Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 829: free

In thinking, Li Meng returned to the top deck.

Time is passing, and a day's time has passed so quietly.

Early the next morning, early in the morning, on the tail deck platform of the "Emperor", a parting to regain freedom was underway.

Today, the huge tail deck platform is a bit quieter, with only a few figures.

They were Wendy, the medical staff carrying the glass jar, and Klelia in the glass jar.

When the hoist started, the medical staff placed the glass jar on the hoist.

The sea is below, although it is in the glass jar, Klelia has already felt the breath of the sea.

This made her look a little agitated, and her pure white face was flushed.

For many days, how could Cleilia not be excited about regaining her freedom.

In the excitement of her expression, Kleilia looked left and right, scanning the platform.

But on the platform, Krelia did not see the figure she wanted to find.

Taking a light step, Wendy came to the hoist.

Looking at Cleilia in the glass jar, Wendy said calmly: "Your departure is also a good thing. I hope you don't forget the ten-year period. This is an agreement between you and your master. You'd better follow it. , Otherwise, although the sea is vast, there is no place for you."

After finishing speaking, Wendy nodded to the medical staff beside her without waiting for Kleilia's reaction.

In Wendy's sign, the hoist started and began to slowly descend.

Klelia in the glass jar had a complicated expression, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Only those beautiful eyes flickered, a little sad and a little excited.

When the glass jar entered the water, I saw the waves rolling, and Kleilia's slender figure swam out of the glass tank and into the sea.

Below the water surface, I saw the blue fish tail swinging, and it disappeared after only a moment.

In the direction of the entrance of the "Emperor" bay, about a hundred meters away, a beautiful face protruded from the water, and those beautiful pupils were closely watching the upper direction of the "Emperor".

After a while, the beautiful face retracted into the water.

Under the surface of Bibo, a figure was seen swaying past, like a sharp arrow heading towards the exit of the bay.

It disappeared without a trace in a moment.

"The Emperor", on the top deck.

In the slight sound of footsteps, Wendy's slender figure stepped into the pavilion.

"Master! She has left."

Looking at the lazy figure on the seat, Wendy stopped walking and said softly.

As Wendy's voice reverberated in the pavilion, Li Meng opened his eyes while sleeping on the seat.

Moving slightly, Li Meng got up from the seat.

"Let's go, it's time to go back."

While talking, Li Meng walked outside the pavilion.

When the host passed by, Wendy followed behind him silently.

In the pavilion, as well as the nearby guards, also left their posts due to Li Meng's words, following the thin figure.

Kleilia's matter is resolved, but there are more things that Li Meng needs to solve and pay attention to.

In the recent period of time, Li Meng can't be free.


The Nansha Islands, in the unknown sea.

In the gray mist, a fleet is sailing.

Under the huge swaying beam of light, steel hulls passed slowly through the fog.

Under the impact of the water wave, a groan of "metal" echoed in the mist.

Two days have passed since leaving the small town of Rasva.

Although the speed of the fleet has accelerated, two days have passed and the fleet has not reached the second town.

"It's not far from the town of Corvo, and it should be possible to arrive before dark, General, in order to save our precious time, it is recommended to shell the town of Corao and use the power of the naval gun to completely destroy the town. "

In the bridge command room of the heavy cruiser, Jiro Yamada made a suggestion to Sakiya.


Due to Yamada Jiro's suggestion, Sakiya made a questioning voice.

In the helmet, Yamada Jiro said with certainty: "Yes, shelling. Now that we know that there are no surviving humans in the town of Kovoao, we can use the firepower advantage we are good at to strike the target with coverage."

Sakiya did not immediately agree to Yamada Jiro's suggestion, but was thinking deeply about the powerful relationship.

The bombing of the small town of Kovoo is indeed feasible.

But one thing still needs to be guaranteed.

Although there are no surviving humans in the town of Rasva, this does not mean that Kovo'o does not.

Until it is determined that there are no surviving humans in Kovo'o, this shelling is absolutely impossible.

If there are surviving humans in the small town of Kovoo, they can survive the threat of the devil, but they will never survive the bombardment of naval guns.

Although Sakuya didn't care about the life and death of human beings, his Highness's order was to bring back the human beings from the Nansha Islands.

Even if there is only one person in the Nansha Islands, Sakuya will bring it back safely.

In the hood, Sakuya opened her mouth slightly and said, "The shelling is fine, but we must ensure that there are no surviving humans in the small town of Kovoo. This is the only thing we must absolutely guarantee."

Seeing that General Sakiya had no objection, Yamada Jiro said: "It's not difficult. This time we brought a small number of new-generation unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. These little guys have the most basic intelligence, even without the connection to the central control server. We can use these drones to search the town of Corao for tasks that we have completed by ourselves."

Now that Yamada Jiro has thought about everything, what can Sakiya say.

If he could finish this mission faster, Sakiya didn't care about some slightly extreme methods.

"Then do as you said, do it your way."

In the end, Sakiya agreed to Yamada Jiro's proposal.

"Yes, I will solve the devil in the small town of Kovoo as soon as possible. Leave this battle to me."

Before the battle in the small town of Rasva, Jiro Yamada had lingering fears.

If General Sakiya had an accident, as the highest officer under the general, he would not escape responsibility.

For the responsibility, Yamada Jiro is not afraid to assume, the only thing he fears is how to explain to the commander.

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