Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 916: Pre-war meeting

After waiting so long, a new battle will come.


Yevrich responded loudly.

Then he turned around and strode out of the office.

Like when you came, you come and go in a hurry.

Three hours later, the temporary combat command room of the City Hall.

Under the convening order, hundreds of sergeants at all levels gathered together.

The huge combat meeting room was filled with dark green steel figures.

In the rows of seats, the sergeants of all levels sit in different levels, and their straight postures look like statues.

At first glance, there were many neatly seated figures, but they were silent, and the huge combat meeting room was quiet.

Not long after, with the sound of footsteps outside the door, Natasha in black armor walked into the combat meeting room.

"stand up!"

Yvrich, who was sitting in the first place, roared and stood up.

With this loud roar, the sergeants followed closely, and stood up in a "swift" manner.


Then Yevrich shouted loudly again and raised the military salute.

Looking at "Natasha" on the podium, the sergeants raised their hands and saluted him.

Coming to the high stage, looking at the straight figures standing below, Natasha stretched out her right hand and pressed it down.

Said: "Sit down!"

In Natasha's gesture, the non-commissioned officers put down their hands, they were almost the same in shape, and sat down all together.

With the sergeants sitting down, the huge conference room became quiet again.

Looking at everyone in the audience, Natasha said coldly: "There has been no war for more than a month, and you should have some urgency in your heart. You are right. This meeting is a pre-war meeting. It will start again, and the leisure days are over today."

The words were paused, and while the sergeants listened quietly, Natasha continued: "Three days, I will give you three days to restore your state of war. Three days later, the army will begin to move."

Looking around the crowd, Natasha continued: "Next, I will explain the battle plan."

With a slight expression on her face, Natasha said, "Thanks to the assistance of the Resistance, the small cities of Bentley have actually belonged to the First Army. Three days later, the eighth-level sergeant "Loriel" will be responsible for taking over the small cities."

After speaking, Natasha looked at the person in the front seat.

Said: "Sergeant Loriel! After the meeting, you can obtain the contact information of the Resistance from Jevrich, which is of great benefit to your mission."


Lori stood up and responded loudly with a military salute.

Natasha on the high platform waved to Lori, and Lori sat down knowingly.

Looking at the crowd, Natasha continued: "I will command the rest of the forces and take them straight to Marani, Javrich!"

Natasha looked at Jevrich who was the first.


Standing up, Jevric responded with a military salute.

"After the meeting, the fleet was notified immediately, so the warships assembled at the port of Marani City, waiting for combat orders in the open sea."


Yevrich responded loudly.

In Natasha's wave of hands, Jevrich sat down.

Looking at everyone, Natasha said: "The details of the tasks of the sergeants at all levels are subject to the data terminal."

At the end of the meeting, Natasha looked around at the people and said: "The war is coming. I have promised the "master" that the war will be over within three months. In order to achieve this goal, you must do your best."

Three months?

There is enough time. For the three-month time limit, the sergeants have no worries.

In the previous battles, they already knew the weakness of Bentley, and in the eyes of the masters, it was not difficult to capture this country.

Three months is enough.

The sergeants stood up together, holding the military salute: "Yes!"

"The meeting is over!"

After speaking, Natasha turned and walked off the podium, striding out the door.

Jevric followed close behind.

The sergeants also left the combat meeting room one after another.

On the way back to the office, Natasha said to Jevrich who had followed up: "Contact the rebels and tell them that a new battle is about to begin and they should fulfill their duties."

"Understood! I will explain to the "Rebel Army"."

Yevrich responded.

At the end of the aisle, Jevrich left behind Natasha.

As the highest sergeant under General Natasha, mobilizing before the war, many things need to be handled by Jevrich.

During these three days, it will be busy days waiting for Jevrich.

The smooth flow of communication is of extraordinary significance to the First Army.

Under a series of factors, Bentley’s stalemate in the war will eventually be broken.

When the combat meeting ended, the First Army's troops in Bentley began to make frequent changes.

On the second day, the first thing that changed was the fleet on the sea, which was docked on Turner Island, so the battleship sailed into the Gulf of Marani and approached the city of Marani.

At the same time, an army on land also began to move.

Under the leadership of the eighth-level sergeant Lorier, a force of more than 12,000 people was divided into three, going east, south, and north respectively. They would bypass the city of Marani and receive Many small towns "instigated" the rebels.

Due to the small amount of combat, this unit abandoned heavy equipment and deployed the "sickle mecha" that was good at maneuvering as the main combat unit, rushing to all parts of Bentley.

And when Loriel led the troops out, the army of the First Army stationed in Amway City also began to enter the pre-war preparations.

In Bentley, the number of soldiers under Natasha has exceeded 50,000. In the past month or so, using the benefits from the "rebel", Natasha has perfected the armor of the army to the greatest extent. Units, and various types of vehicles, now in Natasha's army, the sum of armored units plus various vehicles has exceeded four digits, reaching a giant of three thousand.

For the "heroes association", Li Meng gave Natasha great rights in weapons and equipment. Li Meng gave the equipment Natasha wanted.

The movement of the First Army was certainly noticed by the "Resistance Army" as a partner.

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