Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 650: Advance

"Brother! The support troops on the northern coastline should be withdrawn! Maybe it's gone!"

An unexpected glance at Vader in front of the observation mouth, it seemed that Vader had this knowledge of Via.

As if sensing the eldest brother's sight, Vader smiled faintly, and said: "I have been observing the fleet of the First Corps. Just now, I saw the guns on the battleships turned to the same direction. It is not difficult. People guessed that the First Army probably got the position of the support troops’ shelling positions. Under that kind of firepower, if the support troops did not withdraw before the fire, there would only be one..."

What is the end, how can Via not know?

Slightly leaving the binoculars, Vader turned his head and looked at the person beside him, and said, "Big Brother! We only rely on ourselves now. The battle has just begun. When the victorious Libra does not completely fall to one side, I am not I will give up!"

Nodded, Via picked up the binoculars, looked at the enemy landing ship approaching on the sea, and said faintly: "Then give it a try! See how long we can last!"

For both, now is not the time to lose hope.

They still have power on this island, enough power.

How can you know where your limits are if you don't fight for it?

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines, various landing craft washed up on the beach.

The beach was suddenly filled with huge metal figures.

Amidst the sound of metal turning, the hatch was opened.

Amid the roar of the engine, the huge hammer tank rumbled out of the landing craft and roared forward on the beach sand.

Amid the roar of the hammer tank, among the other boats, mobilizers wearing dark green power suits, as well as sickle mechas, also stepped out one after another.

Not long after, the beach has been flooded with large and small metal figures.

With the roar of "rumbling" again, various landing craft began to return and left the beach.

The landing troops on the beach followed the stone road behind the beach towards the chaotic stone forest.

The landing operation resumed, and the frontline combat troops that first landed on the island were also ordered to attack.

"Offensive! Get close to the forest!"

As the frontline combat commander, the fifth-level sergeant "Lof" gave the order to attack the team.

With an order, the waiting troops began to advance.

The engine roared, and the hammer tank on the stone road started to move again with the "rumbling" roar, crushing the gravel on the road, and advancing aggressively.

The sickle mecha stuck in the rocks also moved away from the metal feet amidst the sound of the metal turning, moving forward dexterously on the soft sand.

The mobilized soldiers scattered in various places in the stone forest gathered towards the stone road and followed the cover on both sides of the hammer tank.

When the team moved forward to the edge of the stone forest, which is the junction of the stone forest and the forest.

Between the forest and the rocks, there is a buffer zone, not big, only half a hundred distance.

At first glance, clusters of bushes resemble mountains, undulating, one cluster next to each other.

The stone path is so conspicuous, extending from the green bushes to the forest.

On the edge of the stone forest, the long line paused.

Although the forest has been monitored before, but only to observe whether there is movement in the forest, it is impossible to confirm that the enemy's line of defense is on the edge of the forest.

Looking around, on the side of the first hammer tank, at the front of the team, Love gave the order.

"Tentative shooting! Target: Forest!"

The order was reached, and the turret of the first hammer tank moved slightly, and the muzzle of the black hole aimed at the forest not far away.


The barrel of the gun shook violently, the flames surged, and the shells roared out.

The hammer tank opened fire.


After a short while, an explosion occurred in the forest at the edge of the forest, the flames flickered, and a fire flame slowly rose up.

The bursting flame swept everything around, and the powerful shock wave shattered countless branches and leaves.

When the explosion in the forest just sounded, the hammer tank fired again, and the black hole barrel burst into surging flames again.

The barrel shook violently, and the cannonball roared out again in the flames.

In the whistling sound, there was another explosion in the forest. In the surging flames, countless branches and leaves were torn apart and flying in all directions.

After two rounds of shooting, the hammer tank stopped shooting.

And Love was also observing the movement in the forest.

There was no movement, and the forest remained silent.

It seems that the enemy's line is not on the edge of the forest.

This is also true. The edge of the forest is not a good place to set up positions, the goal is too big.

Love gave the order again.

"Scatter from left to right and advance toward the forest!"

In the order, the mobilized soldiers who had formed several columns on the stone path were scattered to the left and right, forming a loose horizontal formation.

The team began to move forward and swept towards the forest.

Half a hundred distance, the team easily crossed.

When I entered the forest, it was suddenly dark above my head. The tall trees blocked the sunlight and dispelled the light.

The picture before him dimmed suddenly.

Looking ahead, the stone path under the shade of the tree looks extremely quiet, with a pitch black depth at the end.

Only the huge hammer tank moved forward slowly amid the rotating sound of the tracks and the roar of the engine.

In the woods on both sides of the road, the figures swayed in the dim space under the shade of the trees, and occasionally a larger figure dangled by.

In the gap between the trees, the Sickle Mecha is moving dexterously.

The stone road connects to the fortress. As long as you follow the stone road, you will encounter the enemy's line of defense sooner or later.

Time was leaving little by little, and the team that was advancing along the stone path also approached the fortress little by little.

In the gloomy forest, the front was still silent, and at this time, the frontline troops had reached the middle of the forest.

On the quiet stone path, the hammer tank was slowly advancing amid the roar of the engine.

From a distance, one can only see the huge outline of the action on the gloomy stone path.

The track turned and crushed the ground. The forests on both sides were also in the shaking of the figure, echoing the sound of "swish", which was the sound of touching the branches and leaves.

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