Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 903: Force of Frost

"Master! Let me cut it away!"

When speaking, the power of death swarmed from Wendy, forming a huge "scythe" in his hand.

Wielding a black sickle, Wendy was about to chop off the head of the Frost Serpent.

"and many more!"

Li Meng stopped Wendy.

Wendy stopped her movements due to the words of the master.

In Wendy's slightly puzzled gaze, Li Meng said, "Don't worry, it's not dead yet!"

Yes, the Frost Serpent was not dead.

Although there is no life fluctuation on its body, it is not dead, but in a state of suspended animation.

It was like a kind of dormancy, the heart kept beating weakly, that kind of beating was almost close to nothing.

As for the reason...

Li Meng thought it was because of the "devil statue."

Although the devil statue has the ability to "confound the mind", this ability is not absolute. The stronger the creature, the greater the resistance to it.

Frost Snake Dragon is undoubtedly powerful. Once it reaches adulthood, it is a powerful "king beast". The reason why it came from the north to this southerly land is probably because the "devil statue" was confused and disturbed its mind. The statue struggle, just came here.

Although I don't know how the devil statue got into the head of "it", this Frost Serpent was undoubtedly a bad luck.

In front of the huge "head" of the Frost Snake Dragon, the two are undoubtedly small.

But the power of the two parties is exactly the opposite. Whether it is Li Meng or Wendy, they have many methods to kill the behemoth in front of them.

not dead?

The master's words made Wendy more nervous.

If it is not dead, once "it" wakes up, this forest will probably become a battlefield.

If you want to solve it, you will have to spend some tricks.

This worry is unnecessary.

There is no communication between humans and "fierce beasts". Even the docile "fierce beasts" will warm up without hesitation when encountering humans, killing them like ants.

In the end, the reason is probably that before the Era of Disaster, as a weak creature, the memory of human fear in the genes was passed down.

The fear of mankind has turned into today's "hatred".

It is not without a reason why the "fierce beast" is so cruel to "human beings".

Li Meng didn't let Wendy do it, but it didn't mean he wanted to let it go.

As soon as the mind moved, invisible power surged out.


The huge head of Frost Snake Dragon suddenly burst like a crushed "watermelon".

It turned into blood foam and flew everywhere.

The most recent "two people" bear the brunt.

But the blood foam that came straight was blocked by an invisible wall.

One meter away in front of the two of them, the blood foam was blocked one after another and fell to the ground in a slimy manner.

When everything calms down...

The Frost Serpent had completely died, and the original head was replaced by a pool of green blood.

At the back, there was the body of the Frost Serpent Dragon, connected to the head, and the huge wound was terrifying.

And above the **** water, two objects were floating quietly.

One is a black "devil statue", and the other is a "crystal" exuding white frost.

It has a triangular rhombus shape, like ice crystals, and looks crystal clear.

On the surface of the crystal, surrounded by white frost, like frost and fog, it looks extremely beautiful

This is the first time that Li Meng has seen this "rough stone".

The white color also surprised Li Meng.

Generally speaking, whether it is the original crystal or the "rough stone", it is divided into seven colors.

They are "red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple". The later the color, the higher the grade and the better the quality.

In addition to these seven colors, other colors also exist.

Compared with the normal seven colors, other colors have more or less some attributes.

For example, for the "raw stone" in front of Li Meng's eyes, it is obvious that it carries the power of frost.

Stretching his hands forward, Li Meng opened his palms.

The two objects floating in the air seemed to be conscious, and gently floated towards Li Meng, one left and the other right, falling into Li Meng's hand.

"It's cold!"

When the white "rough stone" fell into his hand, Limon suddenly felt a cold breath straight into his body.

Fortunately, Li Meng's body is just a "spirit body". If it were an ordinary person, it would have been "frozen" into a popsicle.

Turning his attention away from the "raw stone", Li Meng noticed the devil statue in his other hand.

Among the several devil statues obtained before, the shape of each statue is hideous and abominable. Although it is human, it is more deformed, like a patchwork of various "evil things".

But the devil statue in his hand looks very delicate. Although it is black and also in human form, it looks like a nun who is praying. The wide robe covers everything, and there is no message in the hood.

Is it a devil statue?

Yes, Li Meng does not doubt this.

Because from the "statue" in his hand, Li Meng had clearly felt the breath of the devil.

The breath is rich, far exceeding other devil statues.

"But not everyone will be affected by you!"

For some reason, Li Meng suddenly said such a sentence.

The devil statue in his hand is not peaceful, just a moment ago, Li Meng clearly felt a sense of wanting to break into his mind.

Of course, that consciousness was blocked, and it was impossible to get close to Li Meng's body.

Li Meng's body is a "spiritual body", which can be said to be a complete "soul" body.

In terms of spirit and soul, Li Meng is an expert, how can he be affected by the devil's consciousness?

When the thought moved, invisible spiritual power poured out, enveloping the devil statue.

Li Meng once again sealed a devil statue.

With the addition of the statue in his hand, in just a few months, Li Meng obtained three statues of demons.

I have to say that the devil's luck is very bad, who is not good when he meets, but he meets Li Meng.

In front of Li Meng, a soul expert, the devil's talent has become a joke.

With a quick throw, Li Meng threw the statue at Wendy beside him.

At this time, Wendy had already put away the weapon, facing the falling statue, Wendy caught it.

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