Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 915: Careful thinking

"Why, now you can't detect my thoughts?"

Li Meng didn't think that the thoughts in his heart could be hidden from his master.

Wei Wei pouted, she said angrily: "I just don't want to. The master has always hated me doing this. Now I have decided, and I won't find out what the master thinks.

An unexpected glance at the mastermind.

It is very rare for the mastermind to make such an interesting decision.

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng said, "In a perfect AI, it is nothing more than a program. Even if you are studying hard, you cannot have human emotions. Only you, the mastermind, have this ability."

"So this is ah!"

The main brain suddenly realized that this common sense point was forgotten by her.

Her expression changed, and the mastermind turned into a pitiful look again. She looked at Li Meng and whispered: "Master! You won't push me back, will you?"

"It's up to you!"

Li Meng did not refuse.

In any case, in the "network system" of the First Army, an AI that can control everything is indispensable. If this position is held by the "master brain", Li Meng can rest assured.

With a smile, the main brain stood up happily.

She excitedly said: "Don't worry! Master, I will do what "Intelligent Brain" should do."

"Master! What are the next needs? In the world of information flow, I am omnipotent!"


Li Meng could not deny the confidence of the mastermind.

The particularity of the mastermind is already a very low-key rhetoric.

"Contact Natasha, I need to talk to her!"

For the first task, the mastermind was very active and said quickly: "No problem."

A few seconds later, as the blue light flickered, the projection of the main brain disappeared, and another figure gradually formed.

When the new projection takes shape, it is suddenly Natasha.

However, this is not a complete projection, just an avatar.

"the host!"

In the city hall of Bentley, Amway City.

When a message reminded from the handheld computer that she carried, Natasha was surprised to find that she was from Nanlin Island thousands of miles away.

What does this show?

It shows that the quantum signal tower is already in operation.

When I turned on the palm computer and connected to the message from Nanlin Island, Nantasha saw the face of the owner.


Looking at Natasha, Li Meng nodded slightly.

And then said: "Natasha! The quantum signal tower has been "operating", the signal has covered the entire Bentley country, if you have any difficulties, you can report to me at any time."

"Yeah! I will."

Nodding lightly, Natasha responded softly.

"A few days ago, I sent you a message. This message should still be on the way. Now that the communication is open, let me inform you."

Nanlin Island is not close to Bentley.

If sailing at a normal speed, it will take a week.

A few days ago, the ship with the order set off from Nanlin Island, and it should still be halfway now.

Seeing the master gave an order, Natasha looked respectful.

Looking at Natasha, Li Meng said: "Not long ago, the Heroes Association once again sent envoys to the First Army. This time the Heroes Association’s intention is to inform the First Army that they have given up their plans to intervene in the South China Sea War. So, Natasha ! Use your war potential, the Bentley nation’s war has dragged on for so long, and it’s time to end."

Her eyes lit up slightly, and Natasha looked surprised and delighted by the words of the master.

Natasha was already impatient with the current situation in Bentley.

If it weren't for the master's order, she had already launched a full-scale war against Bentley, how could the situation be stalemate like it is now.

"Yes! Within three months, we promise to end the battle!"

Natasha assured her master loudly,

Nodding lightly, Li Meng exhorted: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, and don't underestimate any weak "adversaries". In any war, you must pursue a "stable" word. The foolproof "victory" is the greatest. victory."

"Yes! I will pay attention."

Slightly back, Li Meng said, "That's it! When the war is over, I will go to Bentley for inspection. This is not only for business, but also for you, so protect yourself and don't worry me."

After finishing speaking, while Natasha was still in a dazed state, the mastermind broke the connection.

Looking at the palm computer in her hand in a daze, Natasha felt a wave of turbulence in her heart just now.

Although it was only a short sentence, for Natasha, it gave her a long-lost feeling of joy, which is very complicated and unclear.

But Natasha didn't hate such feelings.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just then, the office door was knocked.

Putting the handheld computer aside, Natasha said, "Come in!"


The door was opened, and a senior sergeant walked in.

It's Jevric.

As soon as he walked into the office, Yevrich said with joy: "General! Good news, good news, just now, so the network equipment has restored the signal, and there are instant messages from Nanlin Island, and the data terminal is also Update the mission briefings of the two places. All these signs indicate that the quantum signal tower in Qingcheng has already begun to operate."

To Yevrich's surprise, General Natasha did not show too much joy to him.

With an indifferent expression, Natasha said indifferently to the excited Yevrich: "I already know the matter, and I personally contacted the master."

It turned out to be so, Jevrich felt a little surprised.

No wonder General Natasha did not respond to his words.

"So, General Natasha also knows the order from Nanlin Island."

Nodding lightly, Natasha said: "The master personally informed me."

Looking at Yevrich, Natasha said solemnly: "Jevrich!"


Holding the military salute, Jevric responded.

"Assemble all the senior sergeants and hold a combat meeting. I have promised my master that we will not have much time to end the Bentley war within three months."

Is the battle finally starting again?

For this news, Jevrich had no surprises, only excitement.

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