Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 834: Gulantan

In a suite, on a soft sofa, three black and slim figures were sitting side by side, with the wide hoods on their heads covering their faces, so that everything about them was hidden in the wide robe .

On one side of the sofa, an Allied soldier in a silver-gray powered combat uniform stood upright and reported to the three people on the sofa what he had just received from the liaison officer.

"My lord! The liaison officer of the Yasi Kingdom has just heard the news that the Yasi Kingdom needs some time to consider for meeting me."

"how long it takes?"

A cold voice came from the hood of a figure.

The reporting soldier replied: "I don't know, the liaison officer didn't specify the time, just let us wait with peace of mind."

Silence, when the soldier's words fell, there was a brief silence in the suite.

For a moment, the cold voice sounded again.

"What is your opinion on this matter?"

This is a conversation between the nuns, and the soldiers on the side can only wait temporarily.

"We are the messenger regiment with a clear purpose. We can wait, but we can't wait for long. We represent the First Legion. The longer we wait, the more the Assi Kingdom’s contempt for the First Legion. For two days, The Kingdom of Yasi clearly informed us of the limit we can wait. Two days later, if the Kingdom of Yasi has not made a decision, we will leave."

Among the three nuns, one of them said coldly.

When the gaze in the hood turned to the last nun.

She was watching and didn't say much, just said, "I have no problem."

When the opinions were agreed, Shayue's expression in the hood was slightly upright, and she said to the soldier beside her: "Go! Tell the liaison officer our request."


In response, the soldier turned and walked away quickly.

When the soldiers left, the huge suite fell into peace again.

The three figures on the sofa just sat quietly without speaking or speaking.

Sitting on the sofa with her hood, Shayue was lost in thought.

As the main representative of this envoy, Shayue's ability to stand out from many nuns is enough to show her ability.

Although he is a demihuman race, in the first legion, this is not a problem.

From the moment Sha Yue became Shi Ji, her demihuman status was no longer important.

Whether it is now or in the future, she has only one identity, and that is Shi Ji, the nun of the Temple of Death.

Getting up, Shayue left the soft sofa and came to the window.

It is condescending here, and the view outside the window is very vast.

Shayue's eyes came to the winding streets one after another with tall buildings.

This is Kolantan, the capital of the Yasi Kingdom and the only port city.

Although the Kingdom of Yasi is on the fringe of human society, although poor, it also has its magnificent side.

In countries with an autocratic monarchy, there is often a serious polarization between the poor and the rich.

Nobles and common people, the difference in status, status, and hierarchy will lead to differences in life. Of course, wealth will also flow to those who hold "rights."

Qulantan is the capital of the Yasi Kingdom, and those who can live in this city, even civilians, are among the best.

In Kolantan, the wealth of the Yasi Kingdom is gathered, and it is precisely because of this that Kolantan can become a large and prosperous city.

Looking into the distance, there is a huge wall at the end of the line of sight.

The city wall is very high and huge, like a mountain range, surrounding Qulantan.

Although he was condescending, he couldn't see beyond the city wall.

Looking at the city view outside the window, Shayue thought of the situation when she came.

The missions landed from the port and were taken here after landing.

Although the places passing by on the way can be observed from the car windows, there is not much to see through the narrow windows.

However, when the convoy crossed the tall city wall, Shayue paid special attention.

In that tunnel, the convoy drove for a long time. According to the time and speed of the convoy, the length of the tunnel might not be one kilometer.

It is impossible for the city wall to be so wide, there is only one possibility.

In Kolantan, the city wall facing northwest is built on a mountain range.

Even if it is not a mountain range, it is on a convex hill.

This made the walls of Gulantan look unusually tall.

Withdrawing her gaze from the window, and turning around, Shayue returned to the soft sofa and sat down.

Looking at the two women on the sofa, Shayue said coldly: "Gulantan is located in a small basin surrounded by mountains. Using the mountains, the Kingdom of Yasi has built an indestructible line of defense. The existence of this line of defense is very important to us. For a legion, it is a great obstacle."

"Whether the war will happen or not is still unknown. This time we are the messengers. There are some things we can't do. Once discovered, it will cause conflicts between the Assi Kingdom and the First Army. By then, our messengers will be very It’s hard to retreat, and war is inevitable."

Among the three, a nun spoke out, and a cold voice echoed in the room.

Without the identity of the messenger, Sha Yue and the others would be able to accomplish a lot.

You can make full use of your abilities to collect information on the defense line of Gulantan.

Especially the city walls on all sides of Gulantan.

Although the innate advantage of mountains can make Gulantan indestructible, there is no perfect thing in the world, because the more perfect things, the more obvious loopholes there will be.

As long as the loopholes in the Gulantan line of defense are known to the First Legion, once a war occurs, the First Legion will be able to hold the initiative, and the war against the Kingdom of Assi will be more handy.

However, Shayue also understands that it is not suitable for them to collect information with their current identities.

The most important thing is that it is difficult for them to leave this hotel silently.

Although their freedom is not restricted here, they can enter and exit at will.

But Shayue knew that once they left the hotel, a large number of people would definitely follow.

Under the eyes of many surveillances, it is difficult for them to make too many actions.

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