Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 908: The Holy City "Sirierlin"

With a faint smile, Delcha said, "I know, and the association understands this, so my mission this time is not to make the First Army abandon the war, but to make some necessary negotiations with the First Army. In the South China Sea war, The association has changed its attitude and abandoned its intention to intervene by force."

So that was the case, the hearts of the two of them were slightly bright.

No wonder the Association will once again send envoys to the First Army.

However, there is one thing Jerry doesn't understand.

Looking at Delcha on the main seat, Jerry said: "The association hasn't intervened before, so can you just do nothing?"

In Jerry's view, although the Association has plans to intervene in the South China Sea War, it is only a plan and has not really taken any action.

Delcha smiled, picked up the wine glass on the table again, and said: "This is about "politics." In the eyes of many people, the South China Sea is the representative of "chaos", maritime pirates are rampant, and coastal countries are poor. It is also chaotic. If the First Army can solve the "chaotic" situation in the South China Sea, it will be of great benefit to mankind in a certain way, and..."

The words paused, Delcha squinted his eyes and took a sip of wine, and said calmly: "The South China Sea is the gateway to the South. In the extreme south, the expansion of demons can never stop. If there is a powerful "power" in the South China Sea, it will be for humans. It is also a guarantee, and it is a frontline barrier for those big countries."

Delcha's words made Iger a little puzzled.

When will the devil threaten the South China Sea?

He asked very suspiciously: "I know the existence of demons, but isn't the cult empire planning to conduct a southern expedition? How can demons threaten the South China Sea?"

"It's the Holy City "Sri Erlin"."

The opposite Jerry said suddenly.

He seemed to know something.

Facing Eagle’s puzzled gaze, Jerry continued: "The holy city "Sri Erlin" is an overseas territory of the Order Empire. It is located on the "Meteor" island in the Aegean Sea. A hundred years ago, the demons began to raid the south. In the mainland, the Order Empire sent an expeditionary army, but that expeditionary army was defeated in the battle with the devil, and retreated all the way to the sea, and built a city on Meteorite Island, and this city, also It has become a sanctuary for humans in the southern continent, which is now the holy city "Srierlin". As far as I know, the holy city "Srierlin" is now under the threat of demons. The purpose of the second expedition should be to defend the holy city "Sri Erlin."

Glancing unexpectedly at Jerry, Delcha seemed to be surprised that Jerry knew the information.

Nodded lightly, Delcha said: "Yes! Jerry is right. The biggest purpose of the mission of the Order Empire is to defend the holy city "Sirierlin". If the Order of the Order Empire fails, the holy city" Sirlin "falls, will the devil be far from invading the South China Sea?"

That's it...

Eagle was faintly awake.

It's no wonder that the nations of mankind are so enthusiastic about the missionary empire's expedition. After all, it is because of their own interests and the fear of demons.


This is a matter of course.

The Southern Continent, once a powerful nation, was destroyed by demons. Shouldn't human beings fear it?

Eagle said clearly: "So that's the case, so that the Association will not care about the expansion of the First Army?"

"more or less!"

Delcha is not sure about this, and can only answer ambiguously.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, the door was knocked.

The appearance of the voice made the three people stop talking.

"Come in!"

Looking at the door, Del found out.


The door was opened when the response was received.

A crew member in grey clothes came in.

"Your Excellency! There is a message from the First Legion that they will send a ship to pick up the Lord."

The crew's words made the three of them look at ease.

Delcha even put down the wine glass in his hand. He looked at the two people beside him and said, "Let's go!"

After speaking, Delcha got up from the soft sofa and walked to the door, followed by Jerry and Eagle.

Two hours later, Qingcheng Hedao Wharf.

"This is Qingcheng?"

Departing from that fast incredible boat, Delcha, who boarded the pier, stood erect, looking up at Qingcheng.

Due to the low terrain, in Delcha's sight, he could only see the busy dock and the dilapidated city wall.

Behind Delcha, Jerry and Eagle also boarded the dock.

Seeing the look on Delcha's face, Iger knew what he was thinking.

Eagle explained: "The First Army is building Qingcheng. There is nothing to see from the outside, and the city can know the changes."

"Everyone! Please follow me."

At this time, the soldier leading the way urged.

The sound is output from the speakers and becomes somewhat mechanical.

For these soldiers on the dock, Delcha was also deeply surprised and shocked.

Because the equipment on the soldiers is unusual.

It's not just armor, because when the soldiers move, there will be obvious mechanical noises.

That kind of sound is not friction between metals, but power, a sound made by micro power with a good texture.

As a member of the Heroes Association, Delcha has a wide range of insights.

The equipment on those soldiers is obviously individual equipment similar to small mechanical power armor. In Delcha’s memory, this kind of thing can only be seen in the legacy of ancient technology.

Now human beings, no matter which country, is unable to develop such weapons, let alone manufacture them.

"Congressman Delcha! Let's go!"

Seeing that Delcha was unmoved, Eagle reminded him behind him.


From his thoughts, Delcha returned to God, and quickly followed the soldier leading the way.

When the three followed the leading soldiers and left the dock, outside the dock, a small convoy of three vehicles was already waiting.

Two bison armed assault vehicles, a black ceremonial vehicle.

"These cars are so beautiful!"

Looking at the three cars in front of him, Delcha uttered a sincere admiration.

This is a fact. Compared with all the vehicles Delcha has seen, in terms of aesthetics and external lines, these three vehicles are not as exquisite in front of them.

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