Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 909: Delcha's surprise

While admiring, Delcha also knows that to be able to produce such vehicles requires a high level of industry.

Without an advanced industrial level, it is impossible to make such an exquisite vehicle.

Under the leadership of the soldiers, the three of them boarded the ceremonial car, and when they entered the car, Delcha was even more surprised by the decoration of the car.

Delza in the back seat couldn't help but touch the leather seat under him.

It was slippery, smooth, without any roughness, which surprised Delcha.

I don't understand what kind of animal skin it is made of, how can it feel so good.

When the team moved amidst the sound of "rumbling" engines.

Delcha in the car is even more weird.

Quiet, too close.

Whether it is the sound of the engine of the vehicle or the noise outside, it seems to be isolated, and the inside of the car is quiet.

The stability of the vehicle also surprised Delcha.

This level of stability, and the sound insulation effect, is incomparable to any car in Kyoto.

This means that the First Army has a more advanced industrial level than Kyoto.

is it possible?

Delcha was suspicious.

Although Kyoto is not his home country, Delcha never doubted the strength of Kyoto.

At the industrial level, Kyoto is also one of the best in the entire human world.

However, today, only in this car, Del has seen a more advanced industrial level than Kyoto.

Just under Delcha's binocular glance, the convoy drove slowly into the city.

But leaving from the cave, the vastness outside made Delcha couldn't help looking out the car window.

At this glance, Delcha's face looked even more suspicious.

The buildings under construction on the side of the street didn't mention it. Although the machinery on the construction site was huge and weird, it did not attract Delcha's attention.

Because in the big human country, civilian "guards" play various roles, and the convenience of mechanical arms makes "guards" a universal machine.

What Delcha was surprised by was the "tower"-shaped building in the distance.

It is too high, too big, I am afraid that the height has exceeded a kilometer.

"The last time we came, the tower was not built, nor as high as it is now. I didn't expect this huge tower to be completed in less than a month."

Beside Delcha, looking at the giant tower in the distance, Iger exclaimed.

"Such a big and peculiar building, what use should it be!"

Delcha was quite curious about this.

Strange buildings must have special functions.

Especially this kind of tall and big building, if you say there is no special effect, I am afraid no one can believe it.

"This is a communication tower, which is used to transmit signals remotely."

At this time, the soldier who was driving suddenly spoke, and answered the three people's doubts.

It turned out to be a signal tower, and the three of them were twilight.

"Unexpectedly, you can also speak Chinese. I wonder where your hometown comes from?"

Delcha smiled slightly and chatted with the soldier driving the vehicle.

Although it is small talk, it also carries certain clear purposes.

"The First Army can use hundreds of languages. Chinese is just one of them. This is not my personal ability, but machine translation. As for my hometown, it is far, far away, and you won't know it."

This is not chasing cattle. Although the current data terminal only obtains a few commonly used languages ​​around the South China Sea, as time goes by, as the First Army integrates into human society, sooner or later the language of humans will Recorded by the data terminal.

The soldier is not stupid, he knows that the people behind are probing his identity, so that he can analyze the origin of the First Army.

Although Dabing didn't care about communicating with the people behind him, it was only that, and he wouldn't reveal much information.

machine translation?

For this word, Delcha is quite strange.

The soldier driving the vehicle was obviously reluctant to reveal his hometown, and of course Delcha wouldn't ask too much if he was ignorant.

Compared with the dense flow of people on both sides of the street, the traffic on the road seems a bit scarce.

But it is precisely because of the scarcity of traffic that the fleet is unimpeded all the way.

After driving for nearly half an hour, the convoy drove into a residential area where villas stand, and stopped in front of a villa.

This is the temporary residence arranged by the First Army for the messengers of the Heroes Association.

Leaving the car, Delza looked around and finally set his eyes on the slightly delicate villa not far in front of him.

On the two floors, there is this attic, which does not look big, but not small. Outside the villa, there is also a courtyard, which looks very quiet.

"There are all living supplies in stock. You can use them as you like. Eight o'clock in the evening is the curfew time. Please don't turn on the headlights to avoid being called by the security team. I will pick you up tomorrow morning at eight o'clock on time."

Beside the three, the soldier who got out of the car gave some explanations to the three.

"This is the key."

Taking out a key from his body, the soldier passed it to Delcha.


Looking at the key in the soldier's hand, Delcha was quite speechless.

The reception method of this First Corps is really unique.

It stands to reason that some servants should be prepared in this villa to ensure their lives.

Do they let them cook by themselves, explore and get familiar with it?

But the key was right in front of him, and Delcha had to accept it.

Besides, this is the site of the First Legion, and everything is up to the owner. As a guest, of course you must follow the habits of the First Legion.

"Thank you!"

Anyway, Delcha would like to thank you.

Before leaving, the soldier said: "You can come and go freely, but you must restrain yourself so as not to happen unpleasant things. What happens? The First Army will not reduce your punishment as you are."

"Of course! I don't think we will leave here at will."

For just one night, Delcha didn't want to go out and stroll around.

It is not far from darkness now, and night is coming.

Turning around, the soldier left and boarded the car again.

"let's go!"

With an order, the "roar" of the engine sounded, and the convoy moved away, leaving behind the attention of the three.

Seeing the caravan slowly disappearing at the end of the street, Delcha didn't understand, "Don't they worry about us doing some "bad" things?"

In Dels’s perception, facing foreign messengers, the country is strictly monitoring, guarding the messenger’s residences at all levels, and prohibiting outsiders from entering and those inside from going out.

This is the first time Dels has seen such a lax approach by the First Army.

Iger smiled helplessly and said, "What can we do? The First Army has completely controlled this place, and we can't do anything."

This is also...

With a dumb smile, Delcha started to walk down the path to the villa.

Eagle and Jerry followed closely behind.

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