Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 922: Morning assembly

Sure enough...

As the actual leader of the "revolutionary", the development of the "revolutionary" in the past few years has been laboriously concerned.

Needless to say, Manila has his own seat here, and the development of the "revolutionary" has been smooth.

Among the three capitals, only Voda City is the one that Filid cares most about.

Because Captain Genov is not easy to deal with, he is a very shrewd man, and it is easy to show his feet in front of him.

Therefore, in "Voda City", the power of the revolutionaries is among the grassroots officers, and they have been developing cautiously all the time.

The expression was slightly sinking, and he said with great effort: "We can only let the other side do our best. Even if we can't win, we have to buy some time for us. As long as Opo Aron and Marani fall into our hands, the last Voda City will not be a problem."

He nodded and said, "This is what I think."

Sacrifice is inevitable, and both people in the conference room know this.

The only thing they can do is to make Bentley shed less blood in this battle.

It's messed up, everything is messed up.

The foreign enemy has already approached the city, staring at it outside.

However, within the Bentley country, he first got into chaos.

In the eyes of the people, this is an internal struggle, a civil war, and a war that they cannot accept.

In the eyes of Bentley’s military, this is a rebellion, a crime of traitor, and an unforgivable crime.

But for the "revolutionaries", their approach is noble, everything is for Bentley, for the people.

In this civil war, all people have their own reasons for fighting, and for this, they dedicate their lives.

Opo Aron, Marani, Voda, the three capitals have been caught in civil war disputes.

The smoke of war has filled the sky, and the three capitals are receiving the baptism of war.

Outside of the three capitals, the First Army Corps was taking over the small cities. During the reception, the whole way was unimpeded. Wherever the army went, the city gate was wide open, and the army did not encounter any resistance.

In less than two days, the First Army had taken over a dozen small cities.

According to this progress, within half a month, all the cities of Bentley will fall into the hands of the First Army, except for the three capitals.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

In Bentley, the civil strife has not yet subsided, and civilians in the three capitals have been ravaged by war.

Although the soldiers on both sides deliberately avoided the areas where civilians live, as the fighting intensified, civilian casualties inevitably occurred, and the number of casualties is rapidly increasing.

Outside the city of Marani, the First Legion was already under the city, watching and waiting.

In Bentley's country, as fire was going on, a big event was about to happen in the Danlan Kingdom thousands of kilometers away.

Half a month ago, the young princess Catherine held a succession ceremony and inherited the throne, becoming the first "queen" of the Danlan Kingdom.

Half a month has passed, and through the cooperation with Prime Minister Harandi, the domestic political turmoil has been smoothly calmed down.

Regardless of whether the ministers or foreign ministers should be degraded or fined, the chaotic political situation in the country has been cleared in a short period of time.

The domestic politics subsided, and the day of signing an association with the First Army finally came.

Danlan Kingdom, the royal capital "Meloka", the royal palace, the king's hall.

Today's court meeting is different. It is not only the internal ministers but also the vassals outside.

A few days ago, vassals across the country had been summoned by the Queen "Catherine" for an important meeting.

When the morning fog had not cleared, long bells rang from the palace.

In the huge palace of the king, the figures were already surging at this time, and the ministers were whispering to each other, discussing the affairs of this court meeting.

For this important "discussion", they have more or less guessed it.

In the sea off the port of Melorca, that fleet has been anchored for more than half a month.

The agreement between the royal family and the first legion is no longer a secret.

"My Lord Prime Minister! I don't know what you think about this meeting? Now our political situation is stable, and we have the strength to deal with foreign enemies. Some traitorous agreements, Lord Prime Minister, don't want to be quick for a while."

An elderly veteran came to Harandi's side, and the words seemed to remind and warn.

With a slight smile, Harandi said calmly: "The times are advancing, and the future is still a world of young people, just like Her Majesty Queen Catherine. I believe that the Danlan Kingdom will be led by her Majesty on the road to a "powerful nation", and adults are the country. It’s time to rest after all the hard work."

Harandi's words made the elderly veteran a momentary stun, but he couldn't say what he said in his throat, and he had to withdraw with a gloomy face.

The meaning of the words, why didn't he understand that he had worked hard all his life in officialdom?

"Your Majesty!"

With the scream of the attendant, the noisy king's hall suddenly became quiet.

Under the gaze of the ministers, from the passage beside the throne, Catherine, dressed in a platinum robe and wearing a golden crown, appeared under the support of Karina, and walked slowly towards the throne.

Against the backdrop of the gorgeous and exquisite gown, Catherine was petite, but she also showed a mighty power.

On the throne, the little figure sat down.

Beside the throne, Karina stood straight, and she glanced around at the ministers in the hall, and finally fixed her eyes on Prime Minister Harandi.

Speaking slightly, Karina said softly: "Prime Minister Harlandi! I would like to trouble you to explain to the ministers."

In Karina's gaze, Harandi nodded.

Turning around, Harandi faced the ministers behind him.

Facing the pair of sights, Harandi calmly said: "I won’t say any more. After many days of discussion with your Majesty, three days later, here, in the king’s hall, the Danlan Kingdom will Signed a "subsidiary" agreement with the First Army. From then on, the Danlan Kingdom will become a subject of the First Army."

Harandi's words did not cause much commotion in the hall, because many ministers had known the situation in advance.

This is what Harandi deliberately did, so that there won't be too much riots in today's court meeting.

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