Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 815: Mutation


At this moment, a huge hole suddenly opened in the fat body of the fat devil.

The red blood spurted immediately, like a rain curtain.

it's over?

Beside the devil's corpse, Sakiya stood tall, the gaze in the hood silently looked at the last devil under the boulder.

Whether it is the devil in front of them or the devil behind them, their breath is weakening and they are approaching death.

Next, there is only it.

"It's amazing, the weapon in her hand is really sharp, and the devil's defense is almost ineffective. By the way, can you see how the weapon in her hand appears?"

In just an instant, the battle was over, almost a spike in one hand.

Those two seemingly scary monsters could not survive her hand.

From her actions, the four of them didn't find anything at all.

Compared to her "strength", Cravel was more curious about how the weapons in her hand appeared.

Such a big sickle appeared in her hand out of thin air, it was amazing.

Looking at the figure beside the devil's corpse in the square, Igel said solemnly: "This is not any power that we know. I have never seen that kind of black energy. As for how the weapon in her hand is What happened, without understanding, we will never know."

Yes, they are so unfamiliar with this kind of "power", it is almost unheard of, they can't guess any answer.

"No, the devil is not dead!"

At this time, Yalan suddenly let out a cry of exclamation.

In the exclamation of Yalan, there was an abnormal change in the square.

The corpses of the two demons seemed to be melted by something, disintegrating into a pool of scarlet blood.

The two pools of blood seemed to be alive, gathering towards each other, moving on the ground, very fast.

The debilitating breath instantly strengthened. This change made Sakiya feel a crisis in her heart. She couldn't help but think about it. He didn't even pick up the sickle that fell to the ground as the corpse melted. He jumped back and stayed away from the **** area.

The moving blood seemed to want to swallow the sickle, the huge sickle was covered with blood, and bursts of blue smoke appeared.

Blood water seems to be extremely corrosive.

When Sakiya's petite figure fell on the ground, Sakiya who was far away did not forget his weapon.

With a movement of his mind, the sickle covered in blood suddenly turned into the purest energy, turned into a black gloom and returned to Sakiya's hand, forming a sickle shape again.

This scene was clearly seen by the four people on the roof.

The four of them showed incredible gazes and looked at each other.

"How can energy be transformed into objects? What kind of "power" is this?"

Yalan exclaimed incredibly.

Yes, how can energy be transformed into objects?

This is what the four of them didn't understand. This is against common sense.

It is beyond their scope of cognition.

Everyone was silent, without relevant information, they could only continue to watch the development of the situation on the square.

The blood was surging, as if possessing consciousness, the blood water separated by several tens of meters, soon rushed together, forming a larger pool of blood water.

In the square tens of meters away, Sakuya watched the changes in the blood pond quietly.

She wanted to know what the devil would do next.

There is it.

Sakiya never left the devil under the boulder in the corner of her sight.

It hasn't moved since the battle started, and its scarlet eyes looked at the square quietly.

Sakuya could feel it, and occasionally, his eyes would be on himself.

The tyrannical and evil aura was so strong that Sakiya couldn't ignore it at all.

On the street outside the square, the staying army watched nervously the situation on the square.

Under the order, they could not enter the field to assist General Sakiya, and could only watch from the edge of the battlefield.

General Sakiya is very strong. They knew that from the previous battle, they had already seen the strength of General Sakiya, but after all General Sakiya was alone, facing the three demons alone, how could they be relieved?

"Sergeant Jiro Yamada! Please let us go to war, how can the generals face such terrifying things alone?"

In the frontline army, one sergeant after another issued a request to Yamada Jiro to fight.

Although it was only half an hour before General Sakiya left, within half an hour, many sergeants were asking him to fight.

This caused a headache for Yamada Jiro in the rear armored car.

This is not his order, but the order of General Sakiya.

If he could, he didn't want General Sakiya to face the monster alone.

But an order is an order, and at this time, he can't go against General Sakiya's order.

In the armored vehicle, Yamada Jiro could only say again: "The request is rejected. This is an order of General Sakiya. Before the order to attack is issued, no one can act without authorization. Violators will be dealt with by military law."

Yamada Jiro's words are full of no doubt.

This made the sergeants on the front line only press the impulse in their hearts.

They don't want to go to a military court, even if it's just a minor treatment, they don't want to see it in this world.

At this moment, there was another change in the square.

When the blood pooled together merged into one body, a blood pool was formed.

In the blood pool, the blood was boiling, and bubbles appeared one after another.

In the boiling blood, a huge bald head appeared, and then the body.

When the whole body appeared from the blood, it was a naked human with no hair on the square.

No, it is not human, it just has a human form.

Although it is like a human being, its red pupils and dark spots on the skin cannot change the fact that it is a "devil".

The newly appeared devil is much smaller than before, only three meters tall, looks very strong, and the raised muscles are very conspicuous.

After it appeared, the blood on the soles of its feet poured into the soles of its feet like homing ants.

There was not even a trace of blood on the ground.

In this scene, "Sakuya" in the hood was also slightly taken aback.

what is this?

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