Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 902: Frost Serpent

a long time!

this is……

Wendy showed a daze with a slight expression.

She noticed it, noticed a breath of difference.

Looking at the master, Wendy said solemnly: "Master! I feel the breath of the devil, which is exactly the same as the breath of the devil statue. Although the breath is very weak, it does exist."

"Is the master here because of "it"?"

This is inevitable, not for "it", how could Li Meng come to this forest for no reason.

While scanning the ground and searching every inch of land, Li Meng said calmly: "Half a month ago, I sensed a trace of the devil's breath somewhere on Nanlin Island. The breath was very weak and it was still moving. Even I can’t lock the moving "it". Three days ago, it stopped."

"Master! Is it near here?"

When questioning, Wendy increased his vigilance and scanned the dark underwood space.

Li Meng noticed Wendy's nervousness and smiled lightly. Li Meng said, "Don't be nervous! If it is the devil's body, the aura will not be so weak, probably something like a devil statue."

The master's words did not let Wendy relax her vigilance.

"If it's not the body, how can it move?"

Wendy was puzzled at this point.

Surrounding the giant tree, Li Meng walked around, and while walking, he said: "The ability of the devil is to corrupt the human heart. This "human heart" does not just refer to human beings. The reason why statues of the devil can appear all over the world is because the devil can Affect the mind of the "Ferocious Beast" and use the "Ferocious Beast" to send the carrier of consciousness to all parts of the world."

Some things are not hard to guess.

The devil statue is just a dead object, without feet or hands, so the devil statue cannot move with its own "power".

Then why do they appear all over the world?

There is only one answer, and that is to use the "bad beast".

Because only "fierce beasts" can transport them to all over the world quietly and without interest.


After spinning around the giant tree, Li Meng did not find the source of his breath.

This is impossible……

Li Meng could confirm that the faint breath was floating around here, and the source must be within a hundred meters.

But Li Meng couldn't find it, even if he used the power of his mind to explore every inch of land, he didn't find any trace of it.


Li Meng was a little puzzled.

The breath is clearly floating in the air, but the source cannot be found.

The breath seems to appear out of thin air.

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense.

Li Meng didn't believe that there was anything that could be hidden under the power of the soul.

Because the mind sees through the nature of the world, no matter how magical "power" it is, it is impossible to detach from the world.

Could it be...

Li Meng looked at the giant tree, the thick torso.

Mind moved.

The invisible power suddenly poured out, sweeping toward the trunk like a violent wind, and the space seemed to be distorted everywhere.


The huge trunk suddenly cracked, as if hit by an invisible tank.

In the loud cracking sound, sawdust flew across.

When everything subsided, a huge hole suddenly appeared in the trunk of the giant tree.

The trunk is actually empty...

this is……

Seeing something in the tree hole, Li Meng suddenly understood.

The corpse, a huge "fierce beast" corpse.

Although the space in the tree hole is large, it is also filled with its "corpse".

At the entrance of the cave, you can see its white body.

"Wendy! Go and pull it out!"

The master's words made Wendy act immediately.

She walked past her master and came to the tree hole.

Looking at the "corpse" in the tree hole, Wendy took a step forward and hugged the white body at the entrance of the hole in a big embrace.

In front of the corpse, Wendy is undoubtedly petite.

But Wendy, a petite man, dragged the corpse slowly out of the cave like a strong man.

One meter, two meters, ten meters, twenty meters...

The body was unexpectedly large, it should be said to be "long", dragged a full 100 meters, the body was completely dragged out of the hole.

Looking at the giant in front of him, Li Meng was slightly taken aback.

That slender body like a "snake", white diamond-shaped scale armor, a flat and huge head, two and a half-meter granular buds on the forehead, this image...

Is it "Frost Serpent"?

In the data terminal of the First Army, there is a record of this amphibious "fierce beast".

The Frost Snake Dragon is an amphibious creature that lives in the frozen land of the north and evolved from a sea snake.

In the extremely frozen land, the Frost Serpent is the overlord of one party, with an extremely mild temperament, and feeds on ice crystals containing pollutants.

Because this species is extremely rare, the active area is under the kilometer ice layer, which is very difficult for humans to encounter.

There is nothing wrong with human beings.

What Li Meng didn't expect was that the Frost Snake Dragon, which lives in the extremely frozen land of the north, would appear in this southerly land.

This is really weird.

"Master! Look at the forehead of "It"!"

Wendy returned to Li Meng after completing the task.

When dragging the Frost Serpent just now, Wendy made a strange discovery.

Wendy's words caused Li Meng to move his gaze to Frost Serpent's forehead.

this is……

There is an object on the forehead of the Frost Snake Dragon.

Although it fell deep under the skin of the Frost Serpent, it did not disappear completely, leaving some traces.

Without saying much, Li Meng stepped forward towards the head of the Frost Serpent.

When he came to the head of the frost snake dragon, Li Meng discovered what the hidden object was in his forehead.

It's a statue, a statue of a devil.

Seeing this, Li Meng understood why he could not detect the source of the devil's breath.

It is because of the "raw stone" in the head of the frost snake dragon, and the energy fluctuations emitted by the original stone hide the breath of the devil.

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