Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 805: Corrupted pirate

The colliding pirate ship got stuck on the hull of the heavy cruiser, the bow of the ship was broken and was pushed and moved by the heavy cruiser.

At this moment, the third pirate ship approached the heavy cruiser and directly hit the stern of the second pirate ship stuck on the left hull of the heavy cruiser.

In the violent impact, the stern of the second pirate ship was torn apart, and the front half of the third ship was severely damaged.

At this moment, a vision appeared.

In the mist, strange roars suddenly sounded.

Amidst the roar, dense figures poured into the cabins of the two heavily damaged pirate ships, running like a madman.

They were extremely agile and rushed towards the heavy cruiser as they walked flat on the damaged hull.

In the mist, red gloomy lights flickered, it was their blood-red pupils.

This scene was clearly seen by everyone in the bridge command room of the heavy cruiser.

"Destroy them!"

In the hood, Sakuya's cold voice rang.

Obviously, those figures are pirates whose hearts have been corrupted by the devil. They have become the tools of the devil and are no longer humans.

Sakiya's words made Yamada Jiro react.

The order to attack was immediately issued.

In the sound of the command to attack, the numerous secondary guns on the deck of the heavy cruiser turned one by one to the pirate ship outside the left hull amid the sound of mechanical operation.

On the broken pirate ship, the running figure was already very close to the heavy cruiser. After a few steps, you could board the heavy cruiser with a single leap.

But the First Army will not give them a chance to get close.

"Da da da!"

The secondary artillery on the deck fired.

The machine guns and machine guns spit out their tongues of fire frantically, and the dense bullets formed multiple fire dragons, attacking the pirate ship.

"Chih, chick."

The dense metal storm immediately covered the densely running figure.

In the mist, on the broken pirate ship, under the baptism of the metal storm, the running figure suddenly fell down a large area, and the gunshots directly shattered their momentum.


Behind the heavy cruiser, several dull shelling sounds suddenly sounded, and in the mist, several fire lights flickered one after another.

For a moment, there was a harsh whistling in the misty sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the whistling sound, a violent explosion occurred on the pirate ship on the heavy cruiser.

Several huge fireballs soared high in the fog, and the powerful shock wave directly dissipated a large area of ​​the surrounding fog. The fog was tumbling, and the burning debris flew high and fell into the water.

Under the shelling of a cruiser in the rear, the two pirates that collided with each other were directly torn apart and turned into a burning wreckage.

In the light of the fire, on the surface of the sea, a group of figures were struggling, slowly sinking into the water, and the red color remained for a long time.

On the surface of the water, scattered wreckage was still burning, and the raging fire lit up a large area of ​​the sea.

Under the burning flames, the fleet was still advancing slowly, gradually throwing the burning wreckage behind.

The only heavy cruiser still served as the lead ship. Although it was hit twice, the heavy cruiser did not suffer much damage, but the armor was deformed in the bow and at the impact of the left hull and became a bit uneven.

Such minor damage can be ignored, but it is not very beautiful.

However, on the battlefield, as long as the combat effectiveness can be maintained, the beauty can be ignored.

"What happened?"

At the back of the fleet, on the deck of the Heroes Association iron armored ship, due to the unexpected movement in front, many figures walked onto the deck.

In the front, the firelight and the sound of guns in the fog had just quieted down. The sound of the fierce battle just now, although short, could not be ignored.

Eagle walked onto the deck and asked the three people who had already arrived on the deck.

In response to Eagle's question, Jerry shook his head and said, "I don't know, but we will know soon."

On the sea in the mist, a bunch of burning flames are approaching.

It is getting closer.

As the iron-clad ship moved forward, when the flames completely appeared in the eyes of the four from the mist, the four finally knew what it was.

That is the wreck, the wreck of a wooden sea ship.

"Boom! Boom!"

When the armored ship passed by the burning wreck, there seemed to be something in the water hitting the hull.

The crash sound is very frequent.

Leaning slightly, the four of them looked towards the water.

In the water, only wooden wreckage can be seen, as well as floating corpses.


Seeing this, the hearts of the four of them became slightly clear.

Withdrawing his gaze from the water, Arland said: "It should be a human whose soul has been corrupted by demons. It should be a pirate who can be active at sea."

At this time, Iger said: "The direction of the fleet is heading to the small town of Lasva. Now our location is not far from the small town of Lasva. Presumably the First Army chose "Lasva". The town is the first goal."

With an indifferent expression, Jerry said, "This is a good thing for us. Lasva is the largest town among the four towns. It is the most likely place where the incarnation of the demon **** will appear. If found in Lasva With the incarnation of the Demon God, there will be no surprises in this mission, and we will be able to separate from the fleet of the First Army more quickly."

Speaking of this, Jerry looked around the three and continued: "Don’t forget that the war between the Heroes’ Association and the First Legion is about to begin. Although the Orleans Kingdom is sending troops, it is executed under the guidance of the Association. When it starts, our situation will be very embarrassing. By then, as the heroes of the Heroes Association, we will be the enemy of the First Army. When dealing with the enemy, the First Army will never be soft."

Yes, this is a bit bad.

Jerry's words made the three people on the deck look heavy.

Time is too tight to miss very well in the time difference.

If the mission of the Spratly Islands cannot be completed, once the war of Bentley starts, the former partners will instantly become enemies.

The more troublesome thing, once they become enemies, they will face a fleet.

Enemy with a fleet, no matter how confident they are, they don't have the courage.

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat silent, Arland said, “I’ll talk about future things later. Thinking about everything now is superfluous. We will never know the future development of the situation. Now, the only thing we can do is to take one step and count one step. It is possible to complete our mission."

Everyone was silent.

At this moment, it can only be so.

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