Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 917: Revolutionaries

In a villa on a hill on the outskirts of Marani city.

The sudden arrival of a message caused the owner of the villa to lose his peaceful life.

Lockes, the president of the Huixing Chamber of Commerce, is also the instructor of the Bentley National Resistance Army.

The dual identity makes this businessman no longer ordinary.

In the secluded study room, an old man was communicating with Locks.

"Master! Master Orino said that the first legion has already started operations, and it should attack Marani city soon. Master Orino is worried about the safety of the master and wants the master to leave Marani city and take refuge in the front of the city. ."


Lockes, who was sitting behind the desk, shook his head and said, "Butler Lux, I can’t leave here. Although I am the instructor of the Resistance Army, I am also the president of the Huixing Chamber of Commerce. All the capital of the Chamber of Commerce is Marani City, once I leave, it is equivalent to giving up everything. In the future, the capital of the Chamber of Commerce will be the capital for the rebels to obtain rights. I will guard this capital. This is not only for me, but also for Bentley. , Even more to resist the army."

Lockes' words made Lukes understand that it would be hopeless to change the master's mind.

Lukes could only give up.

On that old face, except for the worried expression, Lukas said: "Since the master intends to stay, he should be fully prepared. Once the battle of the First Army against Marani City starts, the guns will be ruthless, sir. Although being an instructor of the Resistance Army, this cannot guarantee the safety of the master."

Nodded lightly, Locks said: "I know this in my heart, go to Orino, thank him for his concern, but I can't leave, just let him do his own thing, don't worry about me."

"I'm going now!"

Turning around, the old figure of Lux turned and left, leaving the study lightly.

After the old butler left, Locks, who was behind the desk, fell into deep thought.

More than a month ago, the First Army stopped its invasion, which plunged Bentley into a brief truce.

The reason for the truce, Lockes never thought it was the First Army to give the Resistance some time to act.

As the president of the Huixing Chamber of Commerce, Lockes still knows some things about his connections in the military.

Some time ago, in the military of Bentley, there were rumors that the "Heroes Association" would intervene in the war of Bentley.

Lockes never doubted its authenticity.

Because a month ago, there was indeed a "floating boat" of the Heroes' Association staying in Marani City.

The Association of Heroes will not come to Bentley for no reason, let alone stay in Marani City for a few days.

All signs indicate that there is indeed the possibility of the Heroes’ Association intervening in the war.

In this way, the "invasion" of the First Army was suspended, and it was not without reason.

Although Lockes did not know the specific reason, he also guessed that it must have something to do with the "hero association".

One month later, the First Army started operations again. What is this for?

Obviously, the threat from the outside has disappeared.

Whether this is the case, Lockes dare not be sure, because a guess is always a guess, and a conclusion can never be reached before the result appears.

With his gaze moving slightly, Lockes looked at the landline on the table.

After a period of hesitation, Lockes finally picked up the phone and dialed a number.

After a short "beep" sound.

On the phone, a voice rang.


The voice is a bit hoarse, I don't know whether it is the signal or the personal reason.

With a slight expression, Lockes said: "Yes, it's me."

"Something wrong?"

Taking a deep breath, Lockes said, "The military should know about the re-action of the First Army, right?"

"Yes, there is our eyeliner in Amway City. Just yesterday, an army of more than 10,000 people departed from Amway City and did not know where to go. This is expected. After all, Bentley has lost foreign aid. The First Legion has no scruples."

"foreign aid?"

Lockes was puzzled.

The person on the phone explained: “It’s the Heroes’ Association. A month ago, the Heroes’ Association suddenly sent an envoy to Bentley to intervene in the war and help Bentley expel foreign enemies. But just a few days ago, the Heroes’ Association suddenly changed its mind. Said that this is Bentley’s own business, they are not good to participate, and cancel all military operations,"

That's it...

Lockes understood slightly.

I don't know what the First Army did, and the Heroes Association canceled its plan to intervene.

After a moment of silence, Lockes asked, "The First Legion is about to approach the city, what are your plans?"

The person on the phone did not answer immediately, but asked: "Rocks! In your opinion, in this war, we have a chance of winning?"


Can you still say the word "winner" now?

With regard to this question, Lockes did not think about it, and said simply: "No, there is no chance of victory. Even if there is no betrayal by the "Resistance Army", even if all the troops of Bentley are defeated, they will not be able to resist the First Army, Bentley. There is a huge difference in strength from the First Army, and any struggle will only bring more deaths."

The person on the phone was silent about Lockes' words.

In a moment, he said: "You are right. After so long, the senior officials of Bentley have realized the gap with the First Army, but they will not compromise. In their opinion, the tall walls will protect them. Safe, as long as it stays behind the city wall, the First Army can't do anything no matter how strong it is."


"My lord! Do you believe this?"

Lockes asked rhetorically.

"Do not believe."

The words are crisp.

He continued: "The tall city wall is used to deal with polluting beasts. For humans, there are countless ways to break the wall. How can they stop the army of the First Army? For this, the high-level people do not know, but do not keep. With the last drop of Bentley’s blood, they will not compromise."

Yes! Wanting to reach the offensive of the First Army by virtue of the tall city wall, this is simply a dream.

How can those high-level people not know this?

"Rocks! I need you to do one thing."

In response to the request of the person on the phone, Lockes said without hesitation: "If you say that it can be done, I will never refuse."

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