Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 921: Civil war

Captain Tiergwan?

Hearing this name, Mai Saige's expression changed slightly.

Tierge is a ten thousand captain, a man who walked out from under the Minister of Military Supplies and Demand.

Thinking about those who were absent this time, Messegh had a bad feeling.

Because the two ten thousand chiefs who were absent were all laborious subordinates in the past.

There are more than thirty thousand commanders, I am afraid they are also under the two commanders.

"Damn it!"

Messeger cursed angrily.

"Work hard! What on earth do you want to do?"

In his heart, Massegg roared.


"My lord! I am here."

Messeg said in a deep voice: "Immediately send the defenders to the city to calm the chaos, contact all the troops that can be contacted, and let them act immediately."


In response, the clerical officer quickly left.

Seeing the uninformed officers looking at each other in the audience, Messeg said solemnly: "There is a rebellion in the city. According to reliable sources, it is the rebels headed by the minister of German military supplies. Remember, during this meeting, Therefore, the officers who are absent are all rebels. You immediately descend from the small road to control your army in the city, and lead your army to defeat the rebels in the city."


Minister Hardy?

Although they were extremely puzzled, the officers in the conference room could only leave hastily with doubts.

The battle at the Commander’s Mansion was the first shot. When the first shot was fired, the huge city of Marani was immediately enveloped by war.

The civilians living in the city of Marani were surprised to find that the originally peaceful streets were filled with a large number of soldiers for some reason.

When the gunfire suddenly sounded from nowhere, within a short period of time, the entire Marani city was quickly enveloped by the gunfire.

There were gunshots everywhere, explosions everywhere, and black smoke began to slowly rise from all over the city.

At some point, red sirens began to sound from horns everywhere in the city.

The voice of "Ula Ula" reminds people that Marani City is under martial law.

Amidst the sound of guns and the sirens of "Ula Ula", the bustling city of Marani quickly fell into the "alley of thousands".

At some point, the streets became empty and empty.

Occasionally, a group of soldiers ran past in a hurry, and two groups of soldiers were fighting in a place with gunsmoke and on a wide street.

Although they wear the same military uniforms and use the same weapons, in the battle, no matter which side wants to put the other side to death, there is no mercy.

Marani City, the main building of the Ministry of Communications.

The blood was flowing, and in front of the gate of the main building of the Ministry of Communications, corpses lay swayingly.

The blood flowing hasn't dried up yet, it looks so bright.

A battle has just ended, and the only thing left is the black trace on the ground and the wall.

"Quick! Move these corpses to the back and form a line of defense immediately."

At the gate, an army is moving.

A huge "guard" surrounds the building and stands on the street.

And at the feet of the guards are the soldiers dealing with the battlefield.

There are so many of them, there are hundreds of figures at a glance.

This is just the number of people outside. In the building, there are more soldiers.

The place near the windows on each floor is undoubtedly a good shooting port.

Looking up, you can see the numerous figures behind the window.

At this time, two people were talking in a conference room on the eighth floor.

"My lord! Now our military strength is about 30,000, while Captain Messeger has about 50,000 troops. In terms of strength, Messeger is superior to ours, but in terms of combat power, we have a slight share. Advantages, because the adult was the Minister of Military Supplies before. Several military warehouses and arsenals in Marani City are under our control. As long as we can hold these places, Captain Messeg’s army will not last long. Time."


Looking at the hard work in the main position, he said with anxiety: "Commander Messeger also knows the importance of the munitions warehouse. He will definitely send heavy troops to seize these places. Our troops are small and we want to defend this place. In a few places, it is very difficult."

"What do you think?"

Asked hard.

With regard to the staff officer around him, Fei Lide completely trusted, and believed that the problems in front of him could not be difficult for him.

The slightly vicissitudes of face looked ruthless, and he said solemnly: "All the munitions depots were blown up. The main defense arsenal, and the weapons and ammunition stored in the arsenal are sufficient for this battle. As long as the munitions depot is blown up, we can be completely eliminated The worries of the future, by then, the final victory must belong to us."

Blow up?

Tired his face was thinking.

Thinking about the powerful relationship.

This method is not impossible, but it is also a pity.

That's a munitions warehouse, there are only a few in Marani City.

But Fei Lide also understood that in this battle, too much force should not be divided into several buildings.

After thinking about it, Fei Lide nodded and said: "As you said, blow up the munitions warehouse. Let Tierge do this, let him take as much as he can, and then blow up the munitions warehouse."


"By the way, Opo Aron City, what's the situation in Voda City?"

Fei Lide thought of the other two places.

The power of the revolutionaries is not only in the city of Marani.

In all parts of the country in Bentley, there are shadows of revolutionaries.

Especially in the three capitals, the revolutionary forces are the most powerful.

Even in the rebels, there were revolutionary people.

The figure who was about to leave paused slightly, he said: "The situation in Opo Aron City is very good. Among the three places, the revolutionaries in Opo Aron City have developed the best, and the barbarian Masco offends. A lot of people, many people want to put him to death, the revolutionary actions are simply echoed, Opo Aron City should be the first to end the battle."

"As for the Voda City side..."

Speaking of this, he frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "The situation is a bit bad. Commander Kinof is a smart man. For so many years, the development of the revolutionaries in Voda City can be said to be difficult. Although there is certain strength, I can only guarantee that it will not be eliminated in a short period of time. I have mobilized the revolutionaries in the small cities around Voda City and asked them to find ways to enter the city to strengthen the "revolutionaries" in the city."

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