Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 907: Delcha MP

"Master! Then I will prepare first!"

Looking at the master, Wendy said softly.



The sea is rippling, on the endless sea, one side is the long and narrow coastline, and the other is the endless sky. Between the two, an iron-clad ship with Othello is floating quietly on the sea, following The rippling sea undulates.

"Weidchar", this is the name of the ship.

It is made by the "Wys" kingdom and comes from "Kyoto". It is also the car of the Delcha Member of the Heroes Association.

After many days of sailing, it set off from Kyoto, thousands of kilometers away, and finally came to its "destination".

Regarding this "talk" mission, Delcha is undoubtedly cautious.

Because in the eyes of the Heroes Association, the sudden emergence of the new force of the First Army is not very easy to get along with.

"Congressman Delcha! Why did you have to bring us this time? You know that this time our mission has failed and we have lost an important companion. We have to go back and give some explanation to the association and leave it to us. There are a lot of troubles."

In a slightly luxurious boat room, under the soft lighting, three figures sit opposite each other on the soft sofa.

One person sits on the main seat, and two sit on either side of the main seat.

It was Eagle who was talking, and his expression was a bit bad.

Since separating from the fleet of the First Army in the Spratly Islands, the two have left the misty place non-stop and rushed to "Kyoto".

But halfway through, they encountered Congressman Delcha who was envoy to the First Army.

Without any explanation, the Delcha Congressman invited "them" onto the ship.

Although this is the meaning of the association, Iger feels a headache when he thinks of what happened next.

Sacrificing a companion, if you don't go back to deal with something in the first time, you will easily lose your tongue.

With the wine glass in his hand, Delcha took a sip of it comfortably. To Iger, he said indifferently: "This is not what I meant, but the meaning of the members behind you. Of course, the Association agrees. "

Looking at Eagle, Delcha smiled slightly, and said, "There are some things that you don’t need to handle. Although you are leading the team this time, you have an inescapable responsibility for the sacrifices of the players. However, heroes, only sacrifices. The heroes of this group seem even more noble."

"Congressman Delcha! What do you mean? Please don't forget your identity. You are only facilitators in the Heroes Association, and heroes are not your tools."

Delcha's words made Jerry on the side look very ugly, and said angrily.

Delcha didn't care about Jerry's words.

He just smiled slightly, raised his glass to Jerry, and said indifferently: "I'm just telling the truth. Today's Heroes' Association has become a place where the interests of all countries are confronted. Although some things are not clearly stated, you heroes know the best in their hearts. , Your every move, dare to deny that there is no manipulation by the mother country behind you?"

Jerry was silent because he could not refute Delcha's words.

In Jerry’s silence, Delcha continued: “You should be grateful that the home country behind Clevville is just a small country, and you can’t speak up in the Heroes Association. Otherwise, if a hero passes away, the loss of your home country will be great. You should be given a certain amount of compensation for both reason and emotion, right?"

As the leader of this "mission", Eagle is the biggest "beneficiary" of this mission, and Jerry, Clive and Arran are just assisting.

Generally speaking, heroes act alone, and ordinary combat "tasks" are not distributed to a certain hero alone, but in a competitive way, so that heroes who want to participate can compete.

But this time it was an exception, because it was related to the statue of the devil, the association did not make the task public, but privately handed it over to "Igel" for some benefit. From another perspective, it can also be said It was handed over to the "mother country" behind Eagle.

Although the statue of the devil is only a kind of "evil", it is a dream thing for any country.

Whoever has a "devil statue" is like having a big killer.

Although this big killer hurts the enemy and self, this point can be ignored for the benefit of a country.

The "mission" of the four-person team this time is obviously an agreement between the four countries behind the four. As the main beneficiary country this time, it is a matter of course to compensate the agreement countries that suffered heavy losses.

Seeing the two in silence, Delcha smiled lightly and said: "Let you follow me in the First Army Corps. The meaning of the association is very simple. One is to let you protect me. After all, the sea is dangerous. What dangerous sea beasts cannot escape safely with the force of this ship. Secondly, the news of your "mission" failure has been sent back to Kyoto. The association is considering whether it is necessary to announce this mission and let the heroes compete. There are some things that the home country behind you needs time to deal with. If you go back at this time, certain things will be difficult to do."

Announce mission?

Delcha’s words made Eagle's brows slightly frowned, and he solemnly said: "We are not the only ones in the Nansha Islands. With the efficiency of the First Legion, when the heroes arrive, the demons of the Nansha Islands may have been taken by the First Legion. It was swept away."

"of course!"

On this point, Delcha cannot deny.

He nodded and said: "So the association is still considering it. Although the statue of the Demon God is dangerous, it is not lowly attractive to those big countries. If the First Legion obtains the statue of the Demon God, the association may have to use some means."

Delcha's words made Iger feel a little bit in his heart.

Human beings know the danger of the Demon Statue, but they rush to capture it.

Although human beings are very clear about this contradictory psychology, they have to do it because of the benefit.

Putting the wine glass on the wooden table aside, Delcha said, "Okay! Let us forget the troubles in Kyoto. Now let me talk about the First Army and my mission this time."

Speaking of Delcha's mission, this is what Eagle is curious about.

Looking at Delcha on the main seat, Igel asked: "Congressman Delcha! What mission do you carry with the First Army this time? If it is to mediate the war between Bentley and the First Army, I think about it. Senator Delcha shouldn’t be more annoyed. Last time we went to the First Army, the First Army’s attitude was very clear. It is impossible to stop the Bentley war."

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