Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 833: King's worries

Ferrandis nodded in relief and said, "You think the same as me."

Could it be...

Yellens looked suspiciously at King Ferrandis on the opposite side, and asked uncertainly: "Is the king waiting for the other two countries to respond?"


Ferrandis did not deny this point, but readily admitted it.

Looking at Yellances, Ferrandis said calmly: "This temporary meeting is just to let the other two countries know about the First Army dispatching envoys. After the meeting, I sent envoys to the two countries. Discuss the matter of the first legion envoy."

That's it.

Yellance suddenly realized.

No wonder that in the King's Hall, King Ferrandis would be so happy to agree to his proposal to postpone the question back.

All this is just to buy enough time for negotiations between the three countries.

Rubbing his forehead, Ferrandis said with a bit of fatigue: "The incident of the First Legion Envoys came too suddenly. This made me a little unexpected, and I never expected that the First Legion would pay attention. Putting it on our three countries, now, although we don't know the purpose of the First Army, this matter is probably not a good thing for our three countries and we have to guard against it."

Your Majesty seems a little nervous...

Yellance, who was always watching the changes in Ferrandis' expression, could clearly feel this.

He was quite puzzled: "Is your Majesty worrying a bit? Now that the First Army is fighting with Bentley, it shouldn’t have much conflict with our three countries. This time, perhaps It's just an ordinary exchange."

For the First Army, Yellance didn't know much, the only thing he knew was the invasion of Bentley by the First Army.

The war in the South China Sea has been happening for a long time.

The First Army and Bentley, the center of the war whirlpool, are now in a fierce war.

According to the news from the Bus Association, in the war, it was a one-sided situation. Bentley was retreating steadily. Under the invasion of the First Army, it had lost most of its territory. Now it is firmly guarding the "capital city" and waiting to come from outside. The help of strength.


With a long sigh, and put down the hand on his forehead, Ferrandis said with a headache: "I have a hunch, I am afraid that the first legion will be bad."

Bad comer?

Hearing this, Yellance was silent.

What the king was worried about, he knew very well.

The timing, the timing of the First Army's dispatch of the envoys was too delicate.

At this time, the First Army was fighting with the Bentley country. At this time, the First Army sent envoys to the Kingdom of Assi thousands of miles away. There is no purpose in this, I am afraid that no one will Believe.

The expression faded, Yellance said: "Your Majesty! Do you need me to explore the tone of the envoy group?"

"No, no one is allowed to contact the mission privately before determining whether to meet the mission."

Ferrandis clearly rejected Yellance's proposal.

"Yes, I understand!"

Although I don't know why the king banned anyone from contacting the messenger group, this was the king's order. As a general, Yellance could only nod his head in response.

Picking up the wine glass in front of him and looking at the red liquid in the wine glass, Ferrandis said calmly: "Go, reorganize your army, maybe they will be used in the near future."


Amidst the changes in his expression, Yellance left with chaotic thoughts.

His Majesty's last words are the ultimate goal of summoning him alone.


Will there really be war?

For this, Yellance could not be sure.

Because they still can't know the purpose of the First Legion, before the real answer is known, all predictions are guesses, which can't explain anything.

However, Yellance knew what His Majesty the King was worried about.

If the First Army really has no good intentions, their Yassi Kingdom must be prepared for war.

But, can their Yasi Kingdom really withstand a war?

As for the military of the Kingdom of Assi, Yellance, as a general, knew best.

The long period of peace and the covenant with neighboring countries made the armaments of the Kingdom of Assi the weakest.

Although there are three generals in the Kingdom of Yassi, the army under the three generals is not full.

Whether it is the Royal Guards, the City Guards, or the Rangers under his command, they are all in a half-member state.

The military strength of the entire Yasi Kingdom is only 50,000, and even with the guards of the towns, it will not exceed 70,000.

On the way out of the palace, Yellance thought a lot.

As the highest general of the Rangers in the foreign war, he must think more comprehensively than anyone else.

While thinking about the war, he must also try to figure out the thoughts of His Majesty the King.

His Majesty allowed him to prepare for the war, but he did not make him strengthen his forces. The 20,000 rangers alone could not cope with a war.

Walking down the wide aisle, Yellance thoughtfully.

It seems that His Majesty the King is just prevention, and I am afraid that in my heart he will not believe that there will be war.

No matter how arrogant the First Legion is, it shouldn't trouble the Kingdom of Yassi at this time.

After all, in the South China Sea, the First Army is fighting with Bentley.

At this critical time, the First Army will definitely not spread its forces to open up a second battlefield.

Due to the arrival of the first legion envoy, the undercurrent of the Yasi Kingdom was surging. Although everything was business as usual on the surface, the spread of some news made the atmosphere of Gulantan a little unusual.

Haier Hotel, Gulantan, west of the city.

As one of the royal family's industries, the location of Haier Hotel is undoubtedly the most perfect.

It is close to the most prosperous city center, surrounded by high-rise buildings.

As an industry of the royal family, Haier Hotel has also become a gathering place for famous people.

Only here can we show the dignity consistent with the status.

However, today, Haier Hotel has ceased operations.

The reason for all this comes from the convoy that arrived not long ago.

Compared with the surrounding tall skyscrapers, Haier Hotel is also tall, with 56 floors and a height of more than 200 meters.

On the fifty-sixth floor, in the senior suite on the top floor, the envoys of the first legion were arranged here.

As a country, the Yasi Kingdom followed the basic etiquette for the arrangements of foreign envoys.

On the fifty-sixth floor, it has also become a place for the envoys to move freely.

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