Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 906: Second meeting

As he walked, Li Meng remembered the communication with the unknown polluting beast just now, and sighed: "This underground space is not simple. For the humans on the ground, a storm is about to come."

What does this mean?

Wendy didn't understand the meaning of the master's words.

The words paused, and Li Meng continued: "The unknown "polluted beasts" are an intelligent race in the underground space. They have their own language. They are like human beings. They are gregarious creatures. There is a unique society. Because the underground space is powerful The polluting beasts rioted and destroyed their homes, leaving them nowhere to go, so they fled underground and came to the ground."

"Know the silkworms! It's a kind of "polluted beast" they stock, and they are also the outpost for exploring the surface. Those silkworms told them that we exist on the surface. They originally planned to come to the surface and used the ability to fly. They went to find a new home, but what they didn't expect was that because they didn't adapt to the environment on the surface, their flying ability was lost and we were discovered, so they had no desire to fight, but only to flee."

It turned out to be like this...

Wendy was twilight.

Intelligent creatures?

"Apart from humans, are there other intelligent creatures in this world?"

Speaking of this, Wendy had a question in her heart.

Of course, those subhumans are not included.

Although subhumans are not pure humans, they were more or less born of humans. They also have half the blood of humans. They may look different, but they all have the same brain.

With an indifferent expression, Li Meng said: "Everything is possible. Nature is magical. In the past, humans were lucky, but in the future, humans will not only be the only lucky ones. In this age of evolution, all All species have equal opportunities, nothing is impossible."

This is also...

Wendy agreed with the owner's words.

In this evolved world, we can't use our previous cognition to look at this world.

"Then how does the master plan to deal with them?"

Wendy was a little curious about this.

Regarding this question, Li Meng took it for granted: "Since I have wisdom and can communicate, of course I can't treat them in the way of ordinary polluting beasts. They have their value, and what I have to do is to develop their value."

Knowing that they have wisdom and ability to communicate, Li Meng had an idea in his mind.

It will take time to prove whether this idea can be realized.

For Li Meng, he has more time, he can wait.

But there is not much time for "them".

Before long, his actions just now will bring about a series of effects.

Soon, he will get the answer he wants.

When I returned to the temple, it was already an hour later.

Today’s trip has encountered many things. Of course, Li Meng has also gained many benefits in these things.

A white "raw stone", a statue of a devil.

Although these two things are of little use value to the First Army, they still have collection value.

After returning to the temple, Li Meng went to the reincarnation tower first and placed the white "raw stone" on the top of the reincarnation tower.

After placing the "raw stone", Li Meng returned to the courtyard of the inner hall.

At this time, it was already in the afternoon, and it was less than three hours before night fell.

When Li Meng walked into the pavilion, Wendy, who placed the devil statue, had already arrived first, waiting in the pavilion.

Before he came to the seat, Li Meng had not yet sat down, and Wendy on the side said: "Master! Just a message came, and the messenger from the Heroes Association asked to meet the owner, saying that there is something important to discuss."

Sitting on the recliner, Li Meng was a little surprised by Wendy's words beside him.

Looking sideways at Wendy, Li Meng said in a puzzled way: "The messenger of the Heroes Association? Are you sure?"

Li Meng remembered that it was not long ago since he met the messenger of the First Army.

How long has passed since the Heroes' Association has sent envoys to the First Army?

While accidental, Li Meng was also curious about the purpose of the Heroes Association.

For so long, the Heroes’ Association has been silent for the war against Bentley. Li Meng has always believed that the Heroes’ Association is preparing and it is almost impossible to intervene in the war in the South China Sea. In this regard, the First Army has done a good job. Complete preparation.

But today the messenger of the Heroes Association came again, allowing Li Meng to notice the changes.

Perhaps the situation in the South China Sea will change again.

"It has been determined that the other party's "identity" is the Delta Member of the Heroes Association."

Wendy said with certainty.

It seems to be correct.

Lying lazily on the seat, Li Meng said casually: "Then see you! It also happens to find out what the purpose of the Heroes Association is. Preventing them all day is no way. Enemies in the open are much easier to deal with than enemies in the dark."

"That's right! I won't come to the meeting this time. You can send someone to the meeting with that member of Parliament!"

Li Meng added one point.

As the top leader of the First Army, Li Meng must maintain the necessary sense of "mystery".

Besides, the talks are based on equal identities.

How can Li Meng show himself as a member of Parliament?

Although in the last meeting, Li Meng personally received the two heroes.

But that was acting on the premise of inexperience. After so long, some things and some rules must also be cared about. Li Meng is already deeply aware of this.

In the future, the First Army may not become a country, but it must act like a big country.

Irregularities do not form a circle. In any large group, this is indispensable.


Wendy responded.

After thinking about it, for this meeting, Wendy couldn't think of anyone besides herself who could undertake this task.

Speaking slightly, Wendy said, "I'll be the one to come forward for this meeting!"

fair enough……

Li Meng nodded lightly.

Today, on Nanlin Island, several generals have gone out to fight, and only Wendy, the captain of the guards, is suitable for the task of this "talk".

Although there are several senior sergeants among the remaining soldiers, they are obviously not suitable for this meeting.

And because of physique, the soldiers can't show their faces, and it's impossible to wear military uniforms to talk with each other.

It can be said that in the entire Nanlin Island, only Wendy can assume the task of this meeting.

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