Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1840: Ocean planet

After a deep kiss, Li Meng let go of the breathless Ai Moore for a long time.

Seeing the shy Ai Moore in his arms, patted that round and soft arm, Li Meng smiled and said: "Go, go call Queen Curina, and I will accompany you when she is sent away. Don't run away tonight..."

How could Ai Moore not understand what the master said, the touch on her hips made her shy and unbearable, and she whispered very tightly: "Master, then I'm going..."

With another kiss on Ai Moore’s red lips, Li Meng let go of Curina and said, "Go."

Ai Moore turned and left, turning around one step at a time and left the room.

Sitting on the wide sofa, feeling the uncomfortable bones, the tingling sensation is like a thousand ants crawling. It takes a lot of time to adapt to such a body shape.

Li Meng smiled secretly when Ai Moore left.

Having stayed in the human world for more than a hundred years, the simple female demon wing races have grown up, and they also understand love matters...

The Golden Wings do not have men, and they have female characteristics. They don’t know what love is or what it feels like. Although they yearn for the joy between men and women, they find that there is no suitable object for them. In the past, they hoped that the master would take the initiative. , Because in their eyes, they are the master’s women.

But a hundred years later, they are still them, or the banshee wingmen of the past, and they have not been loved by their masters.


It is not a difference in race, but a difference in body shape. According to the owner, he is powerless.

But now that everything has changed, how can love Moore not be happy?

Ai Moore didn't let Li Meng wait. Soon after, Ai Moore returned again, with a blue figure behind him, the same huge blue figure.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty?"

Seeing Li Meng who was in a big change on the sofa, Curina was shocked, her face was incredible.

This human emperor was obviously only a small man, how could he have become so huge now that he was about to surpass her in size.

Facing Curina’s surprise, Li Meng smiled faintly, and waved: “Sit down, nothing to be surprised, let alone my current size, even if it’s twice as big, I can do it. In my empire, Some humans think that I am a "god," and there is a reason for this."

Is it because of power?

Powerful and incredible power.

After staying in the Black Flag Empire for so many years, Kurina had a little understanding of some things.

She knew that the human emperor in front of her had incredible abilities, the ability to heal and destroy all things.

The surprise on her face was put away, and Kurina suddenly bowed to the ground...

Seeing this scene, Li Meng was slightly stunned and glanced at Ai Moore.

Facing the master's gaze, Ai Moore shook his head, expressing not knowing.

Looking at Kurina, who was kneeling on the ground, Li Meng said in a puzzled way: "Kurana, what are you doing? Get up quickly and just say something."

Without getting up, Kurina said with a firm face: "Your Majesty, the Trisolarans also need their own gods and beliefs. I hope that Your Majesty will become the God of the Trisolaris and protect us forever."

Hearing that, Li Meng and Ai Moore showed clear expressions on their faces.

Undoubtedly, Kurina is smart and wants to use faith to completely tie the Trisolaran to the chariot of mankind. As long as the emperor of mankind becomes the **** of the Trisolaran, the Trisolaran will completely become a member of the human family. A part.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said: "Why do you believe in me? Our Black Flag Empire also has a "death god". As the home of human souls, believing in it can also protect your Trisolarans."

Shaking his head, Kurina said: "Your Majesty, the **** of death represents the dark side in the Black Flag Empire. We Trisolaran people yearn for the bright side. We are willing and hope to become believers of the emperor."

After indulging in a moment, Li Meng said, "Also, go find Sharina, she will teach you how to do it."

Sharina, the highest saint of the emperor's religion, counting time, she has been a saint for more than a hundred years and is one of the few "saints" in the empire.

Seeing Li Meng's consent, Kurina was delighted and said quickly: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

With that, Kurina got up and retreated, leaving the room.

Looking at the place where Curina disappeared, Li Meng smiled faintly.

After staying on Earth for so long, Kurina has also become much smarter. This is good. If the Trisolarans do not learn to be smart, it means that they are not qualified to survive in this universe.

Looking back at the window, a faint smile appeared on Li Meng's face. Next, the empire will usher in a long period of development.

Time just passed by little by little, one day, two days, one year, two years, a hundred years...

In the Trisolaris star system, the Black Flag Empire has completely controlled the Trisolaris star system after repelling the Chiyan Stars’ second expedition.

After that war, the Empire ushered in a long period of peace.

Time will kill people’s spirits and will dilute people’s memories. In just a hundred years, that tragic war has faded out of people’s sight. Every day, only the media from all over the world are frantically reporting what "stars" are Discover, what has a high value "planet" is discovered.

In the great era of border expansion and the explosive growth of casual population, the Black Flag Empire also ushered in some internal troubles.

Demons, ambitions, conspiracies, and rebellions are taking place in the empire spanning hundreds of light years. Two hundred years after the establishment of the empire, the struggle for power seems to be staged again...

In the distant, distant starry sky, there is a planet that is so beautiful and so huge.

It is like a beautiful sapphire, the beauty is so shocking.

If the Black Flag Empire discovers here, everyone will be crazy about this planet.

This is an oceanic planet with no land, only the ocean on the surface of the planet, an endless ocean.

It may not have any precious minerals. It is an excellent tourist planet with unlimited hidden value.

In the starry sky far away from the ocean planet, a huge spacecraft is gradually approaching.

It is about fifty kilometers long, just like a flat box, black all over, with blood-colored lines.

The huge spacecraft flew silently and quickly entered the orbit of the ocean galaxy.

"This planet is not bad, "Ya", immediately record this planet into the database, send out all the detectors, detect the components in the air, and execute immediately..."

From the bridge of the "Tan Ya", looking at the huge blue planet outside, Tan Ya's face showed a novel look.

Traveling in the starry sky for more than 100 years, Tan Ya has seen hundreds of thousands of various planets. This is the first time that Tan Ya has seen an ocean planet.

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