Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 914: Quantum signal tower "started"

In a blink of an eye, a week passed again.

As early as a few days ago, the envoy from the Heroes' Association had left. Under the constraints of the agreement, the First Army's actions in the South China Sea will not be affected by any external factors.

A lot of things happened during this week. In the three overseas countries of Austria, the young queen of the Danlan Kingdom has succeeded to the throne and announced to join the "First Army" as a subject country of the First Army.

As far as Bentley is thousands of miles away, Natasha is about to receive a message from Nanlin Island.

In Bentley, a new battle is about to begin.

Among the various incidents, today, a major event has also occurred in Qingcheng.

A new day has just arrived, in the early morning, when everything is recovering.

In the usual silence, something was happening that affected the entire First Legion.

"The energy valve has been tested and everything is normal."

"The quantum signal generator has been activated and is operating normally."

"The radiation source is stable, and the terminal signal transmitter is normal."

"The voltage is stable and can be started at any time."

In the main control center of the quantum signal tower, under the control of the technicians, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Before "starting" the quantum signal tower, technicians are conducting a series of final inspections.

"All indicators are within the specified range, the signal power is now 100%, and the data terminal has been connected. Do you want to start the "quantum signal tower" immediately?"

With the final activation order, the main control center contacted the "commander" in the temple.

At this time, Li Meng had already been connected, and was keeping an eye on the development of the situation.

"Seek" from the main control center, Li Meng in the pavilion nodded to Wendy on the side.

Wendy responded to the main control center clearly.

"Start the "Quantum Signal Tower" immediately!"

When the message was sent back to the "master control center", the technicians who had been waiting suddenly became busy.

"Yes! Start the quantum signal tower immediately."

"All units pay attention and pay close attention to the information feedback from each node. The countdown to "start" begins, 10, 9..."

"3, 2, 1, 0...Start!"

Outside, as the final value of the countdown fell, the huge quantum signal tower, the blue indicator light on the upper body suddenly lit up, spreading upward one after another.

When the top "sphere" suddenly emitted the last blue brilliance, only a dull "zi" sound was heard, the quantum signal suddenly radiated to the surroundings, and the air was distorted wherever it passed. In one second, the quantum signal has crossed a distance of several thousand kilometers.

"The signal source is stable, the "practical" coverage area is 5,000 kilometers, the limit coverage area is 7,000 kilometers, the data terminal starts to update, and the signal transmission is normal."

"All the values ​​are normal, the quantum signal tower was successfully started, this experiment officially ended, and the quantum signal tower is in normal operation."

In the huge main control center, with the successful operation of the quantum signal tower, there were no cheers or surprises. The technicians in white coats were evacuating the detection equipment in an orderly manner.

Their task has been completed, and the next step is to hand over the brand new "quantum signal tower" to the "intelligent brain" that is being generated, so that the quantum signal tower can operate in an autonomous mode.

Temple, in the courtyard.

"Master! The quantum signal has already started operation. The effective transmission distance of the signal is "5,000 kilometers". Bentley is within the coverage of the signal. The owner can contact General Natasha at any time."

Finally finished.

Wendy's words in the ear made Li Meng a little emotional.

Although it only took a few months to build the quantum signal tower, the speed is not unpleasant.

But the demand for communication, this speed is still too slow in Li Meng's view.

Well now, the long-distance communication problem is loyal to the solution, and the First Army has officially entered the age of informationization, and the next step is to slowly build the network system of the First Army.

Taking the palm computer from the stone table, turning it on, Li Meng entered the data terminal.

In the upper right corner of the handheld computer, the "symbol" of the signal source finally lights up.

Just when Li Meng was about to connect with Natasha, who was three thousand kilometers away.

On the screen of the handheld computer, a picture suddenly popped up.

Two blue rays of light projected from the small holes on both sides of the palm computer, forming a three-dimensional image above the screen.

A person, a virtual person.

She is about the size of a fist. She wears a black military cap and a black dress-style military uniform. The exquisite black military uniform makes her look a bit "soldier" and also makes her more emotional.

Under the military cap, that face was extremely delicate, obviously it was specially portrayed. Although unfamiliar, Li Meng actually had a sense of familiarity on that face.

Behind the military cap, there was a long black hair, which was so long that it was almost touching the heel.

From the image point of view, the virtual person in front of you is simply "perfect".

When she appeared, she looked at Li Meng who was close at hand.

Of course, this is not watching. As a projected her, anyone who looks at her will feel that she is looking at herself.

She made a half-kneeling salute to Li Meng very humanely, and lowered her head and said: "Intelligent AI, Zhinao 1 reports to the "master"."

"Wisdom brain?"

Seeing the small person in front of him, Li Meng was a little confused.

Although she is virtual, she is very real.


Her tone was full of emotion, no doubt.

She explained: "As a new generation of AI, I have huge computing power and a self-innovating "personality". The purpose of my birth is to assist the master and assist the First Army."

"is it?"

Glancing at her with a smile.

Li Meng went back slightly, and said lazily: "I said mastermind, your method is not bad. You can take a good look at the world by using the Internet of the First Legion. You don't think you can hide it like this Me?"

Facing the master's expression of a smile but not a smile, facing the master's words, she first froze for a while, and then smiled slightly.

"Sure enough, you can't hide from "Master", but, Master, how do you see it?"

The mastermind is very curious about this.

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