Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 651: fighting


A dull explosion suddenly sounded from the forest ahead.

The fire flickered, and a huge fiery red streamer cut through the gloomy forest above the stone path, and attacked the advancing hammer tank.


When the two touched, there was a crisp, harsh impact.

Among the bursting sparks, the fiery red streamer turned its direction and plunged into the forest on one side amidst howling sounds.

The thick armor of the hammer tank resisted the attack of enemy shells, causing it to ricochet.

With the sound of the cannon, the forest suddenly boiled.

"Bang! Bang!"

Intensive gunshots suddenly sounded from the gloomy forest in front. In the flickering of the flames, countless bullets pierced the gloomy forest, forming a series of fiery red meteor showers that struck the frontline troops.

The forest was dense and the tree trunks were strong. Many red streamers were intercepted by the tree trunks in the middle of the road, but there were also many bullets approaching the frontline troops.


On the left side of the stone road, a big tree suddenly exploded. In the surging flames, countless broken branches fell to the ground with the sound of "creaking".

In this lush forest, it is difficult for small-caliber artillery to exert its own firepower, because the lush trees will block the shooting path of the cannonball.


The enemy launched an attack and also exposed the position of the position in this gloomy forest.

Not far away, the enemy's position is ahead.

Looking towards the end of the stone road, you can see that there are many figures shaking in the dark shade of the trees, and flames flickering from all over the forest.

"Da da da!"

The mobilizers launched a counterattack.

The rifle in his hand was spitting out the tongue frantically, and he shot back at the enemy with more fierce firepower.

In the gloomy forest, it was suddenly filled with dense gunfire.

The fiery red bullet marks passed under the dim shade of trees like a meteor shower.


From time to time, there will be violent explosions.

The muzzle turned slightly, and amidst the sound of machinery running, a hammer tank driving on the stone path pointed at a certain point under the forest at the end of the stone path.

There will be huge flames from time to time in that place, and whenever the flames flicker, there will always be an explosion in the nearby forest.

There must be a cannon there.


The muzzle of the black hole suddenly shook, and the surging flame suddenly burst out.

Amid the bursting flames, a fiery red streamer shot out, instantly surpassing a distance of several hundred meters under the gloomy forest, and hit the end of the stone path.


A huge explosion sounded loudly, and a huge fireball surging violently from under the forest at the end of the stone path.

In the rising flames, you can see the silhouettes fleeing in a panic.

"Left wing, right wing, continue to advance and attack the enemy line!"

The stone path is obviously the enemy's main defensive direction, bringing together the enemy's fierce firepower.

Fortunately, the armor of the hammer tank is thick enough to maintain a slow advancing speed among the bursting sparks.

Under Love's order, the troops on the left and right flanks of Shidao began to accelerate their advance.

In the gloomy woods, the mobilized soldiers shuttled dexterously, taking advantage of the cover of the tree trunks to avoid enemy bullets while pushing back.

Under the staggered bullet marks, the mobilized soldiers on the left and right wings are quickly approaching the enemy's position.

When the troops advanced less than two hundred meters from the enemy's line of defense, in the gloomy forest, they could finally see the enemy's position.

It is a high ground.

On a raised hill, the enemy built a position.

At a distance of less than two hundred meters, the two sides could already see each other clearly, and even their faces could be seen clearly.

The only difference is that the mobilizer can see the enemy's face, while the enemy can only see the armor on the mobilizer.

"Go ahead! Number three! Cover me!"

In the gloomy shade of the trees, three sickle mechas emerged from the forest one after another.

In the sound of the powerful motor engine, the metal feet interlaced quickly, making the sickle mecha move quickly in the forest like a fast-moving spider.

One of the sickle mechas sprinted quickly, and the other two made fire cover.

"Om! Om!"

Aiming at the enemy’s line of defense, the rotary heavy machine guns on the two sickle mechas erupted in anger. Along with the sound of the motors, a long flame was spit out, forming a fire dragon made of bullet marks in the dark forest. The enemy positions attacked.

"Chih! Chih!"

Under the blow of the metal storm, the enemy's line of defense suddenly turned over and was suppressed by the powerful firepower.

Under the cover of the two sickle mechas, the sprinting sickle mechas were quickly approaching the enemy's front, and a large number of mobilized troops followed closely behind them.

Seeing the enemy rushing up, the officers on the enemy line panicked.

"So there are cannons! Immediately attack the nearby enemy armored units!"

There are a lot of cannons on the ground. Although the caliber is only 75 mm, they are portable and powerful. They are standard equipment of the Bentley National Team.

Under the order of the officer, the two cannons on this position hurriedly adjusted their directions and aimed at the enemy armored units coming up not far away.


In a loud roar, the cannon angered.


The gun body slammed for a while, the muzzle flame was surging, and two flaming red lights struck the target.

"Boom! Boom!"

Without hitting the target, two shells hit the tree trunk on the side of the enemy armored unit.

The bursting heat caused the trunk to burn.

The burning will only last for a short while, because the forest is full of water vapor, and the flame cannot continue to burn.

For soldiers from Bentley, they only have one chance to attack.

The attack was ineffective, and in the rapid movement, the charging sickle mecha was about to board the enemy's line.

Less than ten meters away from the front line, the pilot team in the cockpit of the Sickle Mecha could even see soldiers in gray coats on the front line.

"It has been locked by an enemy armored unit, pay attention to avoid!"

As soon as they appeared, and only a step away from the enemy's line, the cockpit of the Sickle Mecha found that they were locked.

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