Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 830: Game of Thrones

After all, the relationship between General Sakiya and the commander is unknown to everyone in the First Army. As an officer of the Rising Sun Empire, he is also happy to see that General Sakiya has such a relationship with the commander.

But this relationship also made Yamada Jiro very nervous about General Sakiya's safety, for fear of a little mistake.

Yamada Jiro knew that if a powerful devil appeared again in the small town of Kovoao, General Sakiya would surely take it himself.

In order to prevent General Sakiya from putting himself in danger again, Yamada Jiro could only find a way to make General Sakiya avoid contact with the devil.

And "shelling" was the only method Yamada Jiro thought of, and it was the fastest way to resolve the battle.

"There are also those heroes of the Heroes Association. They should be in the small town of Kovo'o now. At least for now, the Heroes Association has not clashed with us. They must not hurt their lives. Before the shelling, I want to remind them. "

When agreeing to Yamada Jiro's "shelling" proposal, Sakiya also thought of those guys from the Heroes Association.

Although in this mist, even if the First Legion solves them, nobody knows.

But this sneaky thing is not what the First Legion did.

Even if they wanted to kill them, the First Legion would kill them honestly.

"Please rest assured the army, I will pay attention to this matter, before the shelling of the small town of Kovoo, there will be no humans in the small town of Kovoo."

Facing General Sakiya's advice, Yamada Jiro promised again.

In the hood, Sakiya looked outside.

Outside the window is an endless fog, a gray area, making it impossible to see anything.

In such an environment, people can't help but feel depressed.

Only in the deep steel hull can one feel a sense of security.

In the mist, the huge fleet moved slowly, approaching the destination little by little.

Just when Sakuya led his fleet to sail in the mist, Tanya's fleet had reached the designated position in the sea thousands of miles away in the south.

On the endless sea, a huge silver-gray fleet floated quietly.

The bloated hull, full of streamlined armor, and the huge turrets on the deck make the fleet seem extremely mighty.

Looking around, there is still water, no islands, no coastline.

"The coastline three hundred nautical miles away from our south is the territory of the Yasi Kingdom. The three envoys left first, and they should have arrived in the three countries one after another now."

In a huge heavy cruiser, Tanya in black armor is listening to Davis' report.

On the captain's seat, Tan Yaduan sat in a black bloodline armor. With a slender posture, the enclosed armor could not stop her feminine beauty.

Although he was wearing a hood, no one would doubt that there would be no beauty under that hood.

On the side, Davis, a tenth-level sergeant, stood upright, reporting some necessary information to General Tanya on the captain's seat.

Time is almost up.

From leaving Nanlin Island to now, nearly ten days have passed.

At a distance of nearly six thousand nautical miles, this journey is not short.

When she came to a strange place, Tan Ya knew her mission very well, and she also knew what she should do.

The diplomatic aspect is the matter of the mission, and her fleet is the backing of the mission.

Whether the mission of the mission is going well is still unknown, but Tan Ya is ready for war.

This time the war is no more than before, it is a complete invasion war.

In terms of "morality", the First Army has already fallen short.

But for "morality", no one in the First Legion will care. The only thing the First Legion cares about is accomplishing its own goals.

"Davis, do you say that these three countries will agree to the "unreasonable" demands of our First Army?"

For some reason, Tan Ya suddenly asked Davis who was on the sidelines the question he had asked.


In the helmet, Davis looked a little hesitant.

Although this matter seems certain, how can a country give up its sovereignty just because of a word from an outsider?

However, there are no absolutes. The First Army has caused the disturbance in the South China Sea for a long time, and the countries surrounding the South China Sea have already known enough about the First Army.

Under absolute "strength", nothing is impossible.

This question, at least now Davis can't answer it.

Because the possibilities are uncertain, maybe they will agree or they may not agree.

After thinking about it for a moment, Davis said: "General! It can be inferred from common sense that no matter whether it is a small country or a big country, they will not give in when facing outsiders. Even if the opponent has the strength that they cannot resist, they will still be angry. Rebellion, because war is just a nightmare for civilians, and for those in power, even if they fail, their lives are worry-free."

Tanya cannot deny what Davis said.

Because what Davis said is very reasonable, for those in power, the outcome of a war is just a game of power. Even if it fails, those in power can often retreat.

When life is worry-free, why not fight it.

Rebellion may win, and compromise will only lose everything. It is not hard to guess how to choose.

"Since war is inevitable, prepare for war and pay close attention to the envoys. They can't have any accidents."

The internal personnel of the three envoys sent this time were all selected from among the nuns.

In the envoy group, except for the accompanying guards, the other personnel are all nuns.

The particularity of the nuns made Tanya unable to ignore their safety and must be given absolute security.

Nodding lightly, Davis said: "Yes, I will pay close attention to the movement of the envoy. The general does not need to worry too much about the safety of the envoy. It will make it difficult for the envoys we sent."

For Davis's comfort, Tanya can only hope so now.

After all, in this era, the human mind is unpredictable and nothing is impossible.

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