Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 835: Mortal sin

Now, for them, the only thing they can do is wait.

While waiting, time is slowly passing by.

The three envoys that set off together, when the envoys targeting the Kingdom of Assi arrived at their destination, within 24 hours, the other two envoys also arrived at their destinations.

The arrival of the first legion envoys was undoubtedly an extremely unexpected event for the three overseas countries of Ogeria.

In the matter of facing the first legion's messenger regiment, the Dengsha Kingdom, the Danlan kingdom, like the Yasi Kingdom, did not immediately receive the first legion messenger regiment, but was watching and watching the reaction of neighboring countries.

The Three Kingdoms was hesitant about whether to receive the first legion envoys, and no one wanted to be the first bird.

News from afar quickly reached the ears of the Heroes Association headquarters.

After learning that the First Army had sent envoys to the three overseas countries of Ogeria, the Heroes Association was quite surprised.

While surprised, a temporary meeting was urgently held in Kyoto, the headquarters of the Heroes' Association.

In Kyoto, between the tall buildings, there is a domed building.

The dome building is very bloated and tall. From the outside, it has no hierarchy, it seems to be a whole.

In the upper body, the platforms protrude outwards, which are docks, docks where the spacecraft is docked.

On the dock, you can see some docked spacecraft.

This is not just an ordinary civilian building, but a base.

In the assembly hall of the Heroes' Association headquarters, a meeting is going on.

The huge conference hall is empty and tidy.

There is no frills, only a large round table.

At the round table, at this moment, more than a dozen figures are sitting upright, their gazes are all looking at a person in the high position in the middle of the round table.

He was dressed in a white robe and his expression was indifferent. Although his head was gray and gray, his face was very firm and he looked very tough.

As for the people at the round table, their ages ranged from different ages. The older ones were the same as those in high positions. They were gray-haired, small and upright middle-aged. No one could be called "young".

This is inevitable. Whether it is the president of the Heroes' Association or each member of the Council, they need certain qualifications, and qualifications require a certain amount of time to accumulate. If you want to sit in this position, the qualifications of young people are obviously not enough.

Glancing around at everyone, the old man in the high position said solemnly: "Today's emergency meeting, the main object of discussion is the First Army."

The old man's voice reverberated in the huge conference hall, and it also entered the ears of everyone around the round table.

This makes many people bewildered.

For the First Army, didn't the Heroes' Association have made some plans?

Why do we need to convene all members again?

"President! As for Bentley, the association already has an answer, why is it calling everyone again?"

Someone raised a question, which is why everyone at the round table wanted to know.

For the war in the South China Sea, in the previous meeting, the Heroes' Association had decided to intervene in the war between Bentley and the First Army and formulated a corresponding plan.

How long has it been?

Is there any unexpected move by the First Army?

The words of the old man made everyone at the round table think more.

Seeing the thoughtful expressions on everyone's faces, the old man said solemnly: "Just now, I got news from the three overseas countries of Austria. Just yesterday, the three envoys of the First Army arrived in the Kingdom of Yasi. The Kingdom of Dengsha, the Kingdom of Danlan, these three countries are thousands of kilometers away from the South China Sea. What is the purpose of this First Army to send an envoy to the three overseas countries of Ogeria?"

When the old man's words fell, everyone was stunned, and they looked quite surprised.

After the surprise, it was contemplation.

In the Association of Heroes, members of parliament are representatives of each of the Allied Powers, and anyone who can sit in this position is not a fool.

The first legion must have a clear purpose in sending envoys to the three overseas countries of Austria.

But what the purpose is, everyone doesn't know for the time being, they can only guess and predict.

When silence fell in the conference hall, at this time, a congressman said: “I know some things about the three overseas countries of Austria. These three countries have not been established for a long time, but for decades, It was independent from the Kingdom of Austria. Due to its remoteness and backward informatization, the Heroes’ Association did not set foot here. If we want to know the relevant information of the three overseas countries of Austria, we need to contact the Bus Association or the martial artist. The guild asks for help, but..."

Speaking of this, the speaking member hesitated, and some hesitated to speak.

"Just say what you want, no need to worry too much. Now I need your own opinions."

Seeing the congressman's hesitation, the old man said.

The words of the elderly are undoubtedly a kind of support for Members.

Seeing this, the congressman who spoke no longer hesitated. He continued: "This is just my guess. Whether the purpose of the First Legion is this way, I can’t confirm. Now, the Order of the Empire is organizing an expedition. Our Hero Association occupies an important position in China. Regarding the expedition route of the Order Empire, everyone must know that there is only one shortcut for the expedition to reach the southern continent. The South China Sea is a must pass, but there is another in the south. The level, this level is Arafus Strait."

After the words were paused, the congressman continued: "The Arafor Strait is between the three overseas countries of Ogeria and the mainland of Austria. This is a long and narrow strait. If the First Army captures this place, it will cut off the expedition route. At that time, the First Army will control the initiative, which is extremely unfavorable for us."

The congressman's words made everyone look at each other.

is it possible?

If the purpose of the First Legion is really Arafus Strait, the conflict between the First Legion and the Heroes Association will escalate.

The First Legion will also be burdened with the sin of preventing mankind from regaining lost ground, and will be cast aside by all human nations.

This is no better than Bentley. The war in Bentley is just a regional dispute. Even if the First Army occupied Bentley, the nations of mankind would not say much, and at most it would be just a few moral appeals.

Once the First Army took control of the Arafore Strait, the attitude of the First Army was clear.

This attitude is unacceptable to the Heroes' Association and to the entire human race.

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