Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1841: Blue star

"Understand, it's being executed..."

Outside, I saw a large number of spherical probes flying out of the release port and rushing toward the surface of the planet. The number of them was densely packed, or even thousands.

A meteor shower suddenly appeared above the ocean planet, which was caused by the probe's penetration into the atmosphere.

"Testing data is being transmitted. The oxygen content is excellent, two percentage points higher than that of the earth, the environment is excellent, no pollution, the water quality is excellent, no harmful substances, and the gravity is 2.1 times that of the earth. The overall analysis: a habitable planet."

Hearing the report of "Ya", Tan Ya looked incredible.

This planet is really a treasure, it's really surprising, it turned out to be a planet suitable for human survival.

In other words, on this planet, human beings can survive without modifying the environment.

"A large number of organic matter, carbon-based organisms, are being renewed in the sea, 123 species, 164 species, 178 species..."

"Warning, found cursed creatures, 3 species, 13 species, 18 species..."

Cursed creatures?

Hearing this, Tan Ya frowned slightly.

Cursed creatures refer to those creatures whose industries have changed due to the chaotic energy of subspace.

The water monsters of the earth, some weird monsters are cursed creatures.

The existence of cursed creatures means that there are things on this planet that can affect subspace, a certain life, or a certain object.

"Unknown signal source was found, magnetic field interference, unable to capture its information..."

What will it be?

Tan Ya didn't know it, but needed to explore it.

Tan Ya said: "Immediately adjust the weapon and change to the underwater launch mode..."

With that, Tan Ya got up and stood up and walked out of the bridge.

Soon after, a "banshee" transport boat sailed away from the harbor of the "Tanya" starship, with a blue flame on its tail, instantly speeding up and rushing towards the surface of the planet.

"General Tanya, that was the first human to discover "it". You are qualified to name it."


In the cockpit of the transport boat, Tan Ya frowned, and it took a while before she said, "Let's call it Blue Star."

At this time, outside, the window of the transport boat was shrouded in flames.

A fireball appeared in the sky of the blue star, a fireball falling rapidly.

The fireball appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly. When the fireball disappeared, a "banshee" transport boat suddenly appeared in the sky.

The "banshee" transport boat in the sky plunged straight into the water, turning into a black shadow and piercing the clouds.

Only hundreds of meters above the water did the "banshee" transport boat in the sky slow down, and finally plunged into the water at a slow speed.

As the banshee transport boat entered the water, the light outside suddenly disappeared. Outside the window, it was a beautiful underwater world.

But this beauty lasted for a while, and soon darkness enveloped everything.

In the water, only the tail flame of the transport boat was shining brightly, dispelling the darkness slightly.

Suddenly, the white light flickered, and two huge beams of light lit up on the bow of the transport boat, and the appearance of the beam slightly dispersed the darkness.

The driving positions of the black cavalry guards are all automated and controlled by AI. Although the hand control mode is also set, it is basically not necessary. The advantage of AI control is probably that it will not be affected by emotions and will always be maximized. Driving.

The bottom of the sea is quiet and silent, and the cockpit is also quiet and quiet.

On the silver screen, the depth value of the dive has been changing, 5102, 5514, 5710...


When diving down to seven kilometers, there was a sudden flash outside the window, and a group of black shadows hit the window.

what is that?

Tan Ya didn't pay attention, only saw a dark shadow.


Another black shadow hit the window. This time, Tan Ya could see clearly.

They are water monsters, which are slightly different from the water monsters on the earth. They are bigger and more shape, measuring 2.5 meters in length.

They bear a fish head, have limbs, and are blue all over.


At this moment, a shadow struck from the bow of the ship, crashing into the hull, and the sound of the impact was dense.

It is water monsters, dense water surface, they emerged from the darkness and surrounded the transport boat.

Outside, their figures are densely packed, swarming, crowded, countless.

Listening to the thumping sound in the ear, Tan Ya frowned slightly, and said calmly: "Check the hull, is there damage?"

"Testing, no damage, the hull structure is intact, is the weapon system activated?"

The banshee transport boat is made of A-grade titanium alloy. The hull is unquestionably strong and defensive. It can withstand 10,000 meters of water pressure, and it cannot be shaken by a small water monster.

Hearing this, Tan Ya said: "Go ahead and don't need to pay attention to them."

"Warning, being deviated from the course due to external pressure, steering is affected..."

Is it because of them?

Looking at the dense water monsters outside, Tan Ya's face became dark.

Although they cannot shake the Banshee Transporter, they can push the Transporter and make it deviate.

Frowning, Tan Ya said calmly: "Open the shield..."

In the dark sea, I saw blue brilliance, and a blue shield enveloped the transport boat.

The red blood surging suddenly, the water monster lying on the surface of the transport boat was cut open by the shield.

They were crazy. They were surging like schools of fish in the water, and they rushed to the transport boat one after another, hitting the shield, causing the shield to flicker violently.

"Warning, shield energy is being consumed rapidly, please take immediate countermeasures."

Is it water pressure?

The transport boat is now shallow and deep to the bottom of the sea more than 9,000 meters above the surface, and the high-strength water pressure is consuming the energy of the shield.

As for the impact of the water monster, it is not worth mentioning. If there is no water pressure, their impact is of no use.

The only use is probably to make the transport boat off course.

Tan Ya asked: "How long are we from the signal source?"

"I don't know, because of unknown interference, the detector is out of function, unable to locate, and the navigation panel is malfunctioning..."

Frowning slightly, Tan Ya said in a puzzled way: "Since the unknown interference here hinders the transmission of the unknown signal, how is the signal captured by us? "Ya", what is the form of the unknown signal source?"

"Acoustic signals, strong acoustic signals, acoustic signals released by non-carbon-based organisms..."

At this moment, for some reason, the impact of "dongdong" suddenly disappeared.

Outside, the water monsters that had been in groups suddenly dispersed, disappearing into the darkness.

Outside, on the side of the transport boat, in the darkness, a huge black shadow appeared. In front of it, the fifty-meter long transport boat was so small.

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