Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 804: Pirate Ship


Looking at Clareville next to her, Yalan smiled faintly, and said as if joking.

But Clive nodded seriously, and said in an extremely flat tone: "I am afraid of death, more afraid of death than anyone else."

Speaking of this, she smiled helplessly, and said quite self-deprecating: "It's really incompatible with her own identity. She is obviously a hero and revered by thousands of people, but she is just a greedy and fearful of death."

What's wrong?

Seeing Cravel's unusual expression, Yalan was a little puzzled.

It’s not like that in ordinary Clive, is it...

Thinking of this, Yalan's face changed, and she was about to say something.

But it was interrupted by Cravel.

"Don't think too much, if you can become a hero, how can you be corroded by this little devil's breath? Just now, you just think I am talking to myself."


Taking a deep breath in her mouth, Claver sighed: "The breath in this air is really pungent!"

Although there was some suspicion in her heart, Aranda breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Claver had returned to normal.

Also, although this mist carries the breath of the devil, but such a bleak breath can't even affect the hearts of ordinary people, so what about a hero?

She thinks too much.

However, the expression of Claver's just now made Arran very concerned.

If she remembers correctly, it seems that Clive's home country is undergoing civil strife.

Is it the cause of the domestic situation?

Although I really want to know the reason, in the end, Yalan still didn't say it, just stayed quietly with Claver.

After all, the relationship between the two is not good. If it weren't for Bentley and this mission, the two would not have too much overlap in the Heroes Association.

In the Association of Heroes, there are too many heroes. In some countries, there is more than one hero. In the interpersonal circle of the Association of Heroes, Arran has her interpersonal circle, and Claver has her own interpersonal circle. , If there is no special reason for the interpersonal circle of the two, it is impossible to overlap.

The two of them today are not even friends, they are just "colleagues" working together.

Looking into the mist, the fleet of the First Legion was looming.

There are only two warships that can be seen, one is dozens of meters away in front of them, and the other is not far from the left.

The darkness enveloped the fog, and the fog enveloped the sea. Under the double envelope, only the vague outlines of the two battleships could be seen in the darkness.

Although there is only one outline, it is undoubtedly a comfort to everyone on the iron armored ship.

At least let them know that they have not lost the First Army.

Time is passing, and the darkness is long but short.

Early the next morning, amid the long whistle, the fleet set off again.

The sea is rippling, the engines are roaring, and amidst the disturbance of the sea, the huge fleet shuttles in the mist.

In front of the fleet, there is a mist that seems endless, white, and the obstacles in the line of sight make people feel depressed.

Under the slow sailing, in the mist, the fleet is getting closer and closer to the destination.

The sea was rippling, and the fleet sailed slowly in the mist amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines.

The pointed bow tore the sea surface, forming waves swaying to both sides.

In the bridge command room of the heavy cruiser, Jiro Yamada was scanning the fog ahead.

Under the guidance of the electronic compass, the fleet is moving towards its destination. All the way, the outline of the island can be seen in the mist, and it is very close to the small town of Lasva.

"this is……"

At this moment, Yamada Jiro's expression in the helmet wrinkled slightly, and he made a sound of surprise.

In the thick fog in front of the fleet, several oncoming ships suddenly appeared.

When the ship shadows appeared, those ship shadows had only a vague outline, but they soon became clearer.

When Yamada Jiro hadn't reacted yet, in the fog in front of the fleet, the oncoming ship's shadow had become clear, and three wooden ships broke through the fog and rushed towards the fleet.

The huge heavy cruiser bears the brunt.

Seeing this, Yamada Jiro took a step forward and immediately shouted: "Crash into it, destroy it, and immediately issue orders to the ships to prepare for battle."

It was a pirate, it was a pirate ship. From the three oncoming ships, Jiro Yamada saw the pirate flag.

But what makes Yamada Jiro strange is that there is no one on the deck of the pirate ship, it is empty, only the huge chimney is billowing with white smoke and the "rumbling" roar.

It is too dangerous to let those three ships rush into the fleet. Not all ships in the fleet can withstand the impact of pirate ships. Only by destroying the three pirate ships before they rush into the fleet can the fleet be protected from damage.

Under the loud order of Yamada Jiro, the crew in the command room reacted immediately.

While issuing the command to prepare for battle to the fleet, as the first ship of the fleet, the heavy cruiser fine-tuned its direction and ran into the oncoming pirate ship.

Thirty meters, twenty meters...

Under the huge hull of a heavy cruiser, the pirate ship looked so petite.

But the petite pirate ship ignored the sharp bow of the heavy cruiser.

Under the rippling sea, the two ships collided.

At that moment, I only heard a loud "click", and saw the heavy cruiser hull slammed, and the pirate ship was torn apart. The wooden ship was unable to collide with the city's steel, and was hit by the impact. Broken, the wreckage was pressed into the water by the heavy cruiser.

The speed of the heavy cruiser did not stop at all, passing over the wreckage of the pirate ship in the water amid the sound of "rumbling" engines.

There are two pirate ships behind the crashed pirate ship.

Due to the angle problem, with the flexibility of the heavy cruiser, it was too late to aim the hull at the approaching pirate ship.

In the fog, the pirate ship sailing at full speed hit the hull on the left side of the heavy cruiser.


Hearing a loud noise, the huge heavy cruiser was moved several meters laterally by the momentum, and the huge hull swayed.

Under the huge impact, the heavy cruiser was still moving forward slowly.

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