Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1843: Evacuate again

As the large forces rushed into the atmosphere, a meteor shower appeared again in the sky of the blue star. This time, more, with thousands of fireballs, and the sky seemed to be illuminated.

But soon, the meteor shower suddenly disappeared in the sky.

At this time, Tan Ya led a large force into the atmosphere and came to the sky of the planet.

Hundreds of banshee transport boats and a thousand black armored guards rushed to the sea amid the "buzzing" engine roar.

The clouds were disturbed, and the strong air flow directly broke up a large cloud.

Below, the sea is close at hand...

Slow down, slow down, and finally, the night angel rushed into the water first, igniting a jet of water.

A hundred banshee transport boats followed by a thousand black armored guards plunged into the water.

The water splashed everywhere, and the scene was even more shocking. It took a few minutes before the last black armored guard plunged into the water.

In the water, as a white light flickered, beams of light appeared, making the dim water like daylight.

In order to drive away the darkness, the black armor guards and the Banshee transport boats turned on their lights.

This is the second time here, with the first experience, the second time, Tan Ya will not be too reckless.

When the dive depth reached six kilometers, Tan Ya in the night angel gave the order: "Launch a flare..."

With an order, the deck of the transport boat behind the black armored guard opened, and coiled guns rose out.

A white flash suddenly appeared, and a ball of light passed by the black armored guard, like a missile, rushing to the deeper seabed.

In the distant darkness, the ball of light burst, turned into a dazzling flash, burned and sank into the sea.

Under the flickering light, creatures hiding in the dark were also discovered.

It was the water monster, a large number of countless water monsters, the bright light stimulated them, they swarmed in the water like a dark cloud hitting upwards.


Raising the long spear in his hand, a group of black flames condensed on the tip of the spear, and then shot out, turning into a phantom to attack the water monster below.

I saw a flash of black gloom, and the bursting black flame instantly swallowed the water monster in a radius of ten meters.

When the black flame dissipated, the swallowed water monster disappeared without a trace.

With an order, the black armored guards scattered across a large area of ​​the sea accelerated to rush towards the water monster group below.

The long spear in his hand shot out a plasma ball in the blue flash, rushing towards the water monster.

In the dense flashes, the plasma masses covered the water monster like raindrops.


The light shining from the plasma group dispelled the darkness, and a group of blue flames burst out in the sea below.

It was a plasma fluid, with a temperature that exceeded it. Every plasma exploded, and all the water monsters sputtered by the plasma would be burned.

Under the attack of the black armored guards, a large number of water monsters died on the charge.

But there are too many of them, and the entire sea area is full of them, like locusts, densely packed.

Braving the plasma clusters that hit like raindrops, the two parties with very different numbers collided together.

At the moment of the collision, the light emitted by the black armored guard and the transport boat was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

In the water, the two sides fought together.

In the water, the flexibility of the black armored guard is limited, and the speed is very slow, unable to compare with the water monster.

A large number of water monsters pounced on the body of the black armored guard, biting wildly, leaving dense traces on the metal surface.

When the body was covered with a water monster, the black armored guard had to pinch one water monster to death with his hands.

Water monsters are creatures after all. Although they have sharp claws, it is still somewhat difficult to tear the body of the black armor guard.

However, the battlefield is located in 7 kilometers of water, and the huge water pressure makes the body of the black armored guard extremely fragile. If the body is damaged, it will be squeezed by the strong water pressure and destroyed.

In the battle, although a large number of water monsters were killed, the black guards also suffered some losses.

In the dark water, a group of flames burst out from time to time. It was the flame produced by the black armored guard's power room being squeezed by water pressure.

In the underwater battlefield, only night angels and transport boats can protect themselves well.

The transport boat has a shield, and if the shield is not broken, the water monster can do nothing with the transport boat.

The night angel in the water is also protected by a black shield. Once the water demon approaches and touches, the whole body will burn until it turns to ashes.

It seemed that he knew the power of the night angel, and perhaps was afraid of the "death" breath emanating from the night angel. The water monster seemed reluctant to pay attention to the night angel, and directly bypassed the night angel and attacked the black armor guard behind him.

"How many are they?"

Holding a spear, Tan Ya kept firing at the water monster in the dark.

The black flame burst, and one water monster disappeared, but it was useless. Around, on the battlefield, the silhouette of the water monster could be seen everywhere.

Looking at the casualty figures flashing on the silver screen, Tan Ya frowned slightly.

It doesn't work like this. These water monsters don't seem to have any sense of "death". From the start of the battle to the present, there have been thousands of water monsters slaughtered, but they still show no signs of evacuation or escape.

The detector failed, and it was impossible to know how many water monsters were moving in the water.

Tan Ya never expected that a group of water monsters would make her feel powerless.

The battle in the water is really boring. The power of all weapons is greatly reduced. If you are outside, even the water monster can be easily slaughtered, but in the water, whether it is a black armored guard or a transport boat, Their combat effectiveness has been severely weakened.

"General, the shield energy of the transport boat is about to be exhausted, and the remaining 21%..."

The reminder from "Ya" made Tan Ya's face gloomy.

Looking at the current situation, it is no longer possible to go deeper, and going further will only increase casualties, which is meaningless.

"Withdraw, withdraw immediately..."

With that, Tan Ya manipulated the night angel into the sky in the water and approached the water.

With an order, the black-armored guard entangled with the water monster in the water, hung a body of the water monster, and began to evacuate, rushing to the surface.

The transport boat also turned vertically and began to evacuate.

Seeing the enemy retreating, the water monsters seemed to be excited. In the water, they roared low and followed closely behind the enemy.

Keep chasing, keep chasing, knowing that it was less than a kilometer away from the sea, the water monsters rushed away, and even the water monster hanging on the black armor guards escaped in a panic and escaped into the deep water.

"They seem to be afraid of the sun..."

Looking back at the water monster below who was escaping into the deep water, Tan Ya was thoughtful.

This is somewhat different from the water monsters on the earth. Although the water monsters on the earth are more sensitive to light, they are not afraid of sunlight.

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