Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1844: Intelligent life

Is it because of environmental factors?

The water monster of the Blue Star has lived in the gloomy bottom for a long time, naturally likes darkness, and its skin has adapted to the dark environment.

"The detector is online, warning, warning, scanning a large number of unknown mechanical objects approaching, the number is 514, 618, 781, 1017..."

Unknown machinery?

Frowning slightly, Tan Ya said solemnly: "Leave the water first."

At this moment, in the sea thousands of meters away from Tanya, a large shadow close to the water surface passed through the water, approaching Tanya's location. The shadow under the water surface continued for several miles, like a cloud. .

On the surface of the sea not far away, the calm water surface suddenly surged. With the rising of a water column, a large number of transport boats and black armored guards shot out from the water, soared into the sky, and flew into the sky.

The commotion lasted for several minutes, and when the last black armored guard shot out of the water, the sea returned to calm.

The blue tail flames burst, a large number of black armored guards, and the transport boat rose into the sky, turning into black shadows and disappearing into the sky.

On the sea, only the night angel and the nearly hundred black armor guards stopped. They were suspended in the low air, seeming to be waiting for something.

"Is the blue star's intelligent life? Why didn't the probe find them?"

The report from "Ya" surprised Tan Ya slightly.

If there are intelligent life on this planet, the probe has no reason to ignore them.

In the previous report, the detector found no intelligent creatures.

"I don't know. According to speculation, their civilization should exist in the deep sea, whose depth exceeds the strength of the water pressure that the probe can withstand, so the probe cannot detect their existence."

There is only this reason...

If it is a native intelligent creature, if it is discovered, the procedure of first contact will be carried out.

This is why Tan Ya stayed.

"This is their vehicle?"

They were approaching, and because they were close to the water surface, Tan Ya could see the shadows under the water surface.

It was a relatively flat vehicle, a bit like a ray, in blue with a metallic luster.

They vary in size, ranging from several meters in length to dozens of meters in length. The largest is even more than a hundred meters long. There is light underwater, indicating that the intelligent races on the blue star have at least learned to use energy.

There are a large number of them, thousands of them, spread over a large area of ​​the sea, indicating that their industrial capabilities are good, otherwise, they cannot have such a huge "army".

At this moment, the sea suddenly surging, a 100-meter-long submarine emerged from the water, and the roar of the engine suddenly resounded through the world.

At the tail of the submarine, there are two propellers located on the upper deck of the submarine, which makes them make a great noise.

There are many submarines underwater, but only it has emerged. It can be seen that this unknown race of intelligence is very cautious.


With the sound of metal turning, the upper deck of the submarine opened and some strange creatures crawled out.

They look a bit like a combination of crab and lobster. The body is a crab, but it has a shrimp head. They are not small. Each one is more than two meters tall and looks very strong.

There are five of them, four of them are guards, they are bloated with rifle-like weapons in their hands.

One is relatively slender, and it is waving its hands, seeming to greet the black armor guards in the sky.

Their eyes are sky blue, like two gems, from which no malice can be seen.

The black flame flickered, and the night angel in the sky moved, slowly descending in height, and landed on the submarine like a god.

As soon as it fell, the submarine sank abruptly, almost sinking into the water, and it took a while to be captured.

Looking at the big guy in front of them, there was only curiosity and awe in their eyes on the deck.


In the sound of the metal turning, the door of the night angel's chest opened.

From the hatch, Tan Ya jumped out and landed on the deck deftly.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Tan Ya, and then at the tall night angel behind Tan Ya, they whispered on the deck, not knowing what they were talking about.

Looking at these "ugly" creatures in front of him, Tan Ya sent out messages telepathically.

In the absence of language analysis, spiritual communication is the most convenient means.

"Who is the principal here?"

The meaning is probably this, the sound is ringing in their brains.

This caused them on the deck to be taken aback. One of the alien creatures took a step forward and said in his mouth: "Holy messenger from the outside world, welcome your arrival. I am the "territory history" of the water kingdom."

In the hood, Tan Ya showed an unexpected look, and said in surprise: "Are you familiar with alien visitors?"

It shook its head and quickly said: "No, we know that we are not the only ones in the vast universe. We are convinced that one day, we will be able to find alien life, or perhaps be found in advance by alien life. We just didn't expect This day comes so fast, after all, we don’t even have the ability to escape from the sea."

With such recognition, it is sufficient to show that the level of civilization of this race will not be too low.

Tan Ya asked, "What's under this? We detected an unknown signal, but were stopped by some water monsters."

Hearing that, it was terrified, and said with fear: "Below is the dark forbidden territory, with only endless darkness, the territory of the evil demon race, and there are countless powerful sea monster guards in the depths. No one knows that. What's on the dark seabed, it's dangerous there, you must never get close."

It seems that in their eyes, the waters below are not a safe place.

In the hood, Tan Ya looked pensive, thinking.

For a moment, Tan Ya looked around and said: "We are looking for something. If we don’t find what we are looking for on this planet, we will leave quietly without disturbing your world, but we don’t want it either. You are too hostile to us. When necessary, we will erase everything, even life."

With a look of fear on its face, it hurriedly said: "The water kingdom will not disturb you, please rest assured."

"That's good..."

Taking a faint look at it, Tan Ya turned around and jumped up, turning into a phantom and jumping on the night angel.

This one stunned them on the deck, which is more than ten meters high.

As they watched, Tan Ya entered the cockpit, and amidst the sound of metal turning, the door slowly closed.

The huge black wings spread out, and black flames spurted out. Under the powerful thrust, the night angel slowly lifted into the air, speeding faster and faster, and finally broke through the speed of sound and went straight into the sky in the air wave.

Nearly a hundred black cavalry guards followed closely, and the black figures shot straight into the sky.

Seeing the figure leaving in the sky, the alien creatures on the deck can only envy them. But flying, it breaks through the restraint of gravity so easily, how can they not envy them.

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