Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 905: Unexpected behavior

When more and more soldiers and sickle mecha appeared from the forest, a soldier ran over to Li Meng through the obstacles.

When he came to Li Meng, he looked at Wendy and Li Meng who were embracing each other. He held up his military salute and said, "Commander! First Sergeant Dalry will report to you!"

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Li Meng let go of Wendy's waist.

Feeling that the restraint around her waist was not there, Wendy left her master's arms and stood aside.

"Darling! Tell me the details, what happened here!"

Li Meng asked Darri.

Putting down his hand from his forehead, Dal Rui said: "A few hours ago, a collapse occurred somewhere in the northeast of Nanlin Island, and a small crypt appeared, and then these unknown polluting beasts emerged from the cave. , I received the order to clear these unknown species, and chase them all the way, until I caught up with them."

"Commander! Such unknown creatures are very dangerous. They must be destroyed before they approach the human activity area to avoid unnecessary casualties."

It turned out to be so.

Darley's words made Li Meng understand the current situation.

It turned out to be a new species emerging from the ground, no wonder I have never seen it before.

Li Meng glanced slightly to the side of the forest.

In the attack just now, several unknown "polluting beasts" were hit. Although they missed the critical point, they also lost their ability to move.

At this time, the unknown polluting beast that fell to the ground and lost its action has been surrounded by soldiers and is about to be executed.

"and many more!"

Seeing this, Li Meng quickly stopped the soldiers.

Taking a step forward, Li Meng walked to the unknown polluting beast that fell on the ground.

Wendy and Darley followed closely behind.

Li Meng's stop caused the soldiers to stop their movements. Seeing the commander approaching, they quickly gave way to a passage.

"Commander! Such polluting beasts are very dangerous, please proceed with caution!"

Seeing Li Meng approaching the wailing polluted beast, Darley quickly reminded.

"I will!"

Replied, Li Meng did not stop.

Li Meng stopped in front of the wailing unknown polluted beast, and was less than half a meter away from the polluted beast.

Seeing that the commander was so close to the polluted beast, the surrounding soldiers raised their guns slightly and aimed at the polluted beast.

Once the polluting beast moves, they will open fire without hesitation.

Waved to the surrounding soldiers, indicating not to act rashly, Li Meng looked at the unknown polluting beast struggling on the ground.

How should I put it, the pollution beast in front of him gave Li Meng a very strange feeling.

Facing the soldiers of the First Legion, they seemed to know that it was powerful, and instead of confronting them head-on, they fled away.

It shows that this kind of polluting beast is either timid by nature or knows something about humans on the ground.


This possibility can be ruled out. With such a fierce appearance, to say that they are timid, this is simply a joke.

Therefore, the second point is the most likely.

And from their eyes, Li Meng can see that they are very spiritual, which shows that they have wisdom, and their wisdom is not low.

If you have wisdom, you can communicate.

Even if the language is not clear, there is no problem for Li Meng.

Li Meng squatted down in front of the unknown polluting beast.

It curled up on the ground with the wound on its right chest. The red blood stained most of its body. Excessive blood loss and huge pain made it blurry. It had no sense of Li Meng's approach.

Looking at it, Li Meng stretched out his hand, opened his palm, facing down, and placed it on its wound.

In a moment, a warped bullet flew out from the wound on his right chest magically.

The removal of the bullet seemed to make it a lot easier, and that face looked much better.

With the bullet still aside, Li Meng's mind moved, and a mental force probed its brain.

What is the master doing?

Looking at the master who was still squatting on the ground, Wendy was quite puzzled.

But she was not good to bother her master. Seeing the master's appearance was obviously doing something, she could only wait for the doubt in her heart.

On the side, Darley was a little anxious.

They can't wait here, because the unknown polluting beasts that flee will not wait for them. If they are brought close to the area where humans live on Nanlin Island, the trouble will be big.

But under Wendy's signal, Darley could only press his impulse and wait patiently.

For a long time, Li Meng's figure moved slightly and he fought from the ground.

As for the unknown polluting beast lying on the ground, he did not know when he opened his eyes. The golden pupils were full of agility. There was no cruelty in his eyes, only silence.

Without the hindrance of bullets, the wound on its chest had healed more than half in this short time, and its self-healing ability was amazing.

"Take out the bullets in their wounds, then let them go, and send someone to guard at the entrance of the collapsed crypt. If there are any more polluting beasts of this type, stop them, but don't shoot them!"

Li Meng, who stood up, ordered Daerui.

Darrey was very confused about this order.

Very puzzled and asked: "Commander! Should the unknown polluting beasts that escaped let them go?"

Without extra explanation, Li Meng just said: "They will go back by themselves."

After speaking, Li Meng nodded softly to Wendy and walked towards the temple.

Wendy followed closely behind him clearly, and the two disappeared into the woods, leaving only the doubting Darri.

Although puzzled and puzzled in my mind, commands are commands.

Daerui, who recovered his senses, said quickly: "Military doctor! Take out the bullets from their wounds."

On the way back to the temple, in the gloomy forest, Li Meng and Wendy were strolling leisurely.

Behind Li Meng, Wendy looked like he wanted to talk.

What the master did just now is so curious.

The orders given are also incredible.

This gave Wendy an urge to understand.

the host! Just now..."

In the end, Wendy couldn't help but asked timidly.

Li Meng chuckled lightly at the timid voice behind him.

Curiosity is also a human emotion, and Li Meng is very pleased with Wendy's reaction.

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