after seeing Queen Kurina, the owner can lie down as long as he wants, big... the big deal is that Ai Moore will accompany the master tonight."

Looking at Ai Moor with a smile, Li Meng said with a smile: "Do you really want to experience it?"

"This one……"

Ai Moore was a little bit twisted, blushing, and whispered: "Queen Moneta said, our structure is very similar to humans, so there should be no problem, but..."

Li Meng said: "The difference in body shape?"

Facing the master's gaze, Ai Moore nodded shyly.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Is this all right?"

With that, Li Meng's body twisted strangely, getting bigger and stronger, and his clothes were torn directly.

In Ai Moore's stunned gaze, the original small owner directly became a man with a height of more than three meters.


Ai Moore was stunned, she never expected that the master still had this ability.

The white brilliance surged, and a white long dress gradually emerged on Li Meng.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said: "My current body has long been out of the scope of the physical body, size is just a concept."

What can I say, now Li Meng's physical body is no longer purely material, and of course, it is not out of the material range.

I moved my limbs, although it was a bit stiff, but overall it was not bad.

With a satisfied smile, Li Meng opened his hands to Ai Moore and smiled: "Love Moore, come over and let the master hug..."

Her face turned red, but Ai Moore couldn't resist the temptation, she walked forward and plunged into the owner's arms.

Very warm, very warm...

That kind of feeling is something that Moore has never had before. In the past, she was holding her master. This was the first time she felt her master's embrace.

Embracing Ai Moore's soft body, feeling the softness, in Ai Moore's ear, Li Meng whispered: "How is it? It has been a hundred years, how is the owner's embrace?"

Pressing gently on the master’s chest, Ai Moore raised his head to look at the face of the owner, and muttered: "Master, Ai Moore can’t do without you anymore. Okay, those women have occupied you for a hundred years. The owner should belong to Ai Moore..."

Ai Moore has a prayer in his eyes, as well as a passion and desire.

With a faint smile, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed Ai Moore's red lips, pried her mouth open, and asked for it to his heart's content.

This was the first time the two embraced and kissed. Whether it was Li Meng or Ai Moore, they were wholeheartedly involved at this moment.

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