Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 814: Fight against the devil

That kind of breath is full of evil, like the incarnation of desire, with a breath of temptation.

"She really is not an ordinary person."

Sakuya's appearance, the figure that fell from the sky, and the deep hole left in the square, undoubtedly did not prove some facts.

Behind the roof, watching the petite figure on the square, Klevell whispered, who had been observing the development of the situation below.

Although the voice was small, it was like a whisper in the ear to the three people next to Clevier, and it was naturally heard.

"I never thought of her as an ordinary person."

To Clive, Arran just said so.

Before, when I was outside the fog, Iger's negotiations with the First Army were recorded.

After the incident, the four of them studied the video, and they were naturally familiar with the figure in the black bloodline skirt and hood.

Looking at the situation on the square, Eagle on the side showed a look of interest. He whispered: "This is interesting. You have always said that the First Army is a religious armed organization, biased towards dark beliefs, this evil To the darkness, who do you say will win?"

Who will win?

How could the three of them know this?

After all, they knew very little about the First Army.

At this time, Jerry on the side said: "We don't know what kind of power she uses. If it is "Jin", the color formed by the friction between Jin and the air when she fights can know her strength. If not, It can only be judged by the outcome of the victory."

This is true. After all, although martial artists are very widespread among human beings, "jin" is not the only power that humans obtain. They are familiar with "jin", but they have limited knowledge of other "powers". , Can only judge her strength by the process of battle.

"Huh, is she going to take the initiative?"

Clive's surprise made the eyes of the four people on the square.

Leaving the pit, Sakiya did not stop, her petite body approached the devil under the boulder step by step.

Stepping on the hard floor, he made a "clank" sound.

Facing Sakuya's approach, the devil under the boulder finally moved.

The big fat devil on the left couldn't stand it first, his fat and round body trembled, and his scarlet eyes stared at the petite figure that was not far away.

Suddenly, it opened its mouth wide and let out a roar.


The huge voice was deafening, sweeping away mightily.

Before it was about to rush out, a huge figure on the right rushed out first.

What rushed out was the devil with worm-body head and centipede legs, and it attacked Sakuya first.

The huge centipede's legs alternated rapidly, carrying its huge body, moving at extremely fast speed, running like a heavy tank, crushing towards the petite figure on the square.

Seeing that the prey was robbed, the big fat devil roared angrily at the devil with the worm's head and centipede legs, his stubby legs stepped out, the huge soles of his feet stepped on the floor, and he chased the figure in front.

Compared with the devil with worm-body human head and centipede legs, its speed is a bit slower. During the run, the fat body swayed. Under the heavy weight of the body, every step of the foot on the ground, the ground seems to be trembling.

Seeing the giant devil attacking aggressively, Sakuya, who was walking, stretched out his right hand slightly.

With a movement of his mind, the black power of death swarmed out of his body, turning into black gloomy lights to gather in his hands.

The black power of death is like little elves, beating in the air, drawing an outline, the outline of a sickle.

Everything happened in an instant, when the black gloom was solidified, a sickle appeared in Sakuya's hand.

When the touch of a real object appeared in his hand, Sakiya waved the huge sickle in his hand at random.

An invisible strong wind suddenly appeared, raising waves of dust.

When the huge sickle appeared, Sakiya at the moment was like a **** of death who had come to the world, and his aura increased several times.

Taking a big step forward, his body slumped. At that moment, the petite body turned into a black shadow and rushed toward the oncoming devil.

Wherever the figure passes, dust is flying.

In the huge square, as the three figures approached, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

At this moment, when the distance between the two sides was only a few tens of meters, the big fat devil running suddenly made an unexpected move.

Its stubby legs slammed, and its **** body suddenly jumped up, like a meat ball, smashing down towards Sakuya with the momentum of Mount Tai.

The strong wind has arrived before people arrive.

If hit by such a big giant, no one would be comfortable.

But Sakiya didn't back down, she jumped up, and as she lifted off, she waved the sickle in her hand.

The sharp blade shone with silver luster. When two figures, one large and one small, met in the air, only a flash of silver light was seen, and the two figures crossed in the air.

When she fell from the air, Sakuya waved her sickle again, and fell towards the devil with worm-body head and centipede legs on the ground.

The prey from the sky and the devil with centipede legs on the ground responded. It opened its mouth and sprayed, and a white silk thread flew up into the sky and attacked the falling Sakuya.

Seeing the attack, Sakiya in the hood looked indifferent, and immediately swung down the sickle. At the same time, his hand was free from the sickle.

The sickle, which has lost its restraint, is driven by its strength, like a huge whistling blade, turning into a silver blade and attacking the devil on the ground.

When the sickle touches the silk thread, there is no accident, the silk thread collapses as soon as it touches, and the sickle casts its momentum toward the devil on the ground.

The attack from the sky, the devil is inevitable, only a flash of silver light, the rotating sickle "chicks" into the head, and under the huge blade, the hideous female head is directly torn apart It became two halves.

The sickle's attack caused the devil's running posture to abruptly stop, collapsed to the ground, and slid more than ten meters on the ground.

The figure in the sky fell, and Sakiya fell gently in front of the fallen devil.

When Sakiya fell, there was a loud "boom" behind him.

The huge body of the big fat devil landed one second at night than Saki, and its huge body made the landing full of strength, and the floor was cracked, like a spider web.

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